Show-Me Prop A Missouri Union Showdown

Here's a pro-biz look at the most important Tuesday decision on the ballot from KCMO voters . . . The measure has the national spotlight and WSJ subscribers get a bit more info on this labor struggle. Take a look:

Can Unions Win in Missouri?

Unions are outspending opponents in a bid to defeat a right-to-work law in Missouri ahead of a referendum that will serve as a barometer of popular support for organized labor. A union-backed group in the state has spent $15.2 million ahead of Tuesday's vote to undo the law passed by the Republican-led legislature in 2017, according to the latest filings with the Missouri Ethics Commission.


  1. The union shops are handing out yard signs and must be requiring all workers to place them in yards, local regs be damned. I've seen several signs in yards right next politically conservative or Republican candidate signs. It's not worth getting into a discussion with the ones that have the signs, but its a mind-bending notion how they can not figure out that their union leadership 1) is completely prog/dem, and 2) takes those union dues and doles out to friends/family/prog candidates to grease the skids.

    Hopefully people will see through the massive outspending, but, most voters are pretty dumb.

  2. ^^As are you pops if you think this is going to pass. Hopelessly out-of-touch geezer is what you are. Now if we really wanted your opinion, we would've asked you about Matlock. Stick to what you know: Depends prices and the subtle difference in tapioca tastings.

  3. Outside businesses looking to locate here may find the difference in right to work from Kansas to Missouri a plus. It does give the business another factor to consider and still stay in the metro area. That is why I am voting no.

  4. @10:39 Like I've told you before....Go visit your grandparents for some life's wisdom.

  5. ^^As we've told you countless times gramps, nobody is listening to a word you say...ever.

  6. @10:39, if you have the attention span to do so, look up the investigative piece (one of the last ones produced by the Star several years back) on the local Boilermakers Union. The "ruling elite" of that Union are all related to two families. Kids who don't have any experience in the union being paid six figures in some administrative position with no responsibility. The days of unions are over. When the former slaver big dem companies were treating employees like slaves, they served a purpose to protect the common man. Now however, there are labor laws and a much greater distribution of information to the general public. Unions now only exist as a strong-arm fund raising wing of the democrat-socialists.

  7. ^^I don't have time gramps! I have a life and better things to do. You have neither. Go look up Buzz Killington and Col. McBragg. You have a ton in common with both.

  8. @3:51, fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life, son.

    1. ^^^^Ugh. Unoriginal, outdated and tired. At least 3:51 was funny! You seem really, really old.

  9. I'm voting yes because unions will turn kc into Detroit if we continue. When dems rule, cities fail. Unions are just scared they'll have to work for a change if it passes.

  10. The unions have become corrupt and only take care of the union bosses, not much different than our political class. The UAW sold the Ford workers and retirees out. It remains to be seen how the Teamsters do with UPS? VOTING YES ON A!


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