Kansas City Bigger & Better Prez Trump Rally Moved To Municipal Auditorium

We'll get into more deets soon but here's the main MSM tidbit for today . . .

Trump's speech in Kansas City moved to Municipal Auditorium

The VFW told KMBC 9's Micheal Mahoney that President Donald Trump's speech tomorrow morning in Kansas City has been moved to Municipal Auditorium. Trump was originally scheduled to address the VFW national convention at the Kansas City Convention Center, in downtown. Doors to Municipal will open at 6 a.m., and you must have a VFW convention credential for entry.


  1. So now it’s coming out that the NYTimes had a fully unredacted copy of the Carter Page FISA Warrant they have been sitting on for 15 monthes knowing full well the truth but peddled the narrative of Russia Russia Russia because activist journalist Ali Watkins spread her snatch for the leaker Wolffe. Unfreakingbelievable.

    Read the article at theconservitivetreehouse

    thank you Sundance

  2. how can you get a ticket if you're not vfw?

  3. ^^Why do you believe this report? Is it the magical word conservative?

    Your wannabe dictator has been suborned.

    He won't release his tax returns, but you can bet Mueller has a copy.

    1. Oh noes! Mueller has a copy!!

      Trump was elected in a free and fair contest. You lost. Get over it.

  4. The Russian Investigation did not start with the Steele dossier. It started when a Trump aid bragged about how Russia helped them win the election.

    Donald Trump is a traitor. He belongs in prison.

    1. He's going to be elected to another term because the Dems have completely wasted their time on this nonsense instead of doing something to make people want to vote for them.

      Trump will never be indicted. He might not even be questioned. No one cares about this silly traitor meme but you: see Gallup.

      It's just not real. Let go. :)

  5. everyone likes Bernie now but he'll be too old in 2020. who can run and win?

    my guess is is that if Hillary doesn't run, Trump packs it in after four years. but if she does run, he runs and wins again.

  6. Alexa Cortez will win the Reconquista that cousin Hernan began in Mejico.
    Hasta la vista, baby!

  7. Frump's numbers among Republicans are high, but low over all.

    He committed treason & everyone knows it.

    On Friday, Mueller indicted 12 Russians for interfering in our election, then the next day Frump denied that Russia had interfered in our election because he said that Putin's denial was "so strong".

    He has flipped about a dozen times in one week.

    One thing for sure, when Mueller brings his results before Congress recommending impeachment a lot of clueless Trump Dumps will be mad.

    I remember just three years ago when Republicans were anti-Russia, & now they are Pro-Russia. It was necessary to make this change in support of their President who clearly has been compromised by Putin.

    1. False. Trump's approval is definitely high among Republicans, but ticked up globally while you and the rest of the meltdown squad were having your latest conniption last week. Conversely, Mueller's little political hit job was never popular and is getting lower. The hilarious thing is that this whole Russia hysteria has actually helped Trump.

      Fraudelent FISA dossier. Sexting, adulterous FBI 'investigators' who were caught being partisan. Carter Page not charged with anything and he's supposedly the vector of Russian collusion. And didn't Obama claim that he told Putin to quit and he did? Also, both Meuller and Rosenstein have already told us that there was no American involvement in Russian efforts, and these efforts did not affect the election. So where's that treason again?

      Consumer confidence at record highs. Minority unemployment at record lows. Better than 4% economic growth in the second quarter.

      You not only lost, you continue to lose. ;)

  8. 8:43 is right about one thing. Trump is the white man's president. Women & minorities don't have a president.

  9. Municipal will be a great place for the cops to beat down the protesters.

  10. It will be filled with white trash even though its Johnson County-like women who won him the election.

  11. I remember dems blasting Sarah Palin and barokeback Obama mocking Romney over Russia. So were the Republicans correct to be concerned then and was Obama telling another lie about Russia then?

  12. Great, we can witness him make rude remarks about people, Brag about ruining our relationships with allied countries, and lie directly to stupid out of touch followers right here in our own backyard. fun.

    1. Winning elections is fun, yes. :)

  13. 9:10 Sarah Palin was almost as dumb as Trump

  14. 9:15 but still not dumb enough to be a democrat.

  15. Our president is the greatest!

    Prepare for one of the best meltdowns ever tomorrow..... The crocodile tears from snowflakes will flood flush creek!

    Will sLIE be there to get some pictures with the prez? Nope, President Trump knows he talked shit on him and no federal funding for toy train and the airport is proof of that.


  16. 9:14 poor baby, get your Starbucks and head to your safe place and don’t come out till Wednesday, it’ll be ok, I promise sweetie.

  17. 8:49 awwwwww, pulling the race card will get you no where. Not now not ever

  18. 8:02 is dead on the money.

    If you are really interested in the truth, supported by a time line, verifiable facts, anecdotal testimony and extrapolation from a guy who is way the fuck into the weeds on how corrupt the DOJ, FBI, State Department, CIA, NSA, DNI, et al, then read theconservativetreehouse.com.

    Sundance has this shit figured out about 30 days ahead of everyone else.

    No matter your political affiliation, Democrat, Republican, or, Independent, if you actually want the facts about the greatest abuse of power scandal in our nation's history, again, read www.theconservativetreehouse.com

    This scandal make Watergate look like jaywalking.

    It's that bad.

    Highly stationed, unelected, bureaucrats, with premeditation, malfeasance and self acknowledged criminal intent, engaged in sedition and treason to subvert the 2016 election and after the election sought a coup, to replace a sitting president, by framing him of a non existent crime.

    Those guilty of "meddling" in the 2016 election are indeed the Russians on a very small scale and the Deep State, knee deep in sedition and treason.

    It is what it is.

  19. MAGA

  20. Today Twit In Chief had a function at the White fortress for products made in America and railed against American companies outsourcing to other countries. Funny how he failed to mention where his own as well as his incestuous daughter's Ivanka's merchandise is and was made in CHINA. Imagine that.

    1. DOWN LOW B.O. HATES AMERICA!7/24/18, 1:20 AM

      So what, Barry was made in Kenya!

      And, his entire liar's bio is made-up.

      Plus, the closet homo and Michael aren't a figment of your imagination, like your nasty fantasy about a certain devoted dad and his daughter.

  21. Trump loves himself so much he sucks his own while women pee on him.

  22. Major agreement with the above mentioned poster . The corrupted Democrats in the deep swamp had their insurance policy should President Trump get elected . All of the crap that they presented to start the Mueller investigation was based on lies to FISA Judges , lies to Congressional committee members , lies to the media who loved that unverified bull shit . Thank God that President TRUMPSTER got elected and is so strong to stand up to the crap that they throw at him ! Tomorrow in KC , watch the Antifa , liberals , tree huggers , pussy hats idiots show their true brain damage homosexually abounds metrosexual TRANNY BITCHES SHIT HOLE EATING selves !¡!!¡

  23. Me and the gang from Possum Farts will be there! We are leaving at 4am to avoid traffic -- big city driving makes me leak in my shorts sometimes. Gosh, this is gonna be GREEAATT!

  24. ^^^ still hurting big fella, it’s ok, you can go feel better at barrysbutboizbathouse, they’re running a crybaby special tomorrow, give them a call before safe spaces run out, tellem you want the special, it’s comes with a sweet one day only secret lubrication, guaranteed to turn that frown upside down! Hahahahahaha!

    1. I have no idea what any of this means. I dont speak homo, faggot.

    2. Don't lie. You speak it everyday when you and your Possum Farts buds go into the woods to tug on each other's ears while squealing like pigs!

  25. Spot on Super 10:15 , ALL the typical crybaby panzie BITCHES will be on full retard display at KC tomorrow ! Hopefully the great KCMO COPS will be busting some heads and arresting those ANTI American LIBERAL Democrat worthless piece of shit mental disorder dickhead shit heads !¡!¡

  26. The I G.Report told Us one Thing Barack Obama is Corrupt. And the Unredacted Report will be out soon I stated this six months ago. And a few of you stated I was full of it .REMEMBER TRUMP STATED in a conversation with a Congress,man Hillary is off limits. They can't prosecute her For her uranium one deal. IS IT THE CLENTON MAFIA. SHE MUST HAVE SOMETHING ON MANY POLITICIANS.

  27. The Democrats have a HUGE problem. The socialist and communists have infiltrated there party. The independent voters are going to vote for The Republicans. Unemployment is low more minorities are working many businesses are profitable. If you let the Democrats Control policy it will all fall apart.

  28. The circle jerk of MAGA on display is truly explosive.

    A delusional celebration of alternative facts.

    Enjoy your traitor-in-chef deliver another snowflake meltdown rant tomorrow. Using vets as a prop again as he lies about his "accomplishments" and spout stupid conspiracy theories.

    The November election carnage will be epic.

    1. Its been a year & a half long temper tantrum thrown by the now split personality democrats. If these children are what you consider able to run a country, then so be it,

      raising taxes ✔️
      pro Hamas✔️
      pro Iran✔️
      pro MS-13✔️
      pro open borders✔️
      pro paedophilia✔️
      anti Constitution ✔️
      anti America✔️

      then vote Democrat!!!!


      DACA........Democrats Against Citizens of America

  29. ^^^ Obama derangement syndrome right there.

    The closeted homosexual, secret Muslim, without a US birth certificate, formed death panels with his government takeover of healthcare and confiscated your guns. He backed a lesbian candidate in a sham marriage with a serial rapist that murdered a former campaign staffer and Vince Foster, and participated in a worldwide pedophile ring run from a DC pizza joint.

    Yeah and it's the liberals that are delusional and deranged.

  30. Our so called allies won't stand by us in a pinch. They didn't in Vietnam and they haven't in the middle east, except for token forces. They brag about their social services because we really provide for their defense and they don't have to have big military budgets. Trump is calling them on it!

  31. Quick fact - Trumpster has spent 123 days golfing (1/5 of his term) at a cost to taxpayers north of $70M and still hasn't visited Troops in a war zone. But, he's gonna have a parade!


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