Sharice Davids Claps Back Against Kansas Congressman Yoder Corporate Cash

Fair play for halftime break . . . The Kansas contender hits the incumbent in his pocketbook.


"Sharice Davids’ campaign has released a new ad “Four” holding Congressman Kevin Yoder accountable for taking money from special interests, then voting to help them at the expense of Kansans.

"Yoder’s campaign is “fueled by PAC money,” with more than half of it coming from PACs and less than 1 percent from small donors.

"Davids’ campaign, in contrast, is largely funded by grassroots donors. The average contribution to her campaign is $25."

Take a look:

You decide . . .


  1. I will vote for her.


  2. Sharice could totally kick his ass.

  3. More breathless hype and campaign horse race reporting.
    Just like the Star's "reporting" about health care and pre-existing conditions, consisting of little more than speculation and make-beieve alarm.
    Davids is nothing more than a lightweight identity politics candidate who is a creation of the Washington Dems and the current fascination with any candidate who is a woman, a "person of color", a minority of any sort, or is "gender nonconforming".
    Those are supposedly the criteria for being taken seriously.
    No need for experience, a track record of accomplishing much of anything, or any well-thought-out policy proposals or recommendations.
    Pure make-believe fantasyland.
    Yoder will win by double digits.
    The poor 'ole Star's in the tank so far they can't even see daylight.

  4. 2:09--You could kick his ass.

  5. ^^Your corporate overlords thank you for your support of their creature.

    Davids is a representative of the people.

    Yoder is not.

    1. “...representative of the people”

      So all the people who always reelect him are not people?

  6. Sharice has no room to talk she's an Indian everything is free to her including college

  7. ^^Boo hoo, keep trying tool.

  8. ^^^ "everything is free?" So when she goes to the grocery store and gas station it's free? Is her mortgage or rent free? You would vote for Hitler if he had an R behind his name.

  9. Typical degenerate lesbo. Always the victim.

  10. ^^^^^^ you are right on, these idiots are always the victim!

  11. ^^Trump was elected by middle class white men who feel that they are the REAL victims.

  12. I have reservations about Sharice. She needs some qualifications other than being a stupid lesbian Lickahoe tribe Native American.

  13. 3:14 we are, obama made sure of that, and then the stupid slw’s with white guilt issues finished us off. You should be happy your boy and his ilk put us in our places.

    Guess what though?


  14. I doubt that the average contribution to Davids' campaign is $25. Maybe she's referring to the "median" contribution. Or maybe she's just lying.

  15. You know how to Win an election running if your opponent is a socialist .Remind them and educate about the Effects of Socialism IN countries like CUBA VENEZUELA .ECT.WHEN all your hard earned money or smart earned money goes to taxes. There is no money left to keep the economy going .and if people don't have money to spend. Hear comes the layoffs. You can't do Business with people that don't have any money.

  16. She's not qualified to be mayor of Perfect Village.

  17. Sharice Davids lacks any qualification at all. If all of you above can think of one that really is real then post it. She has never run for an elective office. She will help Pelosi destroy our way of life in America not promote it.
    I would also like to see if she is a democrat plant or a real Kansan, has she filed a Kansas tax return in the past five years? I'll bet that is a NOT.
    Don't fall for the free this and free that. The national debt went up over 10 trillion under Obama and with Davids and Pelosi and Sanders it will triple to over 60 Trillion before you can vote them out of office.
    At least Yoder won't vote to support those policies.

  18. The alleged Trillions in tax breaks were the new 2018 Tax Law. So each and every one of you are getting part of the tax break. Sharice Davids too, maybe not, you'd have to pay taxes to get the tax break.
    If you oppose the tax breaks the US Treasury will accept a check from you to return it as soon as possible. Need the address?

  19. So Davids hasn't taken any money from special interests? That's laughable. And of course, she'll be a puppet for the special interests, just like all members of Congress.

  20. She is she pledging to not take any PAC money? Please. Leftist orgs are foaming at the mouth for her to win.

  21. The individual tax breaks are only temporary.

  22. don't believe she's not getting huge outside money, too.

    huge advertising by her as well as him.

    it's had to see her meriting and getting a virtue vote on money. (not disagreeing that incumbents don't get big money from their friends.)

  23. Bullshit. You men invent reasons to hate on her, when the truth is simply that she is woman who dares to have the temerity to run for public office.

    You hate that!

    What are Yoder's qualifications, other than being a white, male Republican?

  24. Y O D E R VOTER!

    I've seen more yardsigns for Yoder, including around Shawnee Mission suburbs.

    Yoder may be a Congressman but he's tried hard to service constituents and he seems reasonable and representative of the district consensus.

    PS I am a person, not a bot.

  25. Guess D.C. is needing a replacement for Pocahontas.

  26. Hey @ 5:10. Maybe you haven't noticed that you're either a female or a male. Oh and by the way that is part of her identity politics with the line "I'm a Lesbian". Hint that is code for female. Your gender does not make you better than anyone. What makes you better is your integrity and intelect if you can only play identity politics you are lacking some of that.
    If being a woman is such a huge advantage then why won't Shraice debate Kevin since he would by your standard that "she has a vagina and thus is superior" she would win the debates? Because that is stupid and you are too.

  27. The individual tax breaks are "renewable". They do expire but will likely get renewed so what is your point?

  28. She's gonna be the United States first Lesbian President!

  29. "Renewable"? There is no renew clause in the law.

    They expire.

    That makes them temporary.

    That's not the worst of it. Only the lucky ones get an actual cut. Capping local & state deductions and other changes mean millions are getting tax increases.

    In fact, there was a recent warning issued to workers about checking their withholding. Trump's treasury changed the schedule so badly that many families used to big refunds will get much smaller refunds and might even own taxes in April. Surprise!

    The Wall Street cuts are permanent.


    Kansas Congressman Yoder Against Corporate CashBack for Sharice Davids' Clap

  31. ^^^^ Lulz.

    Hey now, this is actually a good thing that we're talking about this stuff.

    I like what Sharice has to say and I like that she is offering her supporters a way to interact with her. Yoder seems out of touch by comparison.

  32. It's amazing how many tea party conservatives have completely sold out their country.

    Stop promoting this corrupt swamp politician who regularly sells his vote to the highest bidding lobbyist and has already added nearly $10 trillion in debt since he took office.

    You talk tough about debt and then at election time tuck tail and fluff for this idiot. Every single election.

    You will never get a conservative until he's been fired.

    There is a libertarian on the ballot.

  33. @1043. She speaks but never offers how she is going to pay for any of her empty promises. She says "I'm going to reduce drug prices". Tell us how. She can't, same as Claire saying the same thing. She says "I'm going to enforce border security" But has said she is going to defund ICE. She says "I am going to make healthcare affordable and cover pre-existing conditions". The GAO says that is a 62 Trillion dollar budget busting problem. How is the country going to survive her generosity with no money to back it up? She can't. That is where people have to have experience in budgeting, she doesn't, and working with private sectors to get good laws written, she can't.
    You need to get your head out of where it is and realize how the world works. In the past two years has she ever paid any taxes in Kansas or is she a democrat party plant. If she loses she will be gone from Kansas in 3 days. Betcha.
    She needs to agree to five debates with Yoder, what is she afraid of?
    We can't afford Sharice Davids! No dark money(?), funny all of the PAC's are paying for her advertisements on TV at several hundred a pop. If her average donation is $25 she must have 100,000 donors to afford the ads. She is an economic genius! (sarcasm).

  34. @ 8:28, actually there is a clause in the bill allowing congress to extend the tax cuts by a roll call vote. You just showed how limited your nowledge is. I intentionally left the "K" off so you'd recognize the word.

  35. Correction: Dear 11:54, I need to correct your statements as they are FALSE.

    The Obama administration with the democrats having control of both houses of congress added the 10 Trillion debt on the backs of our children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. The Obama administration with the control of both houses of congress added more debt to our nation than all previous administrations combined going back to George Washington. You can't hang that on Yoder, he's a republican.

    Tea Party conservatives were elected just like the non-experienced Sharice Davids wants to be elected but when they got to DC they found out that the world works differently and you have to work together to accomplish anything. They learned, they got smarter, the country suffered in the meanwhile. We don't need to repeat that experiment again.

    Libertarian candidates almost never succeed because they never learn to work together.

  36. Hey @ 8:28. If you hit the cut off on deducting State and Local taxes there are a couple of things you need to own up to. 1) You make a shit load of money or, 2) You have a house with a full mortgage in excess of $750,000.
    If that is true then you don't have any right to complain because you quit paying Social Security when your annual income was in excess of $139,000 and so you got a 7.5% increase in take home pay at that time.
    My guess is that you listen to other people who don't know the truth and you believe it. Statistically those restrictions only apply to about the top 10% of all taxpayers, probably not you.

  37. She is a DUMBASS , clueless as to what normal American human beings go through each day ! All she / it / lesbian morons has is that weez gunna be different cause of all of these douchebag LIBERAL BITCH HOMOSEXUALLY ABOUNDS TRANNY BITCHES weirdness that hangs with me ?¿?¿

  38. Correction 12:09 - You always state wrong numbers on debt. Obama wasn't $10 trillion (closer to $8T and the financial crisis stuck him with plummeting revenues that was the main cause of $1 trillion debts for his first 2 years), but you never learn that despite shoving in your face every time.

    But for this specific case, you are wrong because Obama lost the House and Senate in his first midterm. The GOP controlled Congress and their bills authorized spending from 2010 - 2016. 6 of 8 years. Again, you don't know history.

    Guess who went to DC in that red wave of 2010. Yep, big spending Yoder. He has always been in the MAJORITY his entire career and is now also approving Trump's trillion dollar annual deficits now. His first 8 years will match Obama's spending and he did it when the economy and tax revenues were rising, not falling.

    Yoder can't duck the responsibility on spending. His newsletter brags about his committee authority over it.

    If you are so concerned about lack of experience, here's a better idea. There is a TV reality guy at 1600 Penn you should consider removing.

  39. ^^Excellent comment. Thank you.

    She is accused of using "identity politics" & yet most of the hateration she receives is because of her identity (see 1:27's sick rant.)

    She's hated because she's a women, she's hated because she's a lesbian & she's hated because she's a Native American.

  40. Yes, here is where the Trump deplorables are the worst.

    They claim to be sick of political correctness and want to speak the truth. But then their main arguments are about "Identity Politics".

    It's how they attack most Democrats. What a bunch of pussies.

    Instead of complaining about identity politics candidates, stop being politically correct and say what you mean by that. A few here do.

    It's that you won't vote for that bitch, spic, darkie, or faggot (and a combination is even worse). The aggrieved white male has had enough of reverse discrimination and won't put up with these uppity minorities now stealing their shit and ruining everything. I want my country back. MAGA. That's the Republican party of 2018 and what you support with a vote for people like Yoder.

    Just hear what they are really saying as they try to mask their hate behind talk about being sick of identity politics.


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