Show-Me Missouri 'Progressive' First Lady?!?!

Really great push back here against GOP perceptions & reality and the Guv's wife finally starting to speak up for herself amid the foibles of her hubby and allegations of his nasty sexy workouts. Read more:

Don't 'equate my husband's political views with my own,' Sheena Greitens chides former friend

Sheena Greitens may be standing by her scandal-plagued husband, Republican Missouri Gov. Eric Greitens. But a rare glimpse into the trans-Atlantic social circle of the publicity-shy First Lady indicates she doesn't stand by his conservative politics.


  1. Had to read this story using Incognito, but well written, by major reporter from StLouisToday, Kevin McDermott, who has been on this beat for months.

    He reveals Sheena is an associate professor at Mizzou/Columbia, and a social liberal.

    How about the oddest Dem/Rep. race for governor in 2020?
    Sheena Greitens D. v. Eric Greitens R.

  2. She has lips like Daffy Duck's wife.
    Dolly Duck.

  3. Probably from having to pull the duct tape off her mouth every afternoon.

    Dolly Does Duct Tape.

  4. I give it 2 years and she will update her statement to read "Don't equate my EX-husband's political views with my own".


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