Kansas Guv & Congressional Contests Still Undecided For The Moment Amid HORRIFIC Johnson County Election FAIL

The Golden Ghetto is the laughing stock of the nation and suburban Democracy remains in peril as online outrage against Ronnie Metsker, JoCo Election Commissioner simmers from both left & right . . . Read more:

2 Kansas races remain undecided morning after primary elections

KANSAS CITY, Mo. - Two Kansas races remain undecided Wednesday morning after slow reporting in Johnson County extended counting late into the night. The Johnson County Election Office tweeted it expects final unofficial results to be announced just before 8 a.m. In the Republican race for governor, Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach and Gov.


  1. What would you expect from the fuck-ups in JoCo government?

  2. ^^^ About what we'd expect from sLie and his cronies.

  3. Yep about what you would expect from the dysfunctional FXXk ups in Jackson county.
    Love that bow tie sly and his bullhorn..... classy.

  4. Are we going to have official results before November?

  5. ^^love the geriatric fucktards comparing a JOCO election snafu to KC. You guys are so fucking dumb. It's why you will lose every election from now on.

  6. they're trying to have both paper and machine counts, with a paper ballot trail.

    that, uh, might be fodder for a recount.

  7. To me, the issue is not the slow results. The real issue is--how the the Election Commissioner did not allow paper ballots to those stuck in line --due to the equipment failure of the new $10 million machines.

    If voter turnout was just high, then it's logical to expect them to wait their turn in line. That happened in 1992, the general, in Joco, when I waited in line 3 1/2 hours to vote. (After that, the county wised up and instituted Advance Voting and Vote by Mail. Which Mo. does not allow except for medical or travel exceptions.

    But the machines were not working. Ronnie Metzger said this am on TV that it was taking one hour to accept one vote.

    That is when they should have allowed paper ballots. We need a backup system.

    So it's not that the count is inaccurate. It's that the vote count was manipulated--!

    Ronnie Metzger is a great guy. Trying to do the right thing. But remember, he came to this job as the former chairman of the Republican party. So--it's fair to ask, at least--who did Ronnie want to win this R. primary? Kobach or Colyer?

    It's reasonable to assume that he favored Kobach.
    Also reasonable to predict that Kobach voters (armed and unarmed) were more motivated to stay in line than the more moderate Colyer supporters.

    In one of those stare downs or arm wrestling contests, who will stick it out? The more conservative, more belligerent, that's who!

    As of 9am Wed, Gov. Colyer has not conceded. He is behind 191 votes. But cites, appropriately, there are THOUSANDS of provisional votes. Those take a week to 10 days to count, normally.
    (Unless Ronnie is using his new malfunctioning machines to count them. I say, do it by hand, Ronnie!)

    We are a not far from the famous Hanging Chad Florida vote count.
    So much for technology.

    Back in the day, when Pendergast was running elections in KCMO, one knew the results at 7:05.
    (AM, not pm. the morning OF the election, LOL.)

  8. Does the split create any window for Orman?

  9. Orman's daddy sells mattresses. Not doors!
    Three days a week.
    Goofy family, goofy candidate.
    Even more smug than Kobach, which is hard to be.

    1. ROTTEN RUDENESS TO 2 RETIREES8/8/18, 11:55 AM

      That voice! ARRRGH! Ross Perot revisited, but RP was likeable. Orman Furniture was extremely inept and rude to my parents when one of the two matching (not low priced) items malfunctioned soon after delivery. They blamed my parents for the obvious manufacturer defects or delivery mishandling.

      A relative in Leawood, his telecom exec workmate, and his neighbor had favorable reviews of their Orman purchases. Based on those reviews, mom and dad trekked from KCK to shop in Stanley.

      It took many calls over several months, an attorney letter (Mom's former 2nd job employer at a private investigator agency), and the proposal that Call4Action would be notified, to accomplish the RETURN WITH FULL REFUND!

  10. Johnson County got screwed by the $10 million investment in voting machines. Dry erase boards would be better than the machines. Go back to paper ballots.
    Looks like the KMCO city minions are out in full force on TKC trying to control the narrative.


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