Round-up and more deets on a story from last night . . .

Our blog community is hung up on a few deets . . .

Why is a KCMO school having its graduation in the burbs???

No description of suspects???

And, of course, why aren't witnesses talking with authorities???

Check the latest story and you decide . . . One person injured in shooting at Church of the Resurrection in Leawood


  1. And

    THIS is why we can't have anything nice.

  2. I think they should rename COR. They could call it MLK Church of the Almighty Dollar. They should tename Center High. Call it MLK Hood Rat Illiterate School.

  3. Hope that expensive stained glass is bulletproof. Maybe the main guy there shouldn't have openly supported the "chicago style" president zero...something about separation of church and state?

  4. I was there. It happened right by our car as we were trying to leave.

    Plenty of people talked to authorities in the aftermath. No doubt that it was probably caught on video camera.

    It was held at COR because COR offers that and Center wanted somewhere nice to hold graduation.

    Center school district was hit financially a few years back when the state discredited KCPS and forced Center (with no extra money) to pick up some of the student base from the south part of the KCPS.

    Additionaly Center was screwed when Sly and the pocket liners from Oak St gave away tax base that would have gone to Center to Burns and Mc along with Freightquote.

    This is why Center chose to rent out COR - they don’t have the money to upgrade their own auditorium. So all the self-righteous critics can do something about it by donating their private money to help the Center School District instead of sittong on their highhorses and judging things they know nothing about.

    1. Hahahah,we already donate on the form of taxes

  5. ^^^Nobody gives a shit whether you read it or not.

  6. ^^Apparently you do. Nice try though.

  7. Center school is a pretty decent school, that being said, they still be blacks and someone probably got mad about they kid not getting enough applause or some “black thang” like that

  8. This blog is nothing but a haven for the dregs of KC society. It always has been. Tony enables it.

  9. Bonquisha couldn't graduate because she never learned to read or speak English correctly. So she decided to go shoot up everyone who did.

  10. 11:23

    Sorry that sentence structure and worse yet paragraphs are challenging to your simplton mind.

    But congratulations on at least passing remedial reading and writting. Your lack of intellect is pretty straightforward though still not up to par with the 150 students that graduated from Center, including those that received academic scholarships and awards.

    We look forward to reading your barely legible one line novel on the back of a box when we see you at the on ramp to I-435 if you ever leave your parent’s basement.

    1. “Writting?”

    2. TL/DR guy lies!5/18/18, 2:00 PM

      Ha, bet that was tossed in there 11:23/1:36 to see if you're a spellchecker and a liar who really does read what you claim not to!

  11. You can take a rat out of the hood, but you can't take the hood out of the rat.

    Nobody here is attacking black people, only pointing out what is the facts about them.

    Forget about being politically correct; it is an impossible task. Instead, be morally correct, legally correct, and honestly correct. We cannot have a conversation or understanding if we are afraid to talk.

    It's Not Racist If It's The Truth

  12. I couldn’t care less about the condition of Center School’s auditorium. If they don’t have any suitable place on their own campus to hold a graduation, there are dozens of churches and other public venues in KCMO; they have no business bringing their ghetto behavior into JoCo. If COR is trying to be the shining knight by offering them a venue, let them use one of COR’s Missouri properties, or let COR rent out Arrowhead for them, just keep them and their violence east of State Line.

  13. All you need to know is center high school. Should be pretty obvious. They brought ghetto kcmo problems to KS, and now she’ll casings and blood is spilled on the suburban ground.

  14. Mass extermination of blacks?? Only in Tony's Kansas City!!! Good work Tony, you have the best, the best commentators on your board. You must be so proud. This is how you want it!

  15. 1:46 FTW!!!

  16. 2:22 your an idiot.

    “Please refrain from reading this blog if you don't have a sense of humor and a good looking mother.”

  17. Surprised no description of suspects has been brought forth considering how well lit the parking lot is. Same with the Ward Parkway Mall shooting. Well lit area and very little dependable information.

  18. Shoulda' just saved time and had it in a Jackson Co. court room.

  19. 11:23 comment guy is a Total Loser/Destitute Retard

  20. ^^^maybe, but he owns you. You care enough to comment.

    1. 3:37 IS BIGLY OWNED!5/18/18, 4:08 PM

      ^You commented on 3:34's comment response to Loser/Retard @11:23, so you care more.

  21. I appreciate the boots on the ground testimony of the earlier commenter, however no amount of slighted tax revenue is responsible for ghetto mentality violence. Can you imagine if we had a dust bowl drought today, or great depression with no safety net,the ghetto mentality has set the black race back.

  22. Never invite didntdos to a nice part of town please.

  23. Thank you Gary Damron for running Center School District and then you ran off to someplace in the middle of Kansas.

  24. Suspect He's not in Kansas any more

  25. Make

  26. I go to COR and had no idea they were hosting this kind of stuff. I mean, why? Does the high school pay to rent the space? Are they now going to pay extra to have armed security for future events? Why on Earth are they allowing this?

  27. A wall on state line? Yeah, that's hilarious, if you don't mind the racist apartheid white supremacist sentiment.

    What we really need are new laws to enforce strict universal background checks for purchasing guns. Passed on both sides of the state line.

  28. ^^^^ your an idiot

  29. 7:02 everybody knows that colored people don’t buy guns legally, silly girl!

    Apparently you haven’t learned the blacks rape, pillage and murder everyday all day long.

  30. 8:05 if your only defense is an insult, at least use correct grammar.

    Otherwise, you only proved beyond the shadow of a doubt to be the bigger idiot. Maybe we can find a Center grad that could tutor you.

    I'm also assuming that with the lack of on-topic response, you are in favor of our current policy of legally arming people with criminal histories. You are an idiot on multiple levels.

    NRA policies and those that support them are going down in November.

  31. 8:05-it's "you're"; as in "you are", not 'your'. Maybe calling someone an idiot when you make the grammatical error of a third grader only highlights "your" ignorance ;)

  32. High school graduates should be offered free college tuition in exchange for sterilization.

  33. Monkeys


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