TKC Reality Check: The Only Defense Of Missouri Guv Greitens Is Slut-Shaming

Meanwhile, the Feds are asking about the Guv and every politico in the State now has an exceptionally low standards to meet thanks to the creeper Guv. Read more:

Greitens attorney defends 'disgusting' line of questions posed to former mistress

JEFFERSON CITY * Gov. Eric Greitens' top lawyer is defending an often invasive line of questioning of the embattled governor's former mistress.


  1. I need a shower to wash the ick off after reading that. Bunch of creepy old white guys getting their rocks off asking about bikinis, piercings and 50 Shades. And even Claire can't opine from the bleachers out of line.

  2. Geez, when the Republicans on the Committee are calling it disgusting, it probably back fired and at a minimum, didn't help Greitens case and potentially hurt it.

  3. The Committee is disgusted with Greitens’ “help” questioning the victim like is was 39 years ago. Par for the course when you hire old white guys.

    Can’t wait for some new charges and to watch Greitens burn through millions of tax-payer cash. Old ladies who pay taxes and the disabled who have a hard time paying state taxes... are helping Greitens lawyers... main one is a Democrat... Now does anyone think he is a mole or ???


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