Show-Me Guv Greitens Summons To Testify Before Missouri House Committee

The latest chance for the Guv to defend himself publicly . . . A showdown in the making or yet another anti-climax for the disgraced politico???

You decide:

Greitens subpoenaed to testify before Missouri House committee

A Missouri House committee has subpoenaed Gov. Eric Greitens to testify. KMBC's Micheal Mahoney reported that committee chairman Jay Barnes wants Grietens to testify on June 4. The governor's lawyer said she does not know if he will do so. Barnes said Greitens' former mistress, identified only by her initials "KS," has been asked to testify June 5.


  1. He is special and does not have to testify under oath.
    He violated state laws against speeding and the cops smile and let him go.
    He uses MILLIONS in dark money- yet whimpers like a dog when his opponents won’t tell them where $100k came from to help put him behind bars.
    He has his lawyers ask sex question on GREITENS’ victim- thereby victimizing her again and repelling woman all across America- but wont answer questions about it himself.. what the fuck is he hiding?
    Missouri is sick of the Eric Greitens circus.
    Here is what will happen:
    He will resign or be removed... 100%.
    All the BS social media of his will be gone.
    He has put a black eye on the Navy Seals. They can’t forgive him and won’t.
    Neither will Missouri... who wish Greitens never existed.
    Run Eric Run... and please never come back.


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