The Kansas City Early Friday Look

We start our news cycle with a fashionista, mom, pr0n star and trendsetter . . .

TMZ: Farrah Abraham Arrested for Fighting At the Beverly Hills Hotel

Closer to home, these news links are far more important:

This Local Weekend Calendar Also Works For A TKC Chicken Genius

6 Genius Things To Do In Kansas City This Weekend

We're all special, right? But some of us are extra special. There I said it. And the weekend is going to back me up with events driven by special people - both living and dead - whose cultural contributions qualify as outright genius or at least border on brilliance.

Be Cool Kansas City

Kansas City swelters, ERs see rise in heat-related issues

Breaking News Kansas City, MO - A late Spring heat wave continues for the KC Metro with shade temperatures pushing 100 degrees and heat indexes well above that. And there looks to be no break for the coming weekend. The unseasonable weather has led to a spike at Metro hospitals of people suffering from heat exhaustion and heat stroke.

Broken Windows Theory Reemerges In KCK

KCK cops' strategy cracks down on small offenses to prevent major crimes

KANSAS CITY, Kan. -- KCK's police chief says crime has been cut in half in one neighborhood since officers launched a new crime-fighting strategy. "It's logical: Bad guys don't want to be where the police are at," KCK Police Chief Terry Zeigler said as he explained the idea behind his department's ICON initiative, which stands for Impacting Crime in Our Neighborhoods.

Fear Golden Ghetto NextGen Bill

Parents may be stuck with $132,000 bill after kid knocks over sculpture

OVERLAND PARK, Kan. - Two Johnson County parents may be stuck with a $132,000 bill after their child damaged a sculpture inside the Tomahawk Ridge Community Center. The child's mother, Sarah Goodman, told 41 Action News the incident happened during a wedding reception last month.

Lcoal TV Travel Vlogging

Karli Ritter takes us on a tour of Reykjavik's history

REYKJAVIK, Iceland -- FOX4's Karli Ritter is a history buff, and Iceland's largest city is rich with history... really old history. She starts at the Arbaer Open Air Museum where architecture and actual homes from years' past are on display.

Working-Class Heat Wave Is Worse

Heat Advisories outside mean oppressive conditions inside area dry cleaners

A heat advisory has been issued for Friday. Everyone outside was affected by temperatures in the 90's Thursday, and it's only going to get worse. We all have to be careful in the heat, but especially those who work in it. One of the hottest jobs around isn't even outdoors - it's inside a dry cleaning facility.

KC Rep Change Up

Eric Rosen out at the KC Rep

Visit KC Big (and rather sudden) KC theater news: Eric Rosen, who has led the Kansas City Repertory Theatre as artistic director since 2008, is departing the organization. According to a press release, he's moving to New York to "pursue other projects."

Death Cab for Cutie - "Gold Rush" is the song of the day and this is the OPEN THREAD for right now . . .


  1. What makes a glass copy of a Department Store Dummy worth more than $50?
    Use plastic to make your rip-offs of someone else's work!
    And use a reputable Insurance Company that doesn't try to duck its responsibilities!

  2. Guess there's going to be a dearth of One-man Hip-Hop Operas in town now, right?

  3. ^^6:04AM-I don't know, quit asking dumb questions. Why are you here at 6:00AM? Lonely? No life?

  4. Nope, @ 7:20, got a good night's sleep, had a cup of coffee, about to mow the lawn before it gets too hot, shower, take the wife out to lunch, live a life!

    You should try it.

  5. Not arguing the outrageous cost of a copy-sculpture, but hell yes bill those parents. Why are they letting their kids run roughshod through the display gallery during a reception? Where were the parents in the video? I have young, rambunctious kids and guess what? They don't leave my sight in situations like that (wedding reception in a place with nice crap just sitting around). Yes, its a PITA trying to watch them, yes, it cuts down on "my" enjoyment at the event. But, that's the BS I signed up for choosing to have kids. If you parents want to just have a good ol' time and not worry about controlling your kids, spring for a babysitter. Geez, the amount of unqualified golden ghetto HS kids to watch younger kids has got to be phenomenal right now.

  6. ^^I don't Know..stop asking dumb questions. Go ask the parents retard!!!!

  7. I love the line, my kids are properly supervised. Well if I’ve told you once I’ve told you 132,000 times no they are not.

  8. ^^You would cause you're as slow as molasses.

  9. some of their stuff was too far out, imho.

  10. Well, the video clearly shows the kids running back and forth, back and forth, and mommy sitting there while her baby climbs on the junk art. Even when it falls off on the kid, she doesn't seem in a hurry to check on her son. Notice that she goes back to the couch and resumes her activity. I would blame the facility for NOT securing the piece to the pedestal for safety reasons, but Mommy Dearest's reaction tells the rest of the story. Question: What is the reason for security cameras when no one appears to be monitoring them?

  11. ^^I don't know dummy? Why are you asking on here? Did you ask them yet? Jesus.

  12. Unbelievable the parents think they are being taken advantage of. I have been in stores where the policy is if you break it you buy it. Where is the outrage.

  13. If the child had been hurt, the narrative would totally be different.

  14. that kid could have been killed.......


    Oh sure, whitey parents are threatened they gotsta PAY for that exquisite sculpture that was "totally destroyed" due to their negligence in not keeping their future ax murderer's mitts off of it.

    Had it been a black/brown/Barry blend toned mama's little future NBA Hall of Famer, that letter would be apologizing profusely while offering to PAY that $100,000+ outright, plus all current and future medical & mental care TO THE PRECIOUS TYKE SEVERELY TRAUMATIZED BY THE NEGLIGENCE OF NOT HAVING THE "HEAVY HAZARD POSING POTENTIAL BODILY HARM" being PROPERLY SECURED/multi-language SIGNS WARNING "DO NOT TOUCH"/and BULLET-PROOF encasement just like babymama's and little LeBron's hood has for the cashier window at their gas/liquor/smokes/payday loans locations.


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