Remember that at the conclusion of his political career, former Mayor Mark Funkhouser was despised by nearly every political faction in Kansas City . . . And that was probably the most unified this town has been in years.

The 3rd District & local African-American community leaders never forgave him for the "Mammy" controversy and the lawsuit filed by a former employee. Even worse, he signed-off on the surprise dismissal of the 1st Black KCMO City Manager - Wayne Cauthen arranged by City Hall insiders following a first attempt that he fumbled horrifically.

Fiscal hawks felt betrayed by Funkhouser because he didn't live up to his neighborhood hype and failed to enact most of the reforms he promised.

Women & men disliked the weirdo relationship he touted with his wife for nationwide news organizations.

Of course Latinos hated the fact that he appointed a member of a radical anti-immigrant group to the Parks Board. Later, the group devolved into a corrupt ponzi scheme with a child-molester among their ranks. BUT the bright side is that the lady at the center of that drama totally flipped her views on immigrants and now welcomes refugees with documentation trouble into her home as part of good Christian outreach or something to that effect . . .

Oh yeah, and Funkhouser's dour style facilitated Kansas City's desperate need for somebody who could "sell" this town . . . This sentiment powered the political rise of Mayor Sly James.

Nevertheless . . .


Take a look:

Mark Funkhouser For Governing: The Truth About Racial Equity That Most White Leaders Don't See

Intro . . .

"Race is central to the governance of most American cities. Not just because so many policies and practices continue to have a disproportionately negative impact on communities of color, but because those practices also reduce cities’ ability to effectively manage the major challenges they face, such as affordable housing, crime and public health. And while the assertion I’m making is grounded in verifiable fact, it is largely invisible to most white people, including most white civic leaders."

To be fair, the publisher of a government trade-rag was a nice, soft landing for one of this town's worst politicos of all time who now spends his days peddling advice he could never enact.

You decide . . .


  1. Dude, you can't forget the barefoot wife.

    The "mammy-gate" story was nothing without the reports of her prancing around the office with no shoes. And the she had an interview with a reporter from the Star to try to explain away the controversy. And she took off her shoes!

    Possibly the greatest "first lady" Kc has ever known.

    1. The Funk didn't fail Kansas City, we failed the Funk.

    2. Sad thing is, he was a poor mayor but a really great auditor or at least good at leaking stuff to reporters, half of the stuff that is happening with the water department would have been bigger news back when he was in office.

  2. Isn’t his brother that idiot Byron?

  3. The continued pretense that blacks can be "fixed", with more money, more "justice", more guilt, more understanding, more anything, in spite of the unambiguated evidence to the contrary, is "central" to the self aggrandizing, insatiable, quest for power on the left.

    19 Trillion dollars has been spent since 1964, in misguided, ill advised and now clearly insane initiatives designed to "even the playing field" that have wasted blood and treasure and created an entitled "Protected Class" that society in general needs protection from. The black and white grifters who labor so intensely in the Racial Grievance Industry for your dollars are charlatans. Any type of cost benefit analysis of the blood and treasure expended for ANY effort such as this, in ANY other effort would have doomed those efforts long ago. But, since the animus of blacks for whites, predicated under a narrative that insists that were it not for "Whitey", all blacks would be living in WAKANDA, is necessary for Progressives to maintain power, we all suffer.

    I know this, our families have suffered the ultimate cost.

    And more of you, every day, will suffer more and more under the suzerainty of this Politically Correct Insanity.

  4. Chuck stay on topic! This about Funkhouser! Go sell your street corner ravings elsewhere. You're fuckin' boring!

  5. ^^^^ I can see Chuck's (or whoever's it is) intelligent posts are getting to your jealous, ignorant, feeble ego.

  6. "Race is central to the governance of most American cities." Well, duh. I hope he is not trying to charge for that insight. What he gets wrong is why. Race is central because most large American cities are governed by liberal Democrats, who need 90% of the black vote to get elected to any office north of Dogcatcher. When Kansas City's black reverends say frog, the folks at 12th and Oak start hopping.

  7. I don't see a post by Chuck.

  8. Funk wins.

  9. This whole story can kiss my big black Kansas City Ass.

  10. I'm good friends with his family and they were really cool, nice, and welcoming people. I don't think he was a good mayor and glad when he was out of office, but they really are good and honest people.

  11. @ 9:46, the posts at 7:52, 8:38 and 8:43 are all made by "chuck".

  12. I fell Sly James is good for the City. A problem does exist in the fact that a significant portion of City funds go to the east side of the City while the North and West districts of the city are basically ignored.

  13. Before Funk even took office he was being attacked by operatives and consultants who wanted to control KC on behalf of Baltimore Cordish and other developers. They lost influence when Kay Cronkite Waldo Barnes left office. The bond dealers were also prominent in this group. They had recruited Barnes for Mayor and benefitted financially from her term in office. Funk told this writer that Mike Burke was responsible for coordinating the attacks. Glorioso(RIP) played a role. The Star, especially Helling, would print anything from the anti-Funk group.

  14. @ 10:23 Bullshit


  15. The Funk didn't run the city his gum chewing wife did. We all miss laughing at the how upper class they both were....NOT

  16. @ 11:01, no Chuck, you no longer fool anyone.

  17. Yeah, @ 11:04, not like the great Mayoral example we've had since Funk.

  18. @11:31 is the fool.

  19. ^^^No you are. Chuck has various other identifies he uses depending on whatever idiotic progressive rant he wants to use. The Indian Creek Hate Victim is an ode to his recently deceased gay lover.

  20. It would be interesting to know how many people are moving out of the third district. And moving to Johnson County or Grandview. The earlier report on Tonyskansascity ,states Overland Park Growing Pains .

  21. The funkmeister can’t even control his own wife or daughter, he shouldn’t be teaching anyone anything


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