It Is Decided: Show-Me Sen. Claire McCaskill Against AG Josh Hawley In EPIC Slap Fight

On the bright side . . . Whilst a super-rich lady taking on a feisty rising star elite "golden boy" in a bitter power struggle might make for great soft pr0n. It's important to remember that neither one of these creeps has much in common with the overwhelming majority of voter plebs at the bottom of the barrel.

At the very least we can only hope that their antics are at least entertaining whilst they pretend to care about the lives of flyover country plebs for the next few months.

Read more:

Hawley, McCaskill head to easy primary wins to set up nationally watched U.S. Senate race

Missouri primary voters set the table for one of the most-watched U.S. Senate races of 2018, when Republicans on Tuesday nominated Attorney General Josh Hawley to face the Democratic nominee, incumbent Sen. Claire McCaskill. Hawley, with the backing of Missouri's Republican establishment and President Donald Trump, easily cleared an 11-candidate Republican primary field.


  1. Join Claire for next months strategy meeting at her Caymen Islands condo.

  2. Trump will be in his best form campaigning against Claire.

    Hillary redux.

  3. She'll vote for Kavanaugh and claim to have been a moderate all along.

  4. why do people keep crying because McCaskill is rich if life was fair everyone would be Fockfeller

  5. Thus ends mccaskill's US senate career.

  6. i guess that is josh's uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh pose.
    as a side note, KCPD community outreach has not been in contact with me. They owe me a date.

  7. josh, for instance, does not have the balls to physically tackle me if required.

  8. oddly i appreciated their ability to pluck me out the car like a chicken, squash me like a grape, and make my voice go up to octaves to say to answer "nothing'.


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