Kansas City News Reflection

First, a well-deserved hottie water break today . . .

Bloomberg: Life Without Water: Sweaty, Smelly, and Furious in Caracas

Ary: Half the world’s schools lack clean water, toilets and handwashing

ABC: Water on the moon 'brings us closer to colonisation'

Closer to home, these news links are also worth a look:

Urban Core KCMO Tribute

Kansas City renames street for longtime businessman and his wife

Leon Stapleton got his start in the grocery business in 1946, right after World War II. Later on, two men offered to help him buy what is now known as Leon's Thriftway at 4400 East 39th St.He's been there more than half a century.

KCK Rampage Today
2 men, woman arrested after stealing pallets, chasing people with screwdriver in KCK
Kansas City Pimp Kindness???

Babysitting pimp pleads guilty in KC sex trafficking case | The Kansas City Star

An Illinois man who is a previously convicted sex offender pleaded guilty Friday to a federal charge of transporting a woman across state lines for the purposes of prostitution. The man, accused of acting as a pimp, had been babysitting the woman's child.

Golden Ghetto Needs More Cops

Overland Park offers signing bonuses for police recruits

Breaking News Like most law enforcement agencies across the country, the Overland Park Police Department is working hard to find new recruits. The city is offering $3,500 in signing bonuses for new officers. There are 13 open positions now. Want to give back to your #community? Then a #career with #OPPD is for you!

Show-Me Soy Boy Push Back

Tofurky sues to stop Missouri law over meat terminology

Vegetarian food-maker Tofurky filed a lawsuit in Missouri on Monday seeking to defend its right to describe its products with meat terminology such as "sausage" and "hot dogs," as long as the packaging makes clear what the ingredients are.

Nasty Taste In Kansas

Kansas residents drank toxic water for years after the state failed to investigate nearby contamination

Kansas reportedly allowed hundreds of residents to consume water contaminated by cleaning chemicals for years. The state found groundwater tainted by dry cleaning chemicals in Haysville, a suburb of Wichita, in 2011. But the Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) did not investigate further for six years, The Wichita Eagle reported on Sunday.

Kansas City Foodie Report

Kansas City's Shake Shack location to open next week

Mark your calendars! We now know when Kansas City's first Shake Shack location is scheduled to open! Officials announced Monday that the Country Club Plaza location will be opening its doors on Thursday, September 6th at 11 a.m.

And this is the OPEN THREAD for right now . . .


  1. Remember When Obama And His Supporters Hated And Mocked John McCain?

    Now they are glowing with respect and admiration?

  2. Madonna kicked off her Sticky & Sweet Tour at Millennium Stadium in Cardiff, Wales back in 2008. At one point, she compared John McCain to Adolf Hitler and Mugabe. Crowds cheered.

  3. Sen. John McCain's pallbearers to include Warren Beatty, Joe Biden, Gary Hart, plus billionaire Michael Bloomberg...etc etc.

    These ultra rich pall bearers give us a hint of McCains connections and an eye opener on his thumb down vote against the Trump healthcare reforms...kind of like all the dons and their families showing up at a mafia funeral.

  4. Naming the street after this gentleman is appropriate! He, and his family, are to be admired. This is an excellent example of truly hard work and contribution to the community. Not all hood denizens are shiftless. MLK, baloney. This, from a white Northland admirer.

  5. 6:50, Obama never mocked McCain.

    Republicans are pathological liars.

    1. Truth hurts sweetie. In '08 you progs couldn't pile on enough hate; now you all weep at the grave of St. John. And you wonder why you have zero credibility.

  6. http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/washington/2008/09/obama-ad-email.html

    8:02 is a pathological liar. He must be a Democrat, or a Communist, but I repeat myself.

  7. You're quoting a fucking blog?

    Cant' you quote a reputable source?

    If that's the only place it exists, then it doesn't exist.


    Republicans have embraced Putin & Russia, but you morons still call us Communists.

    Too funny ...

    1. Ok. All you would have to do is google it yourself, if you've got Alzheimer's or something and can't remember ten years ago.

      Weak sauce on attacking the source, too. LA times is not exactly Fox News.

      Sorry, you lose. Again.

  8. McCain was a war hero & Trump is a draft dodger.

    Nobody hated on McCain except Trump.

  9. 6:50 - So what if some did hate him? What's your point?

    When someone dies, you talk about things you liked or admired. The man endured more as a POW and gave more for his country than should be asked of anyone.

    Respecting that is called decency.

    Something that the toddler-in-chief can't muster up on his own. He has to be dragged kicking and screaming to say the right thing.

    Rank and file Repukelicans aren't much better. Most of them couldn't manage to suck it up and find a kind word for Ted Kennedy either.

    1. Ok, congrats on admitting the truth, a step forward for the loony left.

      Here's the obvious relevance. Your entire political dialogue has dwindled to shrill hate. You have no policy, no leadership, no vision, and nothing to offer voters. You need those.

      Also ilustrating that you'll happily use the death of a guy you hated ten years ago to grandstand your only tiresome point: you hate Trump. We get it.

      What was that about decency again?

  10. ^^^ give it up liar

  11. Isn’t ted and Barry the one percent you losers can’t stand?

  12. Hypocrites. I remember the Democrat rhetoric when Doofus McCain chose that idiot from Alaska as his running mate. It was non-stop hatred, vitriolic, and hateful. Look no further than anything Katie Couric has been involved in, but especially her interview with Palin (There's a reason a turd's girth size is measured in Courics). Now, since the RINO voted down the repeal of Obamacare, and was pro gun control, the left loves him. The man used his POW status to his advantage in a Republican state to push his liberal agenda. Hero? No more than anyone else captured or killed during war. Nothing exceptional. Still, 1000 times more real than a woman from Kansas running on her mother's military service. What a joke.


  13. 8:02 Obama DID IN FACT MOCK McCain he even mocked McCain's service to this country!

    You need to get your facts straight. Calling Republicans pathological liars is laughable compared to the lies Clinton and Obama started about Benghazi and Bosnia .

  14. Will the city have to pay the Stapleton's royalties for using their name on a street ? Or do they consider it an honor that pays it's own rewards ?


  15. 9:31, no he didn't.

    Show me ...

    And some lunatic fringe site doesn't count.

  16. 9:31 what lies?

    Clinton has been investigated practically her whole life & has never been charged with a crime.

    Calls to "lock her up" are criminal.

  17. It's a shame everyone is so sick from water contamination or there might have been a revolution.

  18. Palin was ridiculed because she was and is an idiot.

    Some of McCain decisions and policies have been ridiculed (including the desperate choice of Palin), also rightfully so. McCain even admits he has screwed up plenty in past. Like sucking up to SC voters about protecting the Confederate flag in 2000. It takes a real man to admit he's wrong, which McCain did.

    You can have all those bitter policy differences in the world and still respect his service and sacrifice to this country.

    In 2008, Obama's campaign complimented McCain for his service before going after his platform. They never denigrated his military service. Even idiot republicans know it - their criticisms of Obama back then were for his celebrity status and positive "hope & change" message, not a negative campaign against McCain (because that never happened).

    I realize it's a novel idea in today's Repukelican party; but if you have a winning policy argument, you don't have to insult and belittle people. You can be hopeful, not angry. Apparently, all the conservatives have left is name calling because their policies are morally and politically bankrupt.

    This is just another fresh low that they stoop so low to personally attack a POW that ran as their own party's nominee for President with such bile.

    1. Good job ignoring the obvious, well-documented fact that you guys pissed all over McCain before you decided he was the Ultimate Hero for hating Trump.

      Fresh lows and bile are your stock in trade. Matter of fact, they're all you have. Fresh Trump hate every day, with absolutely nothing else to offer voters. Trump's support has only gone up, and you have zero electoral strategy. I guess you could yell about Russia some more.

      You lost. Get over it.

  19. Gee, it was great seeing the toddler-in-chief playing yo-yo today with the American flag he supposedly loves.

    Half, full, half. Down, up, down.

    5 deferment bone spurs-in-chief should stop stroking the WH flagpole like it's his own plaything. Disgraceful.

    And he has the nerve to insult NFL players that knell.

    1. Wow, so your own personal version of incoherent Trump hate-babble actually has a porny element.

      Congratulations, it's a tiny bit original.

  20. It's ok to drink poisonous water because we'll sooner be with Jesus.

  21. Yes, porny element is especially for the mindsets of the Greedy Old Perverts and their hero that sleeps with and pays off pornstars and playboy models. I figure it was something you all celebrate now with Dear Leader.

    Is the new slogan lack-of-character counts?

    Maybe he can fondle the flag a little more when they lower it again. Don't you love it when he gives Old Glory a little reach around at his rallies? Keep on defending your buffoon.


  22. Bravo, well stated retort.

    1. About what it deserved. Standard prog hate-froth.

  23. Leon Stapleton getting a street named after him before MLK will make the fat revs furious.


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