Kansas City Congressman Cleaver: We're Becoming A Mean-Spirited Nation

Inspirational words and just a moment of weekend reflection from Kansas City's former Mayor & Current Congressman . . . Here's a passage from a recent statement on the House Floor:

"We're setting examples for children and unborn children by what we do in this chamber. how in the world can a person sleep at night who can hurt another individual and not apologize? I guess There Are Some Things I Will Never Apologize for.

"I will never apologize for never coming to the floor to attack a colleague. I will never apologize for respecting a person with whom I may disagree. I will never apologize for displaying respect for a member of the other party though their policies are separate and distinct from mine.

"I will never apologize for trying to get my point across without stabbing someone with it. I will never apologize for being sensitive to the pain and hurt of others. I will never apologize for being an apologist when I've wronged someone.

"Silence is consent. And when I see this going on around this chamber, and I see it going on in other places in our government, I know that there are millions of people who believe that that's okay. That if it's done by someone in my party, it's okay.

"I have said to my family, I said to our church, I said to my colleagues here, if the leaders of the Democratic Party, Nancy Pelosi, Steny Hoyer stand up and attack someone, particularly someone who is ill, I would come to the floor and condemn them. Right and wrong is not based on party. It's based on right and wrong.

"We're becoming a mean-spirited nation. And no one watching this would tell their children, I want you to watch what's going on in Washington and use what you see as an example on how to live. Mr. Speaker, Washington is dark right now and the people around this country who believe in light should let it shine."

Read that statement in full at the Turner Report . . .

You decide . . .


  1. I'm guessing some of the responses to his comments confirm his observation.

  2. Well I just hope no one spits on him.

  3. No one spat on him, he made that shit up. So what “woke” him today? Feeling the pressure of re-election? Needing to “woke” his people to vote for him again? He talks shit but does nothing, just his usual flapping his big lips and nonsense comes out.

  4. We are so mean spirited that we're making him pay back his SBA loan. But not mean spirited enough to ask him why his loan was far above the value of the car wash he bought with it.

  5. Congressman, black women are killing over a third of their own unborn every year and a black persons greatest danger is getting shot by another black person.

  6. @8:44 So true.
    His rant seems to be mean spirited so he is promoting the mean spirited mindset. The main stream media is also a very big factor in this movement. Just look at what the government is not doing in DC and the voters wonder why nothing is being done to the bureaucrats. The voters approach is if the bureaucrats can get away with all of this stuff so can we.

  7. Some of us are so mean that they play the "Race Card" every time they open their mouths!
    Of course, it's worked so far, he made it all the way from being a Big Fog in a Tiny Pond to being an Ignored Tadpole in a Tank of Sharks.

  8. ^^White people play the race card more than anyone else.

    1. Oh really?? And how many payments have you skipped on your car wash loan lately?

  9. ^^^^There’s no such thing, you know, just like there’s no “black racists”

  10. Wyatt Earp, Dodge City6/9/18, 10:40 AM

    If that's the case Cleaver then it's apparent as a supposed leader of this country you have failed.

    But the black on black/white people crimes rates prove that so you see that makes you a double failure for not calling out your brothers for being the scum they are.

  11. Cleaver is a mean spirited man, a liar and a cheat. Other than that, he's probably a great democrat.

    Why is he still in he USA, he was singing the praises of Cuba after he visited there a few years ago. He was amazed at the quality of healthcare there.

    He is just another black democrat commie who hates, HATES, the good old USA.

    Please move to Cuba my Cleaver. That is a very nice place to live where everyone is happy and is loved by each other and their government.

    I will buy your ticket.

  12. Our Fearless Leader and his followers have shown us the way to becoming the Mean-Spirited Nation they treasure. Polite, kind, caring, selfless are all weak "snowflake" words to them. Big Orange Guy is saying everyone has to be a repugnant bully like him in order to gain respect. Sad.

    1. This orange guy has the world leaders coming around with hat in hand.

    2. Polite, kind, caring, selfless ... what great words to describe angelic libs like Joy Behar, Al Sharpton, the “entertainer” at the WHC dinner, etc.

  13. The light he wants to shine is made up of tax payers money. Noble feelings, but most of this country is tired of saving the lazy people and nations of the world with our money. Retire liberal ideas, their hopes while admirable are un-affordable.

  14. He should apologize for being the grifter that screwed the taxpayers on his SBA loan. He should apologize for using the race card to put stoplights on Bruce R. Watkins freeway that have caused countless tragic wrecks.

    1. I sometimes see Watkins' ghost at his intersection trying to direct traffic to avoid all the wrecks...

  15. Doesn't take dog whistle politics to tear cleaved apart. He's just a bitter old man.

    1. He’s the poster boy for term limits.

  16. Cleaver getting old...needs someone to cover his mouth when his hate spills out.

  17. Country financial insurance agent Stephen pirch allegedly loves the bait and switch game. Dig this you agree on a price for homeowners insurance and application. Somehow allegedly Stephen pirch switches rate to higher premium then takes signature page from application and pared it with new policy rate customers did not agree to or saw. Making it appear ok but Sig page out of sequence with new policy rate page. Stephen pirch allegedly Switches customers agreed coverage. one with medical and one without to allegedly use in mortgage fraud scam with operatives. Customers only agreed to homeowners policy with med coverage. Later customers receive new invoice for more than the policy premium with demand letter from country mutual stating policy will lapse if not paid immediately. Home office unaware of pirch mischief until now. Stephen pirch allegedly concealed initial docs and low ball premium, assigning policy numbers that allegedly were not known to company. The Customers would later discover lots of different policies with customers name under different account numbers for the same property at different entities involved with property.Folks in the know review all and discover policy allegedly put in place weeks before stephen pirch had been contacted by customers for insurance quote. Wow Stephen pirch allegedly paid multiple commissions for alleged misdeed. What a guy.....

  18. Hasn't Cleavage stole enough money to retire yet ?


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