Could Prez Trump Lose Kansas For GOP???

A recent tweet could tip the scales against Republicans who have often elected Democratic Guvs in the not-so-distant past.

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Trump's Kobach endorsement could cost the GOP a governor's race in red Kansas

Kobach is one of the least popular politicians in Kansas. Kobach had a net favorability rating of -17 points in a 2018 poll from Fort Hays State University.


  1. There's no reason or recent proof that Kansans are ready to vote in their own self interest; expect Kobach to sneak a primary win by a 1-2% over Colyer.

  2. A Louisiana Negro Burned A White Baby Alive8/7/18, 8:29 AM

    CNN ? Really ?!

  3. Not Trump's fault - Kansans gave Kobach his chance to prove his point (rampant voter fraud) and he was wrong. He lacks credibility and his last minute attempt to latch onto the 2nd amendment as another imaginary issue similarly lacks credibility.

  4. 8:29: Fox News? Really?

  5. I think Colyer will run away with a win in the governors race in Kansas. The socialist Kansas City Star has endorsed Jim Barnett who according to polling can only muster 14% of voter support. The endorsement is made because Colyer and Kobach did not attend a meeting at the Star to beg for the endorsement. Right now Colyer leads Kobach state wide 34 to 32 percent. The Star also endorsed for Dems 3rd district Sharice Davids the woman who has not given me one, not one item in a platform I can support and she has no elective or volunteer experience except being a White House fellow (code for intern) while Barack was in office.
    The KC Star has reached the edge of existence with such poor actual reporting instead of TV ad reviewing this cycle. I think they will be gone soon. Thank God today is voting day and the vicious TV ads will mostly go way for a few weeks.

  6. Kansans, many of them, do not want drama.

  7. He is the Kansas pretty boy, he will win. Kansans don't care about issues.

  8. Kansans DO care about issues and that is why Sebelius and Brownback are gone. School funding and job creation are important as are LEGAL immigration. Kansas has more open jobs than people available to fill them, so we need people to move here. We will need immigrants to come to Kansas and be part of our productive society. What we don't need are people running for federal offices on state controlled issues. If you actually listen to the ads on TV and radio then you will understand that the Democrats don't propose anything except for being Santa Claus without any way to pay for all the free stuff.

  9. @ 11:54 - Spot on! I don't understand how progressives can run for office and they trash people having religion and religious convictions as wrong but they believe in Santa Claus which is a christian symbol. Kids today.

  10. Easy win for Kobach.
    National recognition (even bad recognition) works for voters.

  11. U.S. District Court Chief Justice JulieRobinson issued a court order on August 1st directing Kris Kobach to pay more than $26,000 in fines for not obeying her previous orders last year when he refused to issue voter registration cards to more than 10,000 voters. This was in addition to her previous order in April, mandating Kobach take 6 hours of remedial continuing education lawyer classes plus $1,000 for contemptuous behavior in court. Kobach paid the $1,000 fine with a state-issued credit card. When I telephoned Kobach’s campaign headquarters and asked if taxpayer money was going to pay the $26,000 fine, they hung up on me. Kobach qualified for Governor? Not hardly.

  12. I used some of the Social Security numbers Kris Kobach exposed on the state's website to get fake IDs and register to vote.

    137 times so far.

    Kobach is so inept, he's brilliant.

  13. Fuck Trump and his dipshit followers. They are cocksucking bitches worthy of a beat down. Fucking TRAITORS one and all. Fuck every single Trump supporter dead up the ass.

    1. Please wash that potty mouth! Jeepers creepers!

    2. Now that's a constructive comment. The "understanding left" sure is hostile these days!

    3. All they've got is rage.

  14. ^^^ Says the right wing base as they flip off journalists and yell CNN sucks.

    1. More people watch the Food network.


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