Here's a not so fun fact that should put Kansas City life in perspective as the nation confronts continued debate over CLASS WARFARE and the rampant wage stagnation that nobody like to acknowledge.

Just a quick tidbit of inside scoop from our TOP ECHELON INSIDERS . . .


While it's not as nice as the Obama compound, it's nothing to sneeze at . . .

This is important for a lot of reasons but here are a few that come to mind . . .

Mayor Sly's tenure has been defined by giving away cash to high-end living space throughout the downtown area amid overall neglect of both middle-class and low income neighborhoods further down the food chain.

To be fair, he didn't approve the subsidy for his own residence. The Land Clearance Redevelopment Authority froze his building's property taxes for ten years and the benefit recently expired.

Nevertheless . . .

As Mayor Sly enters his THE LAME DUCK PHASE OF HIS TENURE his fancy digs should keep locals from feeling too sorry for his newfound political impotence. It happens to other guys too . . . And the Mayor is living the good life otherwise.

Finally, during the last election it was hard to pin down the Mayor's current community roots but now it's easier to know where he's coming from beyond a long-ago 60s era connection to Montgall . . . 

Nowadays, he's a resident of a secured, locked down, luxury community that is out of reach for the vast majority of Kansas City residents.

You decide . . .


  1. Hypocrisy on display in everything he does.

    His talk is cheap.

    1. Absolutely correct.

      The guy has talked out of both sides of his mouth for YEARS and it's about time we put an end to that Montgall garbage. He hasn't been back in 50 years. He ain't from there.

    2. Actually, I'm glad to see that that mayor still lives in KC at all. I thought he spent most of his time in Washington D.c. looking for his next big job and a night on the town with his favorite beverage.

  2. Really below the belt here TKC. Yes, the mayor is entitled to be successful and live wherever he wants but that doesn't mean he doesn't represent ALL of Kansas City. What you're doing is trying to divide the people of this city against a leader who has done more for our community than most leaders have in years. The Mayor has given this city unbelievable momentum and part of the reason we have so many people wanting to come to our downtown area and spend their money in every community is because Mayor James has led the way in helping to create more jobs and build more places so that ALL people have a place in KC. This is exactly class warfare and it's not the mayor doing it, it's this blog!

    1. Jeez, that is so cringe-y. I actually hope you work for him and don't come up with this garbage on your own or else you might be worse than any "fanboy" in KC.

  3. Go4KC , Please provide examples of this momentum. Murders? Homeless? Corruption?

  4. it's a super-cool building for sure. the amenities are over the top.

  5. So what? Who cares? People are free to live wherever they want. If you claim to care, you have no life and nothing better to do. Grow up.

  6. Go4KC has to be the most clueless person in this town alongside his good buddy Mayor James who will go down in history as the worst mayor ever in Kansas City. Soon as he is out of office all the crap he has pulled will rise to the surface once those who fear him due to the power he has now over them is no longer in place. Hope fatman likes the color orange.

  7. welcome to the world of corrupt elites.

  8. Hey Democrats !!!

    You think this would have happened under fat and happy Billary ???


  9. This article is patently false. I know where he lives its not some "secured, locked down, luxury community." Is it a historic neighborhood in Kansas City, yes. Is it some posh luxury area available only to the elite, definitely not. Thanks for the click bait though Tony.

    1. The ghost of Steve Glorioso8/27/18, 9:54 AM

      You dumb son of a bitch @9:36 - The Mayor doesn't live in that neighborhood anymore. This is why Tony shouldn't try to be nice. Check the voting records, the mayor lives downtown now.

      You're out of the loop 9:36, you might also mistakenly believe the guy is still married too and that hasn't be correct for about 3 years.

  10. 9:36 You are an idiot

  11. You know, I appreciate the work that goes into this site and I find out a lot of info about KC from the links here. I think we should limit the content to that, what I don't like is the way that elected officials are bullied on TKC. That needs to stop. People who run for office have rights too and I think making things personal against the Mayor is not appropriate along with so much vitriol sent his way.

    If you want to talk about issues, fine but TKC is not the New York Post, attacking the mayor for living in a condo is not right and it needs to stop! If the haters her think it's appropriate then they are wrong as well.

    1. GopherKC, I would love to know if you’re for real or if you just fan the flame of opposition for kicks. If you are for real, you couldn’t be more of a puppet if sLIE had his hand up your dress. It’s one thing to be a fan of the mayor, yet something altogether different when you would fight the devil himself trying to convince him that sLIE’s turds smell like roses. It doesn’t matter what the topic is, your modus operandi is to throw around some buzzwords like “momentum” and try to convince people that KCMO is not a hot mess. You tend to dodge any threads that have to do with the numerous problems facing KCMO, but pounce on any opportunity you can to kiss sLIE’s ass. Sorry, that’s weird. As is your comment about politicians being criticized and abused. You need to change out of your lace panties and don some big boy boxers or briefs because EVERY politician, GOP or Dem, local or national is going to have biting critics. It goes with the territory. I can’t imagine what you’re going to do when your big daddy’s term ends. Maybe be his Boy Friday? I can’t see you being cut out for anything else.

  12. 957. thanks for that comment. if one thinks about it, the personal attacks are not productive in any way.

  13. I live in the building you are talking about. The Mayor does not live here. I have never seen him here since I moved in. This article is not true.

  14. Bet the "real" elite in the building hope he stays out of their pool.

  15. 10:07 and why would you want to see him?

  16. Go4KC, the taxpayers have rights as well and your boss doesn't seem to be too worried about that as he railroads more and more things for the taxpayers to pay for while all the other services for the city are ignored. Crime and city management is out of control and the solution from city hall is to build something else to distract the media from the real issues.

  17. 9:01 , Nice try, Sly.

  18. 10:07 you are a liar.

  19. This is straight up nit picking but the term "lame duck" has been used a lot on here to describe slie and it is incorrect. Lame Duck typically refers to someone holding office AFTER his/her successor has been elected. For instance, Obama was a lame duck from the period after Trump got elected in november until January, not for the final year in office.

    Like I said, this is nit picking and I apologize. It's just triggering my autism

  20. It's funny how liberals despise one percenters but they keep supporting one percenters like McCaskill, $ly James and Kander.

  21. Supreme Leader of You8/27/18, 10:45 AM

    Elites are entitled to live large.
    Peasant taxpayers should move away.

  22. Freudian Slip Go4KC says...

    Go4KC's comments today are beyond parody.

  23. Sly appears to be the only Mayor in the country who's residence isn't public knowledge or is shrouded by superstition and mystery.

    What's he afraid of?

  24. Go4KC...Is that you Hernandez?

  25. Go4KC, Free Speech means Free Speech.

    TKC is pointing out the hypocrisy of another wealthy Democrat, who lives behind locked doors and gated walls, telling us proles how to live. I betcha no Mexicans, Blacks or white trash like me, can just stroll up to the Mayor's door, knock on it and shoot the shit about TIFs, the Toy Train or the per capita murder rate here in KC.

    The Mayor, stands on his record and that's fine, but pretending that he is a "Man Of The People" is no more true, than pretending that Nancy Pelosi is a "Women Of The People" - Democrat. She is worth 90 million dollars from insider trading she benefited from in her job. Maxine Waters doesn't live in her own district. the list is endless, Democrats are the party of the rich. I just read that Comey made 36 million in one fuckin year, off of his buddy Mueller when Mueller was head of the FBI handing out contracts.

    KC Politics is an insider, smaller version of the DC Swamp.

    TKC likes to expose it. The KC Star sure as hell won't.

    The ONLY news source in town, that holds both Republican and Democrat political feet to the fire, is usually here, at TKC.

  26. By the way, if that is the BMA building, I wired AV for the whole joint.

    That thing sways in the wind, 3 feet. It's a really, really cool place to live if you can afford it.

    1. No wonder my wiring is so shitty

  27. Trump Announces US-Mexico Trade Agreement As He Terminates NAFTA

    Hope he terminates the street car extension also.

  28. Go4KC stated "what I don't like is the way that elected officials are bullied on TKC." Guess what, the citizens of KCMO do not like to be bullied by city government. The people originally rejected the fair weather toy train and look what happened, Slie bullied it through anyway. The KCMO school district told SLie they are not in favor of the pre-K tax and SLie is still trying to bully it through. The list goes on and on. Slie is just like a bull in a china closet.
    Good job on the article Tony.
    Go4KC got his shorts in a knot today provided he wears any.

  29. It looks like the old BMA building to me. Never knew about the swaying, but I do remember when the exterior marble kept falling off. I've heard good things about the condos, but it's sort of in the middle of nowhere.

    I am by no means a Sylvester James fan, but he has the same right to live wherever he wants and can afford as the rest of us do.

  30. Follow the money to his neighborhood and you'll see why the rest of the city is falling to pieces due to neglect.

  31. Tax records show him at 802 Broadway, floor 7, which would not be the old BMA building.

  32. Here’s a good example of moving forward and momentum right here.

    Sobering report regarding good times or the lack thereof at the city college amid more crime impacting students this year and recent attacks against women that were not prosecuted but sparked culture war debate . . .

    Yup Go4kc, were leading the pack alright, murder, crime, rape, robbery and a worthless mayor, city council and prosecutor, don’t even get me started on the jail...... Your ability to skip over the bad stuff is amazing

  33. Do the BMA condos have balconys ? Gotta have a balcony in my book.

    1. You want to be on a balcony with fat motherfucker Sly? Are you crazy?

  34. They must have taken down the "No Coloreds or Jews Allowed" sign.

  35. “Kangaroos Talk Safety As Kansas City Violence Worsens And Threats Against Female Students Intensify”

    All the cool moving forward and momentum cities have these minor inconveniences. You sissy’s need to suck it up, your nothing but a tax base for sLIE and you’re all a dime a dozen, easily replaced so work work work, sLIE’s got money he’s promised to give away.

    I also remember the huge asbestos problem at the bma building, it took years to get all that straightened out.

  36. Chuck, you fucking retard, don't believe everything you read, especially since you make a point of not reading any reputable news sites. Comey did NOT make 36 million in one year. That is a ridiculous lie.

    Your notion that the Democratic Party is the party of the rich is absurd.

    Who blew up the deficit to give the rich a tax cut?

    Republicans are the party of the rich, always have been.

  37. Chuck, like his hero Trump, is incapable of telling the truth.

  38. Chuck tells the truth which the above two posters can’t handle, the blind leading the blind with these two morons

  39. Tax records show him at 802 Broadway, floor 7

    Building Owner... 800 Broadway, LLC

    In the Company´s register of the State of Colorado is with the entity number 20071561308 recorded company 800 Broadway, LLC with the legal form Limited Liability Company. The company was established and set into the register at 10th December 2007 and its seat is actually at. The current status of the company is Delinquent. Process address of this entity is at 711 10TH STREET, SUITE 200, GREELEY, 80631, CO.

  40. 1:41

    Yeah, the poor Clintons are all most out of cash.

    This is in the wind everywhere right now, so, you should close your little peeps so you don't tear up at the corruption of your heroes.

    "In the report, Comey is noted as receiving $6 million in one year along from Lockheed Martin, who is a Clinton Foundation donor, and became a donor in the same year Comey received those funds.

    Additionally, Mr. Comey became a board member, a director, and a Financial System Vulnerabilities Committee member of the London bank HSBC Holdings in 2013. HSBC has also partnered with The Clinton Foundation, where records indicate that the bank projected $1 billion in financing through the Clinton Foundation for "retrofitting" 1,500 to 2,000 housing units to conserve energy.

    Additionally, Peter Comey, James' brother, serves as "Senior Director of Real Estate Operations for the Americas" for DLA Piper, according to the report.

    DLA Piper is number five on Hillary Clinton's all-time career Top Contributors list. DLA also performed an independent audit of The Clinton Foundation in November.

    Stock options valued at 36 Million are said to be part of the package."

    It's a swamp full of rich Democrats who feed off of poor dumbasses like you.

  41. Sly's not moving to D.C. anytime in the near future. May as well shack em up tax free till 2025 at least.

  42. Whats Sly going to do now that NAFTA has been flushed down the toilet? Invite Harley Davidson back?

  43. 'We weaken the world's greatest republic when we hide behind walls': John McCain's final stinging rebuke to Trump

    LOL right I'm sure Trump just caved and fell on knees begging for forgiveness.



  45. The liberals said none of the jobs they shipped out of th u s would come back.

  46. Just like a dumocuck to call people bullies when he gets confronted with all the scams and lies thrown our way, remember people, if you challenge these thieves with facts and truths your automatically racist, evil a liar and now a bully, god you suck gohperkc, if you can’t handle the truth get off of sLIE’s back pocket. By the way your investments are actually insider trading so if I where you I’d watch my back.

  47. I live in the same building as Slie. I see his fat ass all the time in the gym. He doesn't wipe the sweat from the treadmill after his five-minute walk. I heard him say once, "Only the little people clean up their own body fluids from the gym equipment they excrete all over." I go, "Right on, Mr. Mayor! Right on!" Then I went out and tried to pray the crime away and made a "law-abiding citizens with guns from the Northland are responsible for KC crime!" sign.

    P.S. for Go4KC: Shut up, idiot. TKC isn't divisive. You and your butt buddy mayor.


  48. Thanks for the info Tony, unlike Go4KC we have the right to know how our Mayor is living and what he's doing. He is accountable to us! It is not divisive to post this information to us.

    To the other blogger @ 9:36 who says Sly lives in an historic neighborhood that's NOT TRUE he moved from Hyde Park right after he was elected! That's a fact because I lived a few houses from his.


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