Kansas City Tattoo Shop Horror Flick Debuts

Late night movie sneak peak for hour hipster friends who put a great deal of faith in the needlework of strangers . . . Here's hipster promo for an online moviemaker on the rise.

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Director Jill Gevargizian's latest, 42 Counts, is inspired by the real-life horror story of a Kansas City tattoo shop

Over the last few years, Jill Gevargizian - aka Jill Sixx - has become the go-to director for short-form horror films in Kansas City. Beginning with Call Girl in 2014, continuing with 2016's The Stylist, and with her latest, 42 Counts, Gevargizian has shown an ability to maximize frights and freak-outs in less time than your standard sitcom episode.


  1. So let me see if it get this right, a few tattooed sluts take a job at a T-shop run by an obvious freak, then he offers them a "rent-free" apartment, and they're shocked ("shocked, do you hear...") to discover that the place is wired for video.
    !! HORRIFYING !!
    !! LET'S MAKE A MOVIE !!
    What's next, an "expose" of the grisly goings-on at Forever 21?

  2. Click verify once there are none left.8/17/18, 7:31 AM

    It's all over except tat's and blubber

  3. @4:56AM-you need a life. You seem lonely and sad.

  4. Hell yeah! This is awesome.

  5. @8:17, I was the one who posted at 4:56, thanks for all your concern and advice, and let me return the favor, you need a hobby besides criticizing other people on the blog.

    Ever think of "Self-trepanning at Home"?

  6. ^^Being as how you are here again at 12:00PM you most assuredly need a life. Let me criticize you too...you're a fucking loser! Get a life!


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