The sketchy housing deals and strange tactics at the Courthouse had our blog community talking resignation back in April and we're pretty sure that since that time one of you d-bags mentioned this tidbit:

Missouri Attorney General investigating Frank White's personal financial dealings

Today they're calling it news.


Developing . . .


  1. Better title:

    Frank we hardly knew ye.

  2. Don't be such a prig TKC. This was a good story by Hendricks.

    But I have no doubt Frank will make Jackson County great again.

    Personally, I blame the Russians.

  3. Throw me the ball, throw me the ball...

  4. It's really too bad that the Missouri AG has to spend so much his time investigating elected officials in the state instead of being able to go to bat for its citizens.
    But folks like Greitens and White certainly make that necessary.
    How about the gang at 12th and Oak?

  5. Holy shit, The KC Star sucks. An article that starts out about the AG investigating the highest elected official in Jackson County turns out to be mostly an info commercial for Frank White's auction.

  6. Frank White's unofficial campaign slogan: Please vote for me. I need the money.

  7. Unbelievable that the Jackson County Courthouse and KC City Hall are just up the block from The Star, but the paper can't be bothered to dig deep into all the corruption and incompetence. Frank White is a complete screw-up. People have gotten killed because of his incompetency running the jail. He has stolen from the COMBAT fund to keep paying his favorite kiss asses after the county legislators cut them from the budget. He's skimming money left and right. County assessment is as messed up as it's ever been. HR staff are being paid off for going along with crap they ought to be sounding alarms about. Meanwhile, employees trying to do the right thing get threatened, fired or suspended. Then you've got what's going on across the street with tax giveaways for luxury apartments and cost overruns on the new airport already.

  8. KCMO water department should be next in line for an audit.

  9. The beluga whale mayor is screwing up the water dept by forcing all those “add on charges” to the bill, and fat boy Troy

  10. @ 7:09 I thought the same thing. All those details about Frank White's Royals crap, but The Star couldn't bother to remind its readers that Mike Sanders, who came to the rescue for Frank in 2016, is now a convicted felon.

  11. I'd have more respect for Frank if he did just admit he's in county politics for the money.

  12. FACT:
    If Frank White had an (R) behind his name, the Star editorial board would have tried to run him out of town on a rail. Supposed to be managing the County but can't manage his own mortgage payments!

    Secret financial bailout from convicted felon Mike Sanders and the McClain Independence Square cabal.

    Local Democrat media protects the corrupt and incompetent at the County and KCMO City Hall, while they themselves go home every night to the JoCo suburbs.

  13. winner^^^^^^

  14. I hope the AG looks into how Frank White became County Executive in the first place, with Mike Sanders pulling all the strings. I bet that $60K "consulting" contract Frank then gave Mike was a pay-off and a retainer for helping "fix" things like this deal with McClain.

  15. Can't plead ignorance. If Sanders, White and McClain didn't think they were doing anything wrong, then why "funnel" the money through someone else?

  16. 7:38 AM is spot on. The water department is just a huge slush fund of money that is pilfered and looted. Investigate them what they are doing with all that cash.

  17. This article was mainly an advertisement for an auction site.

  18. Put Yale Habbadacha on the story to sniff out the facts...

  19. Entire KCMO City Council and all of City Hall as well as Jackson County officials should be thoroughly investigated to the core for their lies and bullshit antics they've played the last 5 to 7 years against its voters and citizens !!!!!

  20. Frank fouls out!!!!!

  21. it's amazing kcmo works at all.

    they must have a cadre of basically competent bureaucrats who do the work.

  22. The whole tribe, county and city government need to be investigated.

  23. Totally agree the article was too much infomercial and not enough substance on what the Prosecutor found that led her to refer the case to the Attorney General. OBVIOUSLY, if she hadn’t found sufficient evidence to proceed she would have just dropped the matter. Is this a case of bribery? Money laundering? Failure to properly disclose a donation/loan/gift/bribe? Also, Frank’s failure to oversee the jail and his butt boy Caleb Clifford being sighted by the Grand Jury for arrogance and taking a cavalier approach to the ongoing violence and safety issues there maybe another reason the Attorney General is investigating. The charges for Frank, Caleb and Gary Panethiere maybe related to facilitating rapes and assaults by failing to address the well documented and publicly discussed safety failures at the jail. I say lock them all up!

  24. Hey stupid dave, whose the whole "tribe"? Retard.

  25. ^^^^^I understood what he said so who looks stupid now?

  26. ^^^^Ummm....that would be you!

  27. Was that Frank's golf cart they were fighting over ?

  28. About time!


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