Lesser newsies are still saving their columns and opinions on this topic while our blog community is much more busy debating the topic in real time.

A worthwhile missive on the sitch overall:

Republic: Trying to hold state Trump won, McCaskill feels pull to left

The latest as Jackson County Democrats are rallying for/with McCaskill today at 2PM:

UPDATE: Missouri GOP calls McCaskill's opposition to Kavanaugh 'slap in the face' to Missourians

WASHINGTON D.C. (KCTV) -- U.S. Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-MO) says she will oppose Judge Brett Kavanaugh's nomination to the Supreme Court. She said concerns over campaign finance was the primary reason for her choice. Full statement: "I have been thorough in examining Judge Kavanaugh's record.


  1. Just like 6 years ago, Claire is not in favor of legitimate rape.

    The Greedy Old Perverts (including Hawlery?!?) pushing for an accused legitimate rapist to the Supreme Court will ensure she gets another term.

    Keep on insulting and bullying women you guys.

  2. ^^^^^^Fuck you the guy hasn't been charged or even proven he did anything. The real problem is Trump haters like you who are completely fucking stupid.

  3. ^^^ But he is accused. That's enough to conduct an FBI investigation and take testimony when it's done.

    He doesn't have to withdraw, at least not yet. But there is no way they can hold a confirmation vote now.

    Rushing it through make is look like they are hiding something really bad. The judge should actually welcome an investigation to clear his name. If he's really innocent.

    1. Enough for the FBI to investigate? He was 17 and “may” have grabbed some tit at a party...not a federal crime or we would all be in trouble?

  4. 5:50 WOW, you’re an idiot

  5. The nutty professor has changed her stories over the years, so it might be a bit difficult testifying under oath.
    Perjury can be a difficult thing.
    Kavanaugh will be confirmed.
    And Claire will lose.
    This issue couldn't have come at a worse time for her, but she played her weak hand in the usually cowardly way waiting for the wind to blow one way or the other.
    Trying to count votes isn't leadership.

  6. McCaskill will vote no on Kavanaugh and I'm voting no on McCaskill.

  7. Look at 8:39, a true Russian rube. That's cute. Do you take all your talking points from Vladmir Putin?

    1. Bob Woodward just said there was no evidence of Russian collusion, and he was researching his smear piece for two years.

      Also, no one has been charged with any treason or collusion. Sorry. :)

  8. Sure Claire, what is the FBI supposed to do? Go dust for fingerprints for something that is claimed to have happened over 35 years ago? Don’t know the time or place? This story is BS and so is this attempt to block a Republican from getting on the Supreme Court. I can’t believe we are giving this liberal professor from California the time of day and making a big hoopla over it.

    Metoo hypocrites. You go out and preach your crap about metoo and worship bill clinton and take money from fundraising by democrat super donor Harvey Weinstein knowing he is a rapist.

  9. According to Republicans, being charged with sexual assault is his main qualification.

  10. ^^^^^According to people with common sense you're a flaming idiot.

  11. ^^Says the Republican, which is a long word for idiot.

    How many women have accused the president of sexual assault?

    Way more than one.

    1. You mean President Bill Clinton? Yeesh, tons. :)

    2. Clinton stole his pussy. At least Trump paid for his!

  12. At this point, is anyone still claiming that he is the best man for the job?

    Is there really no one else that Trump can nominate?

    1. Why? He's a sterling candidate with a spotless career, except for maybe kind of something that all of a sudden someone remembered might have happened at a high school party decades ago, for which there really aren't any witnesses, evidence, or a credible narrative.

  13. Suck it you liberal losers! Kavanaugh WILL BE CONFIRMED! That dried up old hag Claire can bitch and moan about it all the way until Nov 3rd, 2020 when we will really give her something to cry about! AGAIN!!

  14. Like Trump, his idiot followers don't know what the FBI does.

    No, morons, they would not get fingerprints. They would track down all classmates of Kavanaugh and Ford and take background statements. They would track down all the people at the party and interview them about specific events.

    The judge said he wasn't there. Easy for the FBI to check. Then we would know if he lying. Is his planned Monday testimony actually perjury? That is also disqualifying for a SCOTUS pick.

    The FBI isn't prosecuting. They would preparing a background check and report about the credible incident. Then the Senate would call in the main witnesses, after they get the report. They can then ask relevant questions based on facts, not a stupid he said / she said sham hearing.

    Exactly like the FBI did for Anita Hill and Clarence Thomas. An investigation that all the republicans praised. We can wait a few weeks or even months to get this right. We waited over a year while the GOP did nothing to fill Scalia's seat.

    As to the defense that 17 years are just rapey by nature, I guess boys will be boys - Go fuck yourself. You and your whole disgusting Repukelican party. November will hurt.

    1. It will hurt for you, as voters react to this utterly cynical hail mary about the flimsiest of high school allegations. It reeks of desperation because it is. For this tiny chance to derail the Kavanaugh seat, the dems are willing to ignore everything they pretend to know and believe about due process. Not to mention the so-sad-it's funny hypocrisy about who is held accountable--when is Juanita Brodderick's FBI investigation?

      Just do yourself a favor and admit what everyone knows--this is total bullshit, a scrambling political maneuver to delay a foregone conclusion and maybe score points for the election.

      Utterly nauseating. The dems know no depths to what they will do, even using the real phenomenon of sexual harassment. Shame. You change your values more often than you change your underwear.

  15. Smart move.

    Besides, after Monday, Kavanaugh will be toast. Not because he was a clumsy, horny, drunken teenager but because (instead of just apologizing for stupidly scaring a girl 35 years ago) he is going to LIE to the Committee. Every WOMAN in America will know it is a lie -- as will most every man. Any Senator who votes for him (D or R) who is up for re-election in November is screwed.

    1. No. Every WOMAN who doesn't uncritically subscribe to democratic hysteria politics will know they have no friends among the virtue signaling hypocrites of the left. Every MAN will know that if he is a democrat, he can bite a lady's lip off and fornicate in the oval office and still be praised; if he is a republican, the most spotless record cannot protect him from the vague memories of convenient accusers from a distant and shadowy past.

      There, fixed that for you.

  16. Phil,

    You are an idiot. I'll be sure to say I told you so when Tony taco boy spins up a story next week about our new Supreme Court Judge.

    And dont forget... You are an absolute dumbass.

  17. ^^^^^I agree 3:04

  18. 2:46,, why would someone apologize for something he did not do. If you have proof it actually happened bring it forward. So far the evidence indicates that the accuser is a Democratic Party game piece, likely more than a bit addled.

    Now let's talk about the young woman who has accused Democratic darling Keith Ellison (PBUH-MN) of much more than drunken teenage groping.

    They say, if you didn't have double standards you wouldn't have any at all. But I suspect you have more than double.

  19. 3:23 royally ripped Phil a new one! Wow, Cinderella is an attorney who quickly deems Kavanaugh guilty. EVER HEARD OF FALSE ACCUSATIONS? OR, HOW ABOUT INNOCENT UNTIL, uh, yeah, PROVEN GUILTY, something your family has experience with.

    Ford is looking more each day like a LIAR and LACKEY for several fronts. Her fabricated accusation is being pushed bigly by the lib lunatics of the fake news cartels. Scrubbing social media of her far leftist, proggy profile is very telling.

    Judge K already politely stated that Ford is faulty in her memory as to inserting him into the episode she describes. He's a gentleman, while EVERYBODY ELSE KNOWS SHE'S A LIAR!

    See, Phil, if you can say Brett will LIE to the Committee, then others can say Christine LIES!

    1. ^Cardarella, not Cinderella...unless auto correct knows something we don't.

  20. Al Franklin was forced to resign from the Senate for not raping someone. No hearings, testimony or due process.

    The accusation is enough to disqualify Brett from the court.

    Maybe Trump could actually keep his promise and pick a judge from his list. Kavanaugh was NOT on his campaign list of judges. Trump broke his promise with this pick.

    1. No, because an accusation isn't enough unless you're at the Salem Witch trials.

      Franken chose to resign, and should have, after being as huge a hypocrite on women's issues as the rest of the left.

      Try harder.

  21. Brett has already committed perjury before the Senate committee on other topics.

    He needs to withdraw without kicking, screaming and fighting.

    Unlike 35 years ago.

    1. Cute, but everyone knows it's just a political bullshit story.

      Unlike the string of Clinton accusers for which there is real and credible evidence, witnesses, and narrative. Where is their justice, O warrior for women?

      That's right. They don't get justice because the entire leftist establishment and every so-called feminist from Steinem on down spread wide for rapey Bill when it was politically expedient.

      Wake me up when you or the left reccover an ounce of credibility or consistency on this issue.

  22. The accusation is enough to keep him off the court. This isn't about a trial or jailtime.

    A nominee should be beyond reproach.

    The judge should welcome the FBI investigation to clear his name, unless he's hiding something.

    In that case, Trump can (and should) select someone off his campaign promise list. Brett was not on his judge list.

    1. Spam it all you like; it gets no more convincing. The judge is above all reproach; it took the therapy notes of an addled left-wing operative trying to recall the fuzzy details of a high school party decades ago to cast even the slightest shadow. That's digging deep; into confused memory and possible fiction. Anyone xan allege anything, and the timing of this desperate Feinstein hole card says it all. A cynical attempt to derail a great nominee by callously using the struggle of abused women.

  23. Clinton was already impeached so zip it unless you want Trump to go through the same thing.

    Kavanaugh needs to rejected. For perjury alone, he should be disqualified.

  24. ^^^ Go read the judge's yearbook. Beyond reproach my ass. McConnell warned Trump to not pick him. The 'little woman is nuts' defense is insulting.

    Trump assaults dozens of women and his supporters yell fake news. Roy Moore molests little girls and the supporters yell liberal bias attack and still fund his campaign.

    Brett is just another sex offender that the Greedy Old Perverts want to force on us despite a majority telling them 'No'.

    That seems to be the ongoing pattern.

    1. What's insulting is the left-wing use of the legitimate #metoo movement in a floundering attempt to score politically. She might not be nuts, but she's on record as a virulent anti-Trump professor (with terrible ratings, I might add) who keeps changing her story, her memory, her grasp of the circumstances, and her willingness to do anything but trade politically on this awful trauma she might remember from the keggers they used to have all the time.

      Trump hasn't assaulted anyone, that's your silly partisan mythology talking. Juanita Brodderick's justice for getting her face bitten by Rapey Bill is still pending. Your hypocrisy shines so very bright. :)

      That's the pattern, dear. Liberals virtue signaling and changing their so-called values to meet political circumstances. And everyone knows it.

  25. Trump admits to assault. He bragged about grabbing pussy.

    For you to deny what he admits on tape makes your entire post pointless.

    Instead of defending yet another legitimate rape, go have another stroke :()((

    1. So, falling back on the old reliable pussy grabbing meme. Funny, desperate, typical.

      So empty bragging, with no proof, taken out of context, in your mind equals actual rape. Gotcha. Who had a stroke again, buttercup?

      Anyway. Your side originally trotted it out thinking it would fool voters...after an actual rapist had haunted the white house with his hag-enabler wife in support with a whole staff to quash 'bimbo eruptions'. Instead of a man who can and did pay for his pleasures, you wanted to elect the woman whose main job it was to destroy women who were brave enough to stand up to ACTUAL rape with ACTUAL evidence.

      Sorry, you're incoherent. But then, you're on the left and your only issue and motivation is your frothing hatred. So silly.

      Go to bed and stop wishing ill on people for diagreeing with you. I know the left has become pointlessly vicious, but you don't have to live the meme. :)


    DEMS=Dirty Evil Molester Sickos

    The Clinton crime cartel and other DEMS funded a campaign for Huma's hubby, Weiner, the cheater (Carlos Danger) and also convicted sex offender (for sending pics of his dick to an underage girl).

    The guest list is too long for here of the DEMS flying on convicted pedo Jeffrey Epstein's Lolita Express to his private Pedo Island.

    Billy Jeff is still top of the heap for trying repeatedly with the "little woman is nuts" defense. How'd that work out for Slick Willy? Danged ol' DNA on a blue dress.

    1. 11:21 is for the 9:52 nut!


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