Will More Jobs Stop Kansas City Crime???

Ad Hoc thinks so and they spent the weekend working to bring more opportunites to the urban core. Checkit:

'Nothing stops a bullet like a job:' Metro group thinks more jobs will lead to less crime

KANSAS CITY, Mo. - A metro organization is doing its part to give jobs to those who need it most while fighting crime. All the participants have to do is complete a 14-week apprenticeship. Damon Daniel has the ultimate crime-fighting machine. "Nothing stops a bullet like a job, and that's real talk," Daniel said.


  1. Just the tired old ad Hoc group trying to make believe they're still relevant so the money keeps flowing.
    There are dozens of taxpayer-funded job training programs around already, with the Full Employment Council topping the list.
    Then there's the Job Corps, community colleges, union programs, and private sector efforts too numerous to mention.
    Saying you're doing something isn't the same as having the expertise, skill sets, personnel, and programs to accomplish much of anything.
    ad Hoc is big on balloon launches and vigils.
    They should stick to what they do, even though it has zero effect on crime, violence, and homicides.
    Just please get their hands out of the taxpayers' pockets.

  2. The only job that will help stop crime is hiring more police.

  3. @6:07 is 100% correct.

  4. 6:21 is also 100% correct.

  5. Just another money grab for some greedy ad hoc peeps, momma needs a new Escalade!

  6. And this is how you buy votes people

  7. @6:07, 6:29 and 7:11 are 100% correct.

  8. What happened to the new social worker that was going to fix our crime problem?


  9. More jobs lead to less crime??? How flipping stupid is that?

    Try harsher punishment, and keeping them off the streets longer or forever!

    These people don't want jobs.

  10. "Nothing Stops A Bullet Like A Job"?

    Your slogan should be
    "Nothing Stops A Bullet Like A Hoodrat, Except For Innocent Bystanders"!

  11. ...and it's time to change your diapers! You guys are full of shit. Take a break, eat some tapioca, and come back all freshly powdered and ready to fill em' up again!

  12. @6:21 is actually wrong. There are no (zero) studies indicating successful rehabilitation of career inner-city criminals in the prison system. Crime will not be reduced (maybe slightly temporarily) with more police if the criminals are sent through the criminal justice system where they churn around and are put right back on the same street with no change to how they interact with society. You want real change? You have to address the (lax) punishments that do NOTHING to discourage criminal behavior.

  13. 9:46 Is a practicianer of coprophagy, egnore his tripe, he has shit for brains.

  14. Young men have often followed their father's or some other male friend or family member's vocation. But since it takes a village but not a father to raise children I suppose that cannot happen in this era.

  15. The real problem, as Jay Z so brilliantly put it, is "My Name is Still Nigga."

    Our present dictator ran on a racist platform, & won.

    America lost.

  16. Who is Jay Z ?

  17. ^^Ask your wife. She's into BBC's!

  18. The minimum wage needs to be adjusted for inflation, give us all a chance. The first 50k you make should be tax free, anything earned over 500k tax it at 75%. America should be for Americans and that starts with fair wealth distribution through work.

  19. Ask any employer there are many that cannot pass a drug test. And many of the shootings are drug related. Can a employer pay a living wage. Why do you think they are selling drugs. Because an employer wants to pay them EIGHT DOLLARS A HOUR AFTER PAYROLL TAXES. IT'S SEVEN .IT TAKES THE SAME ENERGY TO MAKE NINETY AS IT DOES TO MAKE NINE. BE COOL FOR TWENTY HOURS AND I WILL PAY YOU TWENTY GRAND. LOOK THEY ARE DRIVING EXPENSIVE CARS AND SHOOTING PEOPLE.


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