Big win tonight for collective bargaining . . . Here's the aftermath on the easiest win tonight amid overwhelming support for workers . . .

"Missouri’s Proposition A has been defeated – and soundly. The vote repeals the right-to-work measure in Missouri and is a major victory for unions. With 52 percent of the votes counted and the race called, the no votes on Prop A lead with 62 percent of the vote."

FOX2NOW: Right-to-work overturned as Prop A fails

Developing . . .


  1. And the Missouri GOP was so proud of having delivered on at least one thing they promised in the 2016 campaigns.

  2. Just goes to show what happens when a duly elected Governor is hounded from office and then millions of out of state cash comes rolling in.
    I don't watch local TV but I did receive 5 "vote no" cards in the mail and 2 door hangers, vs one "vote yes" card.
    Welcome to the prog state.

  3. The well-paid Prog State.

  4. Dumb voters. My wife and daughter "researched Prop A" and candidates together via cell phone on their drive to the polls - their only research. My wife didn't even know this was a primary election and had no idea what the poll workers were asking her when they asked which ballot she wanted. This is how the Dems vote. They both were researching Facebook - the bastion of fair political reporting. Low-information voters, both. If a candidate was anti-Trump, anti-gun, and anti-NRA, that was their choice. My other kids couldn't be bothered to vote.

    1. Your family sounds as stupid as you are. Good job raising your kids. FYI...they both hate you anyway. Maybe if you spent more time with them instead of wasting time on here at 11:43PM, they might listen a little more. You all sound like losers to me

  5. ^^^Welcome to the real world geezer. You live in a bubble. All you watch is Faux News and you spend your day on here with a dozen other geezers. You have no idea what’s going on in the real world. I bet you think Trump’s doing a good job and is a very popular president. It’s you whose the moron.

  6. I told you I would see you at the prop A defeated victory party! You stupid rubes who think it would pass are hopelessly out of touch. People have woken up to what the right and corporations have done to them. That blue wave will be a tsunami by November.

  7. Union leaders are celebrating because they can continue to use those union dues for big salaries, lavish perks and massive contributions to out of state political campaigns.


  8. Take a look at the geezer haters post @ 5:57 he's all pro union but anti Trump and he's too stupid to know it was Trump who put a lot of the union workers back to work......that the democrats put out on the street.

    Now that's funny!

  9. The union taking money from you to fight for causes you may not support is no different then companies using profits to support causes you may not support.

  10. @9:04AM Trump sure put those union workers at Harley Davidson and the Carrier Plant in Indiana back to work now didn't he? No? You mean they lost their jobs after he said no more companies would be leaving the US? Jesus Christ geezer, get of Fox News once in a while. You can't be that dumb are you? Never mind, your idiotic post confirms it. Stay in the dark idiot, and Fox News will keep feeding you shit like the mushroom you are. Now that's funny!

  11. 11:55 you're the one who needs to seek the truth and not the voices in your head. Now get back on the trash truck and get to picking up along your route. People been bitching about your poor performance of late.

  12. ^^EWWW..that was...horrible. It reads as if a retarded first-grader wrote it. You suck at this. You got your ass run by 11:55AM and THIS is what you come back with? Jesus Christ gramps....quit it. Go watch's all you know.

  13. @11:30PM. You are right, the people with union jobs might be well paid, but what about those without jobs? I guess you are in favor of a $15/hr minimum wage for them. You need a lesson in economics. Why would a company want to move to Missouri or expand in Missouri or stay in Missouri when they can go other places like Texas without dealing with Unions, hmmmmm? The bottom line is not just well paying union jobs, is the the gross wages paid in aggregate. You just voted to have less.
    And for all those crowing about this "victory", you have just abdicated your right to complain about money in politics. I for one, would have liked to see this be decided by Missourians.

  14. ^^^Wrong! This is a failed Faux News talking point. There has been NO, and I mean NO correlation between jobs locating to right-to-work states and non-right-to-work states. Nice try. Check out the NY Times for an article on this. Oh that's right, the NYT is "Fake news". You fucking simp. Keep eating the Faux News shit. Maybe one day you'll wake up, but most likely not as you seem really, really, old. Go sell your lies elsewhere. We don't tolerate your kind here.

  15. If you want to fight unions. Employers should make sure their employees are well treated. Anyone can organize but many don’t because some employers know how to treat workers!

  16. @3:29 what is with the ageism? Just more of that kind, tolerant, liberal hypocrisy. Are you saying young people's opinions are better than older people's? Healthy cultures used to REVERE the opinions of their elders. But millennial think they know it all, just like every other generation of kids.
    For every NY Times article you cite about jobs, I can cite 3 Wall Street Journal ones. Or is the WSJ not good enough for you socialists? Texas and Florida rebounded from the Great Recession rather nicely. Why was that? Low taxes, and right to work. Even with all the illegals pushing wages down.
    And you use Fox News as a whipping boy all you want, but I didn't mention it, you did. I think I counted 3 straw men arguments in your short post. Maybe you should take a lesson from your elders, and learn about logical fallacies. Now go fuck off.


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