1st World Problems: Golden Ghetto Political Vandalism Reported Before Midterms

Here's a glimpse at carboard problems that trouble the middle-class. Checkit:

Overland Park woman's campaign signs vandalized, pointing to growing political discord

OVERLAND PARK, Kan. -- It's not unusual during a fiery election season, like the one we're in now, for political signs to get yanked from people's yards or even vandalized. But one metro homeowner says she was stunned to find her signs defaced with extreme vulgarities.


  1. Can't even get a sub-headline right? Try "cardboard".

  2. Can't find anything more important to whimper about?
    Try keeping off the keyboard.

  3. More democratic lies

  4. Cry us all a river.


  5. Professor Harris aka professor dumb ass says we have a president that has mostly unfavorable ratings????? Um I hate to tell him Trump's ratings are extremly high!

    The news says lib is a derogatory term????? How is lib short for liberal derogatory?

    But look at what the "libs" are doing to Melania Trump right now, and what they have done in the past!

    Hats off to whoever did this you have my support!

  6. But wait, I thought only the Democrats did this kind of stuff? Whoa, there's assholes on both sides, get out of here!

  7. My experience is that such overt acts of misogyny/racism/gay bashing are done by the people that they purport to attack. Why? Look at the headlines. What better way to call the other side racists, misogynists, and gay bashers than a bunch of campaign signs with this stuff written on them.

  8. I'll second your statement @9:48AM. As with every race hoax since the MU riots, these oh-the-Republican-thugs-did-this-let's-print-it are usually perpetrated by the one actually turning the story in. The prog side is made up of degenerates that don't participate in civil society, while Republican's do. Not coincidentally, that is why the Republican's often lose battles on the ground. The progs will do literally anything to win; physical attacks, character assassination, fake news ad naseum. The Republican's want to convince people that their ideas and ideals are the best practice for a peaceful high-functioning civil society where everybody willing to do work will flourish.

  9. Jobs not mobs.


  10. 11:54 - Hope you're not retired and utilizing Social Security or relying on Medicare (or your parents) because if you get your way and elect a bunch of Republicans who could give two shits about you, the deficit they're running up is going to end up costing you. Weird, I thought the tax cuts were supposed to pay for themselves?

    Oldest trick in the book, rich guys take the cookies and let poor schlubs fight over the crumbs.

    Suckers. It's like taking candy from babies.

    1. Nah, the oldest trick in the book is the attempt to scare the elderly. Fail.


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