Parkland Student Survivor Midterm Election Anti-Gun Tour KCK Conversation Round-Up

DNC talking points after a horrific tragedy and demographic targeting OR powerful testimony on tour in a community recently rocked by gun violence.

Check the words, realize it's dumb/ineffective/and nasty to target youngsters with vitriolic criticism and then you decide . . .

Parkland Shooting Survivors To Discuss Voting, Gun Violence At Forum In Kansas City, Kansas

Survivors of the February shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, will host a town hall in Kansas City, Kansas, Monday night as part of a national tour. NPR reports that March For Our Lives, the organization founded by the student activists who put together the event of the same name in Washington, D.C.


  1. Good luck talking those hood rats in KCK our of their guns

  2. Run these pinko children out of town, they are not welcome here.

  3. Many

  4. Good luck talking the remaining white people in KCK out of the guns. It is their only chance for survival in that third world shithole.

  5. Good luck trying to get the TV changed in the day room from Matlock.

  6. Who is paying for these people to be transported all over the country to talk? Someone has deep pockets for sure.

  7. Good luck with talking Planned Parenthood out of killing the unborn by the 10,000s every year

  8. Definitely, Super Dave.
    Would love to know who is financing this.

  9. Most of these "survivors" of the Parkland fiasco weren't even in the same building on campus when it took place.
    So we're all 9/11 survivors.
    These kids' 15 minutes of fame expired a long time ago and when their "recommendations" consist of "Congress should do something to stop this", how little thought they've put into what they have to say is pretty embarrassing.
    Everyone's a celebrity on social media or local television.
    What's the hashtag today?
    What a joke!

  10. George Soros has the deep pocket funding for this dog and pony show.

  11. Hep derp..duh..doy...hey b stupid Dave!...I..ugh...ugh..wanna payin'...4..all..dem..ugh..ugh..kidz n e pace..n stuff? dont..duh..herp derp.

  12. ^^^ Spit it out coprophilia boy. Got something in your mouth again?

  13. Hey 11:37,,,,,How 'bout you tell that 'all loving-all good-all sweet god of yours to stop with the birth defects and still-births?
    It's how many innocent babies did your god kill today?
    But, since there's no god to pray to, medical science and rational thinking
    is putting an end to 'the will of god', and religion will be relegated to the shithole it deserves!

  14. ^^^^ Your natal chart in astrology is a snapshot of your karma up until this point. It represents your talents, strengths, weaknesses, proclivities, motivations and your purpose in life. It helps a person understand what they need to do in life to reach their highest potential. It shines a bright light on our true selves, our soul’s mission in our own personal evolution.

  15. Will the butch lez be attending?

  16. ^^No..your mom's busy cooking my dinner.

  17. ^^^^ A person can spend their whole life in search of a happiness that is not really theirs, what I mean by that is they can spend their life chasing other people’s dreams or merely fulfilling obligations and avoiding their true dharma- their unique purpose in life. This without a question is a wasted life.

  18. I'm disappointed Delaney Tarr won't be there she's a hottie.

  19. They stopped being “youngsters” the minutes they waded in to politics. They’re fair game, and I hope the little snowflakes cry over every mean word that’s said about them, which I’m sure they will.

  20. It's sad to see them being carted around as puppets, whereas the valedictorian of the class down in Parkland, Kyle Kushev, has been actively working to make schools safer but since he won't walk in goose step with the dems, he's not being propped up

  21. Pre-taxpaying, 15 seconds of fame, pimple faced utes still living with their parents know nothings.

    As far as being survivors, I think anyone, of the 3500 students, in that multi building campus now appears to claim (combat pay) he/she was personally at death's doorstep. Barf.

    That scrawny piss-ant Hogg, had to ride his bicycle to the site to start his brief fame time.

  22. ^^^^^Waaaaaa! I’m soooo old!!!!! Waaaaaa! Where’s my tapioca??? Waaaaaaa!!!!! Where’s Matlock????? Get of my lawn!!!! Waaaaaa!!! Why isn’t anyone listening to me??? Waaaaaa!!!!!!

  23. Amazing all the ass sucking Traitor Trump, Commie loving faggots that frequent this blog. Queers and Trump and the same.

  24. I knew this would happen. Whole lotta gun nuts triggered by harmless kids.


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