Golden Ghetto Ballot Machine Contract Reconsidered After JoCo Hot Mess Vote

Minor update on the search for a bad guy in a middle-class enclave wherein NOBODY has been held accountable for a vote debacle that is still holding an entire nation in suspense.

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Johnson County election machine vendor contract faces uncertain future

OLATHE, Kan. - Johnson County leaders are still dealing with the fallout from Tuesday's primary debacle. On Thursday, Johnson County Election Commissioner Ronnie Metsker provided a postmortem to county commissioners over what happened Tuesday. .@jocogov Chairman Ed Eilert says the contract with @essvote is still under consideration.


  1. JOCO election process is as awful as the JOCO DMV.

  2. Is it possible many votes were not counted. New technology and voting. It seems every time Johnson County tries new technology. There is a problem. They should not let salesman in there office. He made the commission and a candidate lost an election.

  3. if they don't know what caused the problems, it's possble the results were hacked.

  4. I do not trust Joco government because they are so incompetent from Ed Eilert on down. They should call him Special Ed because he is a fucking retard.

  5. Their firm and the JOCO election board are both clusterfucks.

  6. Ursula Haverbeck8/10/18, 3:32 PM

    Let's see...Jews (especially the Jewish Media) unanimously hate Kris Kobach--check. Most (if not all) of the Johnson County Commissioners are Jews---check. Massive problems determining whether or not Kobach won the election---check. Jews never (fucking ever) acknowledge wrongdoing--check.

  7. Paper ballots could have been counted faster, what a joke.

  8. Election Systems and Software is probably trying to determine how to eliminate the backdoor hacking these machines allow.


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