TIF For Tat: The World According To Former Kansas City Mayor Kay Barnes

Just to be fair, this former lady Mayor remains sharp as a tack, dressed with a keen fashion sense and still displaying a superior intellect when it comes to justifying her policy of giving away just about everything to developers . . . Nobody ever said she wasn't smart . . . She remains so.

Read more:

Former Kansas City Mayor Kay Barnes Reflects On Doubts, Successes From Her Time In Office

Kansas City's first female mayor might only vaguely remember her first day on the job, but she does remember knowing people had some doubts about her because she was a woman.


  1. She stole money from the people to do what she did and still thinks it’s ok, idiot

  2. Kay Barnes = LGBT Promoter Who Was A Former Sex Worker

    The Disastrous Power And Light District Giveaway To Baltimore's Cordish Co. Was The Millstone She Placed Around KCMO Taxpayers Neck.

  3. Let's see - one term on the City Council, then ten years running the TIF Committee (not sayin' there were bribes, but she had $2.5 million in personal funds to use in her Mayoral Campaign) giving away School and Library money to Developers, then bankrupting Kansas City for 25 years to create the Downtown Drunk Tank, then a failed run for Congress while not even bothering to live in the District she was running to represent.

    Yeah, I really want to know what this one thinks and says.
    And I'm honest enough to have thought it was a good thing the KC elected a woman as Mayor - my bad!

    She deserves more than having a ballroom in Bartle named after her, it would have been more appropriate to name every urinal in every Public Building in Kansas City after her.

  4. IIRC, she was hand in hand with the developers that started buying up property next to kcir then complaining about noise and ultimately forcing the track to sell top the city for park space when its now just an abandoned eyesore

  5. When her mantra was "service first" I was with her; when her mantra was "developers first" we parted company.


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