Kansas City Deportation Drama Revealed

Some of our more callous and skeptical readers might celebrate this hardship whilst bleeding heart "progressives" would be happy with open borders in somebody else's backyard . . . Meanwhile drama immigration drama continues to unfold with real people caught in a political stalemate and very little progress on the The Wall or comprehensive reform. Read more:

Deportation To Mexico's 'Most Dangerous' City Leaves Kansas City Man's Family In Fear

After the Board of Immigration Appeals in Virginia denied his appeal on May 3, Crecensio Mendez Ramirez was deported to his native Mexico. Mendez, who had lived with his partner and four children in the Kansas City area for more than a decade, was detained by Immigration and Customs Enforcement in February during his yearly check-in.


  1. Four kids that I bet money the taxpayers are supporting.

  2. Send them all back

  3. Laws are a bitch, ain't they ?

  4. Good karma hit Crecensio Mendez Ramirez.

  5. Typical bottom of the barrel responses from the white-trash, loser perspective. The most worthless and ignorant among us always need someone they perceive as beneath them to hate. It makes them feel better about their pathetic lives. So go ahead white-trash, demonize the immigrant and the poor. Hopefully it makes you feel better about your miserable lives for a few moments at least.

  6. ^^^^^Calm down Francis, are you one of those laws don't apply to me and my beliefs type wacko? If so please do a Spade on yourself and spare the rest of us.

  7. ^^Nope. I'm just a better person than you.


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