Kansas City Animal Cruelty Crackdown

The meeting starts in just a few moments . . . While protecting pets is important work, new measures are also about earning more cash for broke-ass City Hall with higher fees and fines given that THE DELAYED ANIMAL SHELTER still desperately needs more cash.


Kansas City considers codes to protect animals from cruelty and neglect

The Kansas City Manager's office is looking to change some ordinances that govern the care of animals. After an audit was released last year that said the city needs to do a better job of taking care of animals by educating pet owners, the city manager's office, in connection with the KC Pet Project and Spay and Neuter Kansas City, have developed ideas to change ordinances.


  1. You cant make this shit up says, on the news tonight they said pre k costs $12,000 per kid a year, who is that stupid to believe that? And yet here we are talking about animal cruelty, how bout overtaxing the people cruelty? No where on the face of the earth does pre k cost $12,000 accept in killa shitty. Unfuckingbelieveable

  2. ^^^^^^^^ No thats 3k per kid and 9k for the city's slush fun.

  3. From the kc public school’s own website, you saw it here first.

    The Kansas City Public Schools (KCPS) Preschool system offers opportunities for students 6 weeks to 5 years old. The Preschool system includesParents as Teachers Program, 4 Special Education Early Childhood locations, 3 Head Start locations, 9 Pre-Kindergarten locations and 2 Montessori locations.

    Just as suspected, this is another sLIE lie.

  4. I volunteer doing cat rescue and I know people who have about 15 dogs and they killed one of my rescues last week. I have nursed many cats who have been attacked over the years. Some people think it's Satanist doing blood sacrifices but it's just mean ass people of Kansas City.

  5. Starts at 6 weeks !!! WTF??? Where is the mother and father ? Is the city paying pre natal expenses too ? Oh yeah, the feds pick that up with EBT cards and section 8 housing. The same party that likes this hand holding wants to open the boarders. Then their plantation of voters will never get jobs. Is that the pinko plan ? #walkaway

  6. open the boarders. Do you mean surgically "open the boarders" in what, a bed and breakfast horror scene? Oh, "borders", like edges of the country; I see.

  7. So disgusting and disheartening-
    tax tax tax tax tax and more tax.
    Everything Trump has given me in return tax, sLie takes it faster than I can count the pennies. No good democrat.


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