Catholic Charities Rebrand Logo Features Kansas City Skyline & Promotes Unity

Insight into marketing campaign for a group that helps THOUSANDS of locals . . .

Kevin Murphy, Executive Director of Marketing and Communications for Catholic Charities of Kansas City-St. Joseph “The new logo speaks of unity.” The Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph was created in 1956 by the Holy See. The St. Joseph skyline features a rural homestead, reminding viewers of the 27-county reach of this diocese; the St. Joseph Union Pacific, “swing bridge,” the St. Joseph Cathedral; the Pony Express, the Wyeth-Tootle Mansion, and the downtown city scape, while the KC skyline highlights One Kansas City Place, the city’s tallest building; the Liberty Memorial, the Bond Bridge, the Channel 5 TV Tower, the Bryant Building and the Sheraton Kansas City Hotel. The Cathedral’s golden dome, familiar to local residents and to the many visitors to Kansas City, unites the two cityscapes.

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Catholic Charities' new logo is unique and unifying

By Marty Denzer Catholic Key Associate Editor KANSAS CITY - An organization's brand, its logo, whether complex or quite simple, is the recognizable mark that people quickly identify the organization by. Changing the brand often helps distinguish that organization from its fellows, especially in a large, multi-state organization like Catholic Charities USA.


  1. Catholic Charities is one of the absolutely best places to give to charity. They have one of the highest possible rates of donations making it to those in need. Better than March of Dimes, better that Lymphoma and Leukemia society, better than over 95% of other registered groups. Much higher than anyone that calls your phone to solicit. Food pantries, emergency disaster relief etc. No money goes directly to the Catholic Church either so you can be an Atheist and still donate without compromising your beliefs.

  2. ^^^^^^^^ excuse me I meant "You can be an Atheist and donate without compromising your unbelief's too. The Catholic Church donates it's money to this charity to distribute it to the communities it is in.

  3. Agreed. In fact, a majority of its services are provided to non-Catholics.

  4. Catholic Charities have their hearts in the right place, but the practice of bringing in large numbers of immigrants and dumping them into Section 8 houses is harming the neighborhoods and schools trying to accommodate the influx. Once they "settle" the families, that's it. Local services are then required to pick up the slack and deal with these poor folks who have no clue how to behave and take care of their children. We see them out at all hours playing in the very dangerous streets. The houses are totally wrecked after a multi-generational family occupies them. A little more "help" from CC in the way of culture adjustment would help.

  5. What do you want Catholic Charities to do? the $15,000 per head that the Federal Government gives them to bring the immigrants in is a one-time thing.

    If you want CC to keep helping these people, it's going to require continuous payments from the Government, after all, they're not a charity.

  6. @ 1253 and 1:38. No argument on bringing immigrants in but the truth is that they attempt to settle immigrants in areas that are similar to their homeland. If they were farmers in XYZ country then Catholic Charities tries to find a small farm for them to work in the area. There is a small contingent of immigrant family farmers in Wyandotte and Leavenworth counties that sell their excess fruits and vegetables at local farmers markets. So it really isn't a dump and run organization because in reality they are very charitable.

  7. @4:14, then there must have been a HUGE number of Somalis who just sat around waiting for their welfare checks to be posted, since Catholic Charities dumped large numbers of them in the Old Northeast, North Kansas City, and the Russel Road Apartments near Worlds of Fun, and they're exactly duplicating that lifestyle over here.


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