Missouri Guv Parson Punts Tough Questions On Controversial National Anthem Kneeling Protest At Kansas City Chiefs Camp

Culture war reality invaded this PR visit as the new Guv attempted to play politic and seemingly understood any answer would offend a great many of his constituents.

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Parson doesn't agree with kneeling during anthem but says players 'have right to express themselves'

KANSAS CITY, Mo. - Missouri Gov. Mike Parson said he doesn't agree with players kneeling in protest during the National Anthem but said they have a right to express themselves. Parson attended the last day of Chiefs Training Camp in St. Joseph, Missouri, Tuesday for Military Appreciation Day.


  1. They are employees and should be given rules to follow. Just like the rest of the working Americans.

  2. Missouri Gov. Mike Parson should be impeached for speaking out on disgracing the National Anthem.

  3. I wish the NFL would go bankrupt and its fans find a new hobby. The entire outfit is an embarrassment to the US, far beyond the kneeling protestors.

  4. What a ducking sissy.

  5. The Governor has bigger problems to solve in Missouri, and does not have the time to monitor the NFL players. Our fearless leader is already taking care of that job.

  6. Seriously, who gives a flying fuck whether guys kneel or not? Do people really get this hacked off about shit? Is there nothing else in your life that you can focus your rage towards? I really wish the media would just ignore it, it's so damn old. If it wasn't covered, NO ONE would notice.

  7. seems like a great guy can Kansas have him?


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