Kansas City Congressman Cleaver Shares Teachable Moment To Start New School Year

Important insight from the top ranking elected official in town offers an important perspective on educators along with info on their jobs and the need for community support.

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E.C. From D.C. - Teachers Change Lives

I recently had the opportunity to speak to educators to kick off the start of a new school year in the Kansas City Public School District. I know the value of educators and those who give their all to help children.

A teacher’s job is the most important job because teachers change lives. They have the ability to connect with students beyond academics, in other aspects of their lives. A teacher’s personal interest can make the difference in whether or not a student returns to school or even whether he or she graduates.

One in four students will drop out of school. But according to the National Center for Education the dropout rate is decreasing, down from 10.9 percent in 2000 to 6.1 percent in 2016. The nation is moving in the right direction, but we still have more to do.

Not everyone can be a teacher. It takes patience and understanding. But teachers cannot do it alone; they need community support and resources to do their jobs. They need increased pay and smaller classrooms to give every student the attention they deserve. They need to know their schools are safe and protected.

Teachers and staff need additional support to identify and assist at-risk students. That’s why I introduced H.R. 3552, the “Cady Housh and Jason Flatt Teen Suicide Prevention Act.” This bill, a bipartisan effort, would require teachers, principals, counselors and other staff to take youth suicide awareness and prevention training each year. Currently twenty states have enacted some form of this law. I believe it should be expanded nationwide, so our teachers and staff have the tools they need to help save lives.

As we start another school year, let us not forget those who care for our children, so that teachers can continue to inspire, educate, and guide students into their future.


Emanuel Cleaver, II
Member of Congress


  1. Absolutely teachers need more help and support.

    But during this election season, education is almost a non issue. People are more interested in the fantasies about Russia than the salaries of the people who take care of their children.

  2. Alright cleave, put your money where your mouth is and do something to help, quit grandstanding and help them like your supposed too, dumb mutha...........

  3. Another fake reverend with nothing to offer his flock but more time on the Democratic plantation.

  4. Teachers need to be armed. Not against school shootings, no, but against mean scholar utes.

  5. Metro

  6. I seem to remember in business class that loans are supposed to be paid back, typically with interest.

  7. The main problem with mostly black students being taught by non-black teachers....the kids want someone who looks like them in the classroom. If that's what it takes to educate the urban youths, then do it. Pull the non-black teachers and staff out of those schools and make sure everyone there looks like, talks like, and acts like the students. Good luck and God Bless.

  8. 8:26 that's been tried. No improvement with black teachers. It's the culture.

  9. @8:26 that's what UMKC does - the School of Education there has been converted into an "assembly line" for hand-carrying Blacks through four years (tuition paid from one or another Federal Program) of "school" with minimal performance standards in effect, then stamping them as "Teachers" and tossing them into the maelstrom that is the KCMOPSD.

    And this is a vast improvement over what was in place before, when Blacks without a High School Diploma were routinely plucked out of the staff of the Board of Education, given a "Temporary Certification" as "teachers" and then went on to spend twenty or thirty years in a classroom, finally retiring without ever even obtaining a GED!

    THAT is what the legacy of "Desegregation" has done to the minority children of this town!

  10. More


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