Celebrate Kansas City Dollar House Hype

The newspaper runs more promotion for City Hall and a program that mostly proved disappointing for locals without deep pockets looking for a bargain.

Read more:

KC's dollar houses: 19 no longer on dangerous homes list | The Kansas City Star


  1. Will Hyde Park be the next dollar neighborhood, it's becoming very blighted. Trash on the front porches, ratty swings in the trees.

  2. Jenna is transitioning from a man to a woman, for real, it’s been in the newspaper several times

  3. Let’s get real here, why has it taken over two years to get here when they weren’t that bad to begin with, I looked at several and thought four months would do the trick to make them livable. I chose not too because of the terrible neighborhoods

  4. 9:51, what's your point?

  5. Yeah, it really is a neighborhood issue. I wouldn't live in most of these locations if it was a brand new house and didn't have to pay any mortgage.

  6. ^10:42 +100000000000000000000!

  7. Might as well hand your tools and materials to the locals, they will steal them as soon as you leave for the night anyway.


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