Golden Ghetto Declares Election Counting Troubles Resolved Despite Years Of FAIL

A curious proposition by Ronnie Metzger and his crew of ballot counting scamps who have frustrated political hacks across the nation and basically revealed that suburban Democracy is a bad joke at the mercy of meanie Internets and social media pushback . . . Here's their side of the story:

Johnson County announces fix for election result delays

The Johnson County Election Office said it has fixed a problem that delayed results of the August 7 primary. The slow reporting of results left some of the state's biggest races undecided until a day after the election.


  1. It ain't fixed till the feds certify it as fixed.
    And that may not happen before the November election.
    So acc. to another source,, the Joco election office has a plan B for counting and reporting--which is not mentioned in this brief KCUR story.

    The man in charge of the certification in WDC is Brian Newby. (He was my seatmate on the Shawnee City Council prior to him being the Joco Election Commissioner, before he was run out of town for having an affair with a staffer, and other issues with the fine staff there.

    The County is stuck, thru November, with these ES&S machines that we contracted for, for $10.5 million. But we haven't paid for them. I hope we send them back the week after the November election.
    Disgraceful. Untested equipment, just certified in June, failed us.

    Kris Kobach needs to name Earl F. Glynn as the Joco election commissioner. NOW. He had applied for the job when Ronnie Metzger got it. Time to move on. NOW.

    1. If you say so but I am quite sure nobody fron Joco is competent enough to run the election. Kind of a bunch of fucking retards there.

  2. Zero trust in Joco elections.

  3. The corrected software is probably as stable as these mentally ill progressives running around crying. JOCO should not trust the fix the company has made. Send the machines back and demand something reliable and without back doors which nefarious organizations use to corrupt the results.

  4. No, now they have a system in place, and they promise they will be able to speedily count all the valid votes cast in Johnson County.

    They have in place a method for detecting and immediately destroying any ballots that have been erroneously marked for Kelly or Orman in the gubernatorial race.

    Such ballots will of course be considered as spoiled and must be immediately destroyed.

  5. Tracy quoting the Shawnee Mission Post now that's priceless. That slanted reporting of news couldn't tell the truth and the whole truth because if they did the snowflakes of Prairie Village would stop reading it. Notice how Tracy never spews her crap like this on her own two crap blogs?

    The time for Tracy to move on is NOW!


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