Karen Fuller Age & Gender Discrimination Lawsuit Against KCTV5 Moves Forward

Apropos for #TBT . . .

KCUR: Former KCTV-5 Anchor’s Age Discrimination Lawsuit Can Proceed, Judge Rules


"Former KCTV Channel 5 anchor Karen Fuller’s age and gender discrimination lawsuit against the station can move forward, a federal judge ruled this week. U.S. District Judge John Lungstrum determined that Fuller had produced sufficient evidence that she had been fired because of her age or gender, and denied KCTV’s bid to throw out the case. Fuller was a news anchor at KCTV from 2003 until 2015, when she was abruptly let go. She was 47 years old at the time and her lawsuit alleges Meredith Corp., the station’s owner, created an “age ceiling” for its female anchors but not for its male anchors. KCTV said it let her go because of poor on-air and off-air performance. But Lungstrum found that Fuller’s evidence, viewed in the most favorable light, “creates a reasonable inference that defendant’s stated reasons are pretextual.” Lungstrum noted that Fuller’s contract had been renewed numerous times . . ."

Developing . . .


  1. good for her

  2. LocalNewsinKCsucks8/23/18, 6:50 PM

    What a bunch of bullshit. You get let go because you don’t have it anymore and you start throwing out gender lawsuits hoping for a cash settlement. You notice the trend with these female reporters here in kc? Local news in kc sucks anyway. They don’t cover the exciting stories going on at city hall. In fact they never cover the uncomfortable topics.

    1. Fuck you fucktard. You don’t know shit. You sound like a misogynistic piece of geriatric shit. Look that up gramps. I know you have know idea what that means. Hurry up and die. Everyone hates you.

    2. I’m in my prime 7:33. Something your beta ass will never get to experience.

  3. I would still get on top of her anytime.

    1. ^^^^Sure you would creep, but this is absolutely key here....she would never have you. You disgusting tub of shit.

  4. Katie Horner's old negro boyfriend says that Karen's unleashed boobs are a site to behold.

  5. They are spectacular tits. There was a holiday party once.

    1. ^^^Ewwww! You pedo, did your fingers stick to the keyboard when you wrote that?

  6. Jesus Christ Katey was fucking a nigger?

  7. 7:33 PM
    Calm down Karen. Just get the domain name: www.formeranchorporn.biz and start posting photos for a charge. You will make money again.

  8. It's hard to sympathize. She is getting fired because she's no longer young and sexy, but she only got hired because she was young and sexy. How many women who were not young and sexy were passed over to hire her?

  9. Gay Protection Service8/23/18, 7:43 PM

    Katie, Bryan is GAY. Do not hit on him. You always got promotions from fucking, and a few times Negros. But this time, Bryan loves cock. And if he wanted skank pussy, he would turn his head away when he saw those big ham arms of yours. You really should not wear short sleeve blouses anymore.

  10. her boobies were spectacular before all the nursing

  11. My boobs got bad.

  12. TKC Scholars. Gotta love that Kansas City discourse.

    1. Sorry we’re not intellectual enough for you, lickbag.

  13. Kansas is an “employment-at-will” state. This means that either the employer or the employee may end the employment relationship at any time, for any reason, or for no reason, unless an agreement exists to the contrary.

    I don't really understand how the courts can allow lawsuits of this nature to take place. Many a radio DJ has been let go on the KS side and they don't all run and file suits like this. TV and radio stations make their money off selling advertising. If the advertisers say I don't want to spend money when she is on the air the station has to take that in consideration when making choices. If the advertisers don't like her there is a good chance the views won't either.

    It all boils down to how the station can sell you. If you are not selling as you should be they will start looking for your replacement. Thirty-five plus years ago Christine Craft went down this road and she hasn't seen a dime yet. She has through two trials and both overturned on appeal.

  14. Hey dumbass, some forms of discrimination are illegal.

    I consider it a given that the judge knows the law better than you.

    8:23, you're not intellectual at all. You come across as stupid, inbred hillbillies.

  15. ^^^^^^^^ What should be illegal is fools like you who don't know the law.

  16. No different than Hollywood. How many women were in more than one
    James Bond film ? She can go to a smaller market get place in the country outside of town, relax her way into a nice retirement.

  17. Does Karen wear panties?

  18. 8:50, I repeat; the judge knows the law better than you & StupidDave.

    He said her case can move forward.

    Once again, your stupid opinion is irrelevant.

  19. 11:34 you jackass, Super Dave makes his point and you don't. Just because the judge says go ahead doesn't mean squat. A judge said go ahead twice for Christine Craft and fat lot of good it did her and it isn't going to do Fuller any good either.

  20. ^^Jackass is StupidDave your boyfriend?

  21. COWTOWN KCTV5 CRAPPED ON KAREN...KaChing!!! FOR FULLER!8/24/18, 8:23 AM

    Larry Moore and Lenny the Cool got to hang on past the age of 70 for fat paychecks. John Holt, Mike Thompson, and Gary Lezak are still on camera, also past 47 years old.

    Karen Fuller is beyond qualified to continue as a media professional. She is going to get PAID BIGLY in this lawsuit's settlement.

  22. @6:10 Why? Are you looking for a new boyfriend?

  23. I was let go from a large KC company the day I turned 50 (I had worked there for 20 years problem free). I am a white male, with a business degree from Rockhurst. So I did what any angry person would do - mailed their client database and all the rate information to their competitors. The younger girls in my office 25 to 35 started calling me at home as they needed help on my former assignments they were now in charge of. So I gave them misinformation. Companies have no respect for anyone born in the 50's, 60's or 70's. Its all about hiring the cute people for their looks.


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