Authorities Maintain Slain Deputies Followed Proper Procedure But Won't Say How Suspect Antoine Fielder Overpowered & Shot Them

Initial reports reveal that he murdered the law enforcement workers with one of their guns.

Today's statement . . .

"Both deputies followed proper procedure in transporting the inmates. Both inmates were handcuffed in the front and were shackled. Investigators have not said how one of the inmates was able to get a hold of a gun."

Read more:

Police clarify 2 deputies shot as they were preparing to leave courthouse

Two Wyandotte County deputies were shot by an inmate as they were preparing to leave the courthouse Friday morning in downtown Kansas City, Kansas, police said Saturday. Authorities clarified the circumstances after initially saying the deputies were taking two inmates to the courthouse. Deputy Patrick Rohrer, 35, and Deputy Theresa "T.K."


  1. Of course they won't fest up that thr cops goofed. They're heroes, remember? Of course they did nothinng wrong. Police departments are as corrupt as city governments. Who gives a shit what the official statement is. Everyone knows they got owned, and now they're dead. Let's move on.

    1. Fuck you. What have you done worthwhile in your life?

    2. Tonys blog doesn't have the memory and processing power needed for me to list my awesomeness. Take my word for it. I am tremendously worthwhile.

  2. The probability is he got to the woman first, overpowered her and used her gun to shoot the man, then her.

    Fortunately, he was shot by a third officer.

    But its obvious women can't do those jobs. However, I expect to be smeared and I know no one will dare admit it.

  3. Wyatt Earp, Dodge City6/16/18, 12:21 PM

    A properly cuffed and shackled prisoner isn't going to over power a sleeping guard much less one who is upright. Somebody fucked up and two officers are dead as of the results. 12:05 I know some women who would rip off your dick and feed it to you rather you're hungry or not. Not all women can be officers but many can. So take your hateful narrow minded comments and shove them up your ass.

  4. Tragedies are often made up of a series of mistakes that somewhere along the way could have been prevented which would have changed the result. Clearly something was done wrong in this situation. Shocking as it may be for us here locally, escape attempts during transport are quite frequent and have resulted in lots of deaths and serious injuries over the years. The most recent in Omaha. We need to find out what happened and fix it. Had this guy gotten away; innocent lives would have been in danger. More precautions should have been taken.

    1. I thought cops "risked their lives every day" and are heroes and all this shit. Fuck em. They know the "danger" and every so often a few don't get to go home. That's life. Y'all sound like limp liberals. Grow a pair.

  5. If both deputies were following proper procedures sounds like they need to change them ASAP !

  6. Cops stink.

  7. Proper procedure would be to kill these hood rats before they even make it to jail.

  8. The real tragedy is that Fielder was not pronounced dead at the scene. Range time is time well spent.

  9. Byron Funkhouser6/16/18, 2:56 PM

    I wonder what really happened, because none of this makes any sense.

    Never mind how he could of possibly overcome two guards while shackled & cuffed behind his back.

    After shooting two police officers he's apparently re-arrested? Really? Did he drop the gun, & put up his hands & say, "Don't shoot"? Or did another police officer tell him to drop his weapon? Why wasn't he just shot? He was holding a gun, right?

    Is there any video of any of this? Any at all?

    I wonder what really happened.

    1. Cops are usually on the low end of intelligence, life experience and common sense, so don't kill yourself trying to figure out stupid.

    2. You are idiots. They are cuffed in front using a belly chain. It is possible to disarm a deputy especially if the other inmates helped. The facilities there appear substandard. There is no place for them to lock up their weapons prior to getting the inmates out of the vehicle. The deputies were escorting the most dangerous man in Kansas City with inadequate procedures and facilities.

  10. He was in custody for aggravated sodomy, dude was a nasty boy. Had a penchant for killing wyte wimmin

  11. It doesn't make any sense .....because LE is involved.
    There is your answer right there.


    Seriously, place the suspected and known violent perps in tight constraints,such as metal mesh straight jackets with pad-locks, chained to a chair in a sturdy cage on wheels towed by quadrunner or robotics, and my first choice is knocked the f*%k out by a sedative and locked into secure straps in a wheelchair. Too bad the ACLU et al would make a major fuss and cost taxpayers muchos dineros!

  13. This whole followed proper procedure song and dance with some of the dumbest shit I've ever read. I managed police officers for 25 years, and it is not proper procedure to ever let a transported prisoner close enough to get access to your firearm. Disasters like this cannot happen if proper procedure is followed.

  14. Black bag over the head, in conjunction with shackles and handcuffs are called for henceforth. Protect LE.

  15. The black bag over head makes perfect sense, the US military does that. It also gives the officers a chance to save tax payers money and get justice using a special circumstances plastic lined black bag.


    Hopefully, studies of surveillance cameras' data of this murderous POS in action will reveal exactly what transpired.

    Spidey sense sez the crimmie monkey with the big dreads melon head-butted a deputy simultaneous to grabbing for that deputy's gun...
    ...or got a grip on a deputy's gun while he either tripped him/her, or while positioning behind him/her as a shield from the other deputy still armed.

  17. Shit on his Air Jordans...

  18. I just read that the woman deputy was a single mom who took the job because she considered prisoner transport to be "safer".

  19. We don’t know what happened, but a woman officer is far more likely to be overpowered than a male officer. That’s just a fact.


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