Kansas Schools Conduct More 'Crisis' Drills Amid Increasing School Shooting Fear

Today's teachable moment regarding the new American reality . . .

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Kansas legislature requires dramatic increase in public school crisis drills

The state of Kansas is requiring a change in safety drills in its public schools that reflects a new reality.The new rules instruct school administrators to hold 16 emergency drills throughout the school year. Part of the change is a reduction in fire drills, to four.


  1. 16 drills a school year? Good grief. I remember just the fire drills and those were always annoying. It’s really fucking simple when there is a fire you go outside away from it, but then again some school distristics there are severe learning and comprehension issues.

    Some psycho kid brings a gun and starts shooting not a whole lot you can do if he has it planned out. Some dumb ass admins recently put buckets of rocks in their school classrooms for students to throw and the psycho shooters. How pathetic.

    This logic reminds me of the diaper guy. Sounds like something he would do.

  2. Thank you NRA and GOP.

    Mass murders in school are the new normal.

    The blood of children is on your hands.

    Vote all Republicans out. Every single one of them. Nothing will change as long as they remain in office.

    1. You are full up to your gills with shit.

  3. ^^^^^

    @12:54 You mean like how gun control has upped the crime in Chicago. Oh and democrats own guns too idiot.

    A lot has changed since we have been in office like not letting ISIS blow up our buildings and putting a stop to drugs and illegal thugs cross our boarder.

    You must like poverty big business taking small business away, and everything bad.

    YOU have caused the school shootings! Bully liberal teachers who don't know how to run a class room.

  4. 12:54 is an idiot. The NRA isn’t responsible for this. It’s just a scapegoat because some people are afraid to admit our culture has been poisoned. Ideologically and through hyper medicating our youth with pharma cocktails.

  5. ^^^ Shooters can't shoot if they are denied guns. Very simple.

    Flooding the market with cheap firearms, expiring the assault weapons ban, legalizing concealed carry, eliminating licensing in many states (including Kansas), not enforcing background checks, maintaining the gun show loophole for purchases, allowing people with a history of domestic violence and restraining orders to keep guns, protecting '2nd amendment rights' of those diagnosed as mentally ill disabled (the 1st bill Trump signed into law), and scaring people with false stories like Obama is taking your guns - all add up to more guns, more shootings, more injuries, and more deaths.

    More leads to more. Period. That's math. That's not just the GOP's fault. They actually brag about it. It's their policy, how they raise money, and what they vow as candidates. They even give away guns as raffle prizes. They own it all this gun violence. Lock, stock and barrel. At least man up to it.

  6. "A lot has changed since we have been in office like not letting ISIS blow up our buildings and putting a stop to drugs and illegal thugs cross our boarder."

    WTF? English please. You read like a Russian bot. Maybe you are.

    ISIS blowing up our buildings is or was a thing? Wasn't aware of that, but I am aware of a shooter that killed 14 in San Bernardino with an assault weapon that claimed ISIS inspired him. I guess terrorist rights to the 2nd amendment are also protected. People on the no fly list can still buy guns.

    Drugs and illegals have stopped crossing the border? Check with your President. You're contradicting him. He is still tweeting about that continuing, even on his watch.

  7. ^^^ Bravo.

    A well reasoned, logical, fact filled response.

    The cream of the NRA / GOP brain trust at work there.

  8. DHA Bucks are better than Soro's Bucks because DHA Bucks Don't Bounce.

  9. @2:37 must spout all the Moms Demand Action talking points in hopes one of the hags in the group will offer him some cougar snatch...


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