Kansas City Global Climate Change And Revenge Of The AC Service Technician!!!

Tonight we want to share a quick meditation on stifling local temperatures and career opportunities . . .

To wit . . .

Call it a heat wave or the beginning of a man-made planet killing meltdown . . . Whatever the case it's damn hot and local A/C disrepair is rampant. Accordingly, this is the most wonderful time of the year for A/C Service Techs and all those who dispense freeon. In the case of apartment complexes, older homes and aging buildings . . . It's not a question of "if" the A/C is going to break down . . . But WHEN. Best of all, it's hard to outsource desperate calls for AC service to overseas operators.

Meanwhile, world leaders can't even agree on the prices of cheap steel or discount box store goods so there's likely to be little progress on saving the dying planet. The only bright side is that the Internets is laughing at the stalemate.

And so, temperatures continue to spike locally and we advise locals and TKC readers to drink lots of water and stay in their basements.

Check the local weather links.

KSHB: Highs in the mid-upper 90s for Monday

KMBC: Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate if you have to be outdoors.

Fox4: Kansas City metro likely to feel nasty effects of nearby drought this summer

Hopefully, more for the morning update . . . STAY TUNED!!!


  1. Very droll.

    Stay cool TKC. Switch from Dr. Pepper to lemon water and your blogging with will improve.

    And it's supposed to rain Monday night so hopefully that'll help the temperatures or at least give us all a nice steam bath! Lulz.

    1. About time we had a president who stood his ground rather than bowing down.

  2. My AC took a shit yesterday. Called AB May, dude was there in less than an hour, had it fixed in another hour... poor guy looked like he had been working in a Chinese sweat shop

  3. Tip those whacked out repair men in Cash !!! At least $100.00 ! Ford their efforts !!

  4. Trust me when I tell this is not a 'good time' for HVAC tech's. They are all half exhausted and stressed out.

  5. Residential A/C units used to last 25 years... now you've got a dinosaur if it's 12.

    Just another fucking racket in a world chock full of them.

  6. 12:34 AM you're correct. The AC units are built to last 12-15 years anymore. It use to be they would last much longer then that. Cheaper parts and Mexican labor is to blame.

    How people went through life before AC I don't know.

  7. Maybe your wife should tip the AC guy?

  8. HVAC Has Very Active Cash flow this time of year.

    OMG!!!!! The "90s"!!!!!!!

    Gawd what pussies Americans are. By the way, the temps all over the globe are cooling.

  9. ^^No. No they're not. Fake news. Yes, you're a pussy too. Now go away troll.

  10. Holy shit, @ 11:17, get real!
    The Man-Child we have now tries to score points with his Master Vladimir by proposing to include Russia in the G7, then storms out like a four-year-old when he get turned down, tweeting insults at every long-standing ally we have!

    Then he buddies up to China, just as the Navy admits that Chinese Hackers have ripped off every bit of our research into hypersonic Missile technology.

    Then he attacks Canada, idiotically claiming that they burned DC in the War Of 1812!

    We have no Border Wall, his stated first priority, and once again Vincente Fox tells Tiny Fingers to kiss his ass on the idea of Mexico paying for it, while the GOP-led Congress doesn't have any money for it after the revenue reductions caused by the last tax cut, which was on the OP's Agenda planning for twenty years, but which he claims credit, I guess because he remembered how to sign his name.

    He's flip-flopping on illegal immigrants, probably because someone told him he wouldn't have anyone to wash dishes of change sheets at his Hotels and Golf Courses.

    He keeps denying Russian collusion, even though one of his own sons testified before Congress that he comitted collusion during the campaign, and his other son told the WSJ that Russia was the Trump Org's main source of funding.

    Evidence has just been uncovered that the NRA routed Russian Money to his Campaign, and that they lied about the amount, only reporting a third of their "donations"!

    What the hell ground do you think he's standing?

    I've voted Republican up to the 2016 Election, but I simply couldn't vote for Trump or Clinton, so don't think for a moment that I'm some sort of "Liberal", but this Clown is worse that Nixon ever was. At least Trcky Dick didn't actively try to harm the USA.

    1. Still humping the collusion narrative? How funny.

  11. ^^^ Feel the Bern.

  12. 7:42 Thursday, you can read the IG Report you insulated, blinkered, myopic moron. It will be the first shoe to drop in the impaneling of Grand Juries and indictments for the greatest abuse of power in our nation's history.

    The "Collusion Delusion" was created for idiots like you and Robert DeNiro, so you could suck your thumbs and cry rivers because the election didn't go your way.

    There is literally a mountain of evidence that the Deep State, FBI, CIA, State Department, DOJ at the behest of the previous administration, sought to manipulate, with premeditation, illegally, with criminal intent, conspire to rig the election in favor of Hillary. The ongoing pretense by the MSM that the Russians had any effect on the election is a sop by sock puppets to sub standard intellects who are wet by every rain and blown by every wind.

    Maybe if you just click your heels together, you will be able to go back home to Hollywood where you belong.

    Can you hear the thunder?

  13. I swear people complain about weather more than ever even though most people work and live in climate-controlled offices and homes. This is NOT that hot. And the humidity is NOT that bad. I worked in the oil fields in east Texas, southern Arkansas and northern Louisiana for 8 years and let me tell you about heat and humidity for 10 hours a day with your entire body covered, hot work boots, hot helmet, hot gloves. Everyone is such a pussy these days. Oh, it's sooooo hot - IF I GO OUTSIDE. But I DON'T GO OUTSIDE but I am still going to bitch about it. The people who bitch about the weather don't spend much time outside. The people who do work outside only care if it's going to rain or not. Everything else, whatever.

  14. Hillary's people did Bourdan.

  15. High ranking FBI officials made a deliberate choice to use their power and influence to help one political candidate over another. They deliberately covered up the crimes perpetrated by 'their' candidate and set out to destroy 'their' candidate's opposition.

    The actions taken by the FBI leadership has proved them of becoming nothing more than political hacks. In so doing they have destroyed the credibility of the entire organization. Drunk with power, they're now comparable to the Gestapo or SS. The entire organization should be destroyed and replaced with men and women of upstanding character.

  16. ^^Yep because there was collusion. Still denying it? Typical Fox News minion.

  17. ^^ collusion between the DNC and FBI. Suck it, she still lost.

  18. No, collusion between the gang that couldn't shoot straight. Manfort, Little Donnie Jr, Dotard Donnie Sr, and the rest of the cast of Hee Haw. Suck it, they're all going down. He's still a moron.

  19. There is categorical, straight line, irrefutable, objective, real time, paper work, testimony, phone records, bank records etc. etc. that the DNC and Hillary Clinton conspired with Fusion GPS, Christopher Steele and Russian actors to smear, destroy and subvert the election, with, ex nihilo, out of whole cloth, lies.

    The DNC, from the time they destroyed Bernie Sanders, right on through the election, did a light years more damage to the 2016 election, than ANY interference from the "Russians".

    The Main Stream Media, the Deep State and the Progressive/Democrat/Fascist left, IS THE ENEMY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE.

  20. 8:35 Dreamer

  21. 8:58AM=Geezer

  22. 9:15 waaa, Mommy she lost! waaa

  23. 9:35 waaa! My diaper's full...and I want my tapioca!! Waaaa!!!

  24. One small voice6/11/18, 10:22 AM

    If you bother to actually READ History, rather than soak up and spew back the Fox News fiction, you will find the same crap regarding what is now being called a "Deep State Conspiracy" dating all the way back to the 1950s and to the Koch's "John Birch Society" (or as the sane people in this Country called it "The Jack Acid Society")!

    Joe McCarthy tried to ride that fiction into the White House, as did Barry Goldwater, and now finally, another Con Man has, and he made it!

    Go ahead kiddies, have fun playing "Conspiracy", you don't have anything else to contribute to Modern Society except divisiveness.

    Tell me, do you "hold in your hand a list of a hundred names"?

  25. What is currently referred to as the Deep State is not the same thing, not even similar to, totally different from the perceived threats that the John Birch Society, Joe McCarthy, et al. were trying to combat. If you can't tell the difference, 10:22, you should find a different hobby than kvetching.

  26. ^^The deep state today is nothing more than another Trump bogyman concocted to give validation to the Fox News minions that incredibly still their big orange dumpster is not a crook. "It's the deep-state man!"

  27. One small voice6/11/18, 4:44 PM

    @3:46 the term "Deep State" ONLY refers to the Military takeover of the Government of Turkey in the 1970s!

    Your Paranoid Fantasies, in order to have any chance of existing, would presume that one Political Party had been in complete control of all three Branches of the Federal Government PLUS the Mainstream Media, and that condition has only existed since 2017!

  28. 4:44 you still don't get it. Give up. Find something simpler to ponder.


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