So Long Schlitterbahn???

Really great think piece here confirms TKC REPORTING and realizes that this water park is DOOMED and doesn't really have a future in the area any longer . . .

Has Schlitterbahn Worn Out Their Welcome in Kansas City - Forever?

It's a lone, hulking figure on the grassy plains, jutting aggressively 168 feet into the air. Try as you might, you can't avoid seeing it as you drive down Interstate 435. The now defunct, 17-story Schlitterbahn Verruckt water slide looms on the landscape as if it's giving Kansas City the middle finger.


  1. The question should be what’s it gonna cost the taxpayers to get rid of them because they paid them to be here and is this a case of Kansas state Rep. Scott Schwab abusing his authority? I’m betting he is, if this happened to a regular citizen nothing would have happened.


    Hmmmm, always see a yuuuge crowd of cars in the lot Saturday afternoon when I go to Mass across the street...
    ...Sundays, too, when I go shopping nearby, or visiting in Basehor.

  3. Tear it all down and put in a new car dealership. While at part of the land can be used to expand the parking lot of the shooting range nearby.

  4. Put a big welcome to the Dott sign on top of it.

  5. Another big fail in the armpit of kansas.

  6. This may be unpopular and people may think I'm trolling but I legitimately hope schlitterbahn is a success here. I also think they should tweak and reopen the verrukt...or some sort of variation different name, different structure, etc. Have actual engineers rework the entire thing. It seems really dramatic and part of our outrage culture to wish an amusement park shuts down because a kid dies due to weight distribution because he was in a boat with two fat chicks. It's been really bad PR for schlitterbahn over the last 2-3 years and probably rightly so since they've bungled a lot. But I do hope they can get it all figured out

  7. it needs a responsible owner if it stays open.

  8. We're not going, ever. That would dishonor Jacob.

  9. Let's have a Shitterbaum farewell party. Lube up Verruck and send that worthless cock drainer Chuck down the fucker and pray he loses his head along the way. That would be a worthy fairwell. Hopefully Chucks last words would be "Hillary Clinton did it".

    1. Chuck who

    2. 6:39, Ignore 6:12's BathHouse rants. He's choomed out of his mind and posting S&M fantasies of his buttboiz.

  10. Before long the only thing left to do in KILLA city will be get murderd.

  11. Funny how Schwab and Co get in free then sue and get 20 million. I know his kid go killed there but it was an accident! He will be like the Worthless Greg Smith and have Caleb's picture in all future political ads in my mail. The Kansas Attorney General should be ashamed for dragging this out. I would not blame Schlitterbahn if they shut the place down and just let it deteriorate out there by KCK's crown jewell. Kind of like the water-slide down along I-49 in Grandview.

  12. The problem with Schlitterbahn succeeding is activists like TT will be there beating the drums for death for the rest of eternity. It was a tragic accident caused by poorly trained kids loading other kids and fat gals onto a raft. I would be beyond distraught. But third parties advocating for the public flaying of the ownership and operators would wear on ones soul after a time. I've made some people mad in my day, but to my knowledge none have wanted me slaughtered in a public forum.

    My prediction is it will eventually be abandoned and will remain an eyesore until it gets torn down. Like oh so many olympic venues over the decades.

  13. I spent over 100 bucks to get me and my kids in that place, and half of the lazy river was shut down. That's the best part of the park. Im done, wont go there ever again.


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