41 Action News Confronts Another Newsroom Allegation Of Racial Discrimination

The Kansas City news scene isn't very diverse and often a target of repeated complaints, here's another one . . .

KSHB faces second race discrimination suit in 2 years, this one from sports reporter

KSHB sports reporter Dee Jackson is suing the Kansas City station for race discrimination, saying he was passed over for the job of sports director after being led to believe he would get that job. The station twice named a white man for the job.


  1. Hoopz is definitely on this as she can get 2 stories for the price of 1 from the same station.

  2. The real facts6/7/18, 6:00 PM

    Gee maybe he was passed over for not being the right choice for the position. I have been led to believe I'd get a lot of things in life and they didn't work out. That's called life and how it goes. But since I am a white man I can't play the race card and sue for my possible inabilities.

  3. Cry baby card player, grow set and up date your resume, oops too late the law suit will not look good.


  4. The Star is going to be in the big time again after Hoopz gets through with her rhetoric. Sunday's paper goin up!

  5. Dee, the only reason you got a job there is because you are black. If you were white, they would not have hired you in the first place. The fact is, you have no skills and are worthless. Affirmative Action only gets you so far, ultimately you will have to have skills. You have none, and you aren’t worth a fuck.

  6. What would the blacks do if they couldn’t play the race card? It was, is and always will be their only defense. But they should realize that more and more people are getting tired of that game, and with the growing number of Hispanics, an employer can boot a black then stick a Latino in his place and still be considered “diverse.” Plus, for better or worse, news personalities are judged largely by looks, and most viewers in a majority white country prefer to see what they’re comfortable with.

  7. If it weren't for the RACE CARD, They'd have no luck at all, Gloom Despair and agony on thee' !!!

    Sing along now !!!

    just like it was on ~ Hee Hawwwwwww TV Show !!!

  8. "But since I am a white man I can't play the race card and sue for my possible inabilities."

    Bullshit. White people sue for racial discrimination all the time.

    All white juries agree with them.

    You just played your race care, & lost.

  9. 6:56, you don't know what the hell you're talking about. He was a Sports DIRECTOR for 12 years. You sound like a hateful, racist bigot, f**kwad.

  10. I bet that paid coon Cynthia Newsome is NOT being discriminated against. She and her husband can be easily, Paid off to the lowest bidder.

  11. I think he's got a legit. case in this instance

  12. I'd be pissed if I was passed over for Frank Boal as well since it is well known he was only a talking head and couldn't edit/put together a story. On the other hand, Dee should have no beef being passed over for Mick Shaffer as he does all the work one would expect of a good anchor/reporter.

  13. I don't understand how in this day and age you can PROVE that you were overlooked because you're black. How do you PROVE that? Seriously. Unless you have smoking gun evidence that reveals racist/prejudiced feelings, it seems nearly impossible to PROVE these feelings and attitudes devoid of evidence.

    Alas, he's likely not trying to prove anything. He just wants a settlement. Dolla dolla bills.

  14. 10:22 are you really that stupid, name one white racial discrimination case.

  15. Came to see racist comments on the TKC comments, was not disappointed. I've watched both Schafer and Jackson. There's one difference between them, can you guess what that is? Honestly, Jackson was a bit smoother on camera than Schafer but I do like them both. Jackson definitely has a case regardless of what the TKC commentary trolls think.

  16. He would have a stronger case if he was any good at his job. KSHB sports suck since Frank and Jack left.


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