Prez Trump Trade War Could Threatens Kansas City Boulevard Brewery Biz

Sobering economic news and/or local biz towing the party line for the politicos who grant them a great many favors.

You decide . . .

Kansas City businesses call for Trade War to end

KANSAS CITY, Mo. -- Several major businesses in the Kansas City area are calling for the trade war to end. The call comes two months after President Donald Trump placed tariffs on imported steel and aluminum. The Trump administration is putting tariffs on steel and aluminum imports from Canada, Mexico, and the European Union in an effort to crack down on alleged trade abuses.


  1. I hope it puts Boulevard out of business.


  2. Drunks will pay anything to get a drink, so I don't think they have anything to worry about.

  3. Boulevard isn't even owned locally anymore. They were sold to a European company. The original owners wouldn't put the beer in cans because they cared about the quality.

  4. Here's a unique idea those companies could buy American steel and aluminum.

  5. 8:02 - They will buy US steel and aluminum, at a higher price, and pass it on to consumers. Lots of stuff impacted here outside of just beer, including cars and trucks. The gain in employment in the sector will probably be offset by the loss in employment in the import sector. The countries we tariff against, place retaliatory tariffs on US products. See how this works? It's called a zero sum game. At best Trump dump comes out of this neutral. Critical thinking is helpful.

  6. 8:38 don't bother using logic on the Trumptard cult followers, it does no good. You are trying to reach people who haven't read a non-fiction book since they were in high school over 30 years ago. The have no critical thinking abilities, get all of their information from Fox and internet memes produced by Russian bots. They are gullible and easily mislead by anything that shows up in their Facebook feed from the ridiculous sites they like. These are people who believe Iraq was involved in 9/11. Facts and evidence mean nothing to them.

  7. ^^^+!000000 These are the same turds who think it's OK Trump sold us to the Russians. They always liked Russia! Fucking simps.

  8. Trump is attempting to level the field that has been tilted against the US for decades. We are the largest market in the world and are tired of being played for chumps. These "trading partners" need us more then we need them, they will come around despite what the left leaning news says.

  9. ^^Says the MuzzieButtMuncherz @8:59 & 9:48 who get their fake news and propaganda from CNN=Cucked Nutjob Newsfakers!

    They hate whites and Russians. They love brown-eyes and BathHouses!

  10. MAGA!


    (Vladimir Putin, 2016)

  11. Boulevard Brewery isn't a KC company anymore since they sold out. It's just a company located here.

  12. 11:09AM illustrates 8:59AM's point exactly. This is the kind of gibberish that these Trumptards speak. They can't think, speak, or write intelligently. They talk like retarded kindergartners. You don't speak to them, you just laugh at them and smash them in their rotten heads as you go by.

  13. I love how the Greedy Old Perverts have to defend Trump's massive tax increase as helpful to businesses and workers.

    Consumers, farmers, and businesses have to deal with the deal impact.

  14. I have still yet to read a legitimate critique of Trump and his supporters that is not just a bunch of name calling.

  15. What the worshiper's at "The Cult Of The Donald" haven't realized yet is that their beverage, Busch Lite, comes in aluminum cans too!

  16. 12:22 there are literally hundreds of easy to find articles and books with facts, proof, and evidence debunking your statement but you would never know that because you refuse to read them. Instead you read Fox, Breitbart, and internet memes on Facebook produced by Russian bots and believe them. I bet you haven't read a non-fiction book in over 30 years. How about you read the Steele dossier? So far a lot of it has proved to be true.

  17. @11:09AM is not a real person's a Russian bot. Tony already proved it.

  18. Trump's tax increases will crater his support. His rural and working class base can't afford them and they will wreck the economy.

    Higher taxes and rising prices is a recipe for a GOP election disaster.


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