Witness Kansas City Highway Biker Wheelie

More than 10 minute of motorcycle tricks offer not only an impressive display of athleticism but also reveal that Summertime sport bike gangs continue to flex on local streets despite efforts to thwart their rides.

Developing . . .


  1. I love it when they fall. Show those videos, TKC. Ten minutes of "stunt bikin'" is about 9:50 too long. I hope these stunt bikers start doing this stuff without helmets on. What would really be impressive is if they caught these guys on video obeying traffic laws. It would be cool to see them not overreact or get all butthurt to perceived slights by cars on the road, too.

  2. As an old rider, I must say this guy is one hell of a skilled rider. MY pulse rate probably jumped 10 points just watching this. I'm curious ablut the learning curve. One doesn't just jump on a bike and do this without making some mistakes. As far at the above comment where he wishes to see a fall, fuck him. From what I could see, the only danger was to themselves, in this case.

  3. These guys probably are members of Bike/Walk Kansas CIty. Just as stupid.

  4. But at least they do have cajones, as opposed to Mr. Hogg and the soyboys walking around staring at their phones. From what I saw, the only folks in danger were the riders. They weren't robbing, raping, or engaged in the usual thuggery. Sort of refreshing to see some Alpha males as this country sinks into liberal hell. Need to have a protest march against testosterone !!!

  5. Mobile organ donors,

  6. Maybe. Maybe better than sitting around playing video games and facebooking.

  7. Look at these dicks holding up traffic. Go find a track.

  8. @1:27 Do you mean fecesbooking?


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