Kansas City MLK New Airport Debate Continues: Now With Mary Sanchez Silliness

And so the Mayor clarifies that the new MLK tribute might apply to the terminal and not the airport . . .

Better still, here is what is likely the most imbecilic bit of writing offered in Kansas City today. Don't worry, she's being coy and failing to offer any sound reasoning to the dwindling readership of the paper:

Mary Sanchez: Slapping Martin Luther King Jr.’s name on the new KCI terminal is offensive

Check a better round-up:

Committee recommends new KCI Airport terminal bear the name of MLK, Jr

Breaking News Kansas City, MO - An advisory committee has recommended that the new yet-to-be-built single-terminal at the Kansas City International Airport be named for civil rights figure Martin Luther King, Jr.


  1. Black Mayor trying to leave his legacy, just as all the cracker mayors did, but its a airport not a shrine!!

  2. Well, if we're going to base what project gets named for MLK on minority participation, then I suppose we should wait for the new jail.

  3. A man who pretended to be a man of God who would stick his dick in anything that had a white or black pulse andv had a substance problem fathered the children of these private prayer services! Should be treated as the white preacher who got caught he was a charlatan praying on the black community

  4. Just unbelievably stupid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Some pastors are able to drive such a stupid idea and the rest of us let them. Just unbelievable.

  5. I’m offended!

  6. MLK has never visited KCMO as far as I can remember. Why not name the terminal after Bishop Desmond Tutu who actually did visit our fair city? He is certainly worthy of this honor.

  7. Better still, here is what is likely the most imbecilic bit of writing offered in Kansas City today.

    I can pick one of your pages at random and find something more imbecilic.

  8. Plus we pay a yearly licensing fee to the greedy King family estate for the privilege to use his name to memorialize him, what a friggen scam.

  9. More

  10. King family gets $800,000 for any kind of shit hole naming rights for anything from streets , fountains , pools , buildings , gas stations , bars , whore houses , crack houses , cars , and what ever else that can be squeezed out for more Cash !¡?¿

  11. What a bunch of bullshit and wasted time. WTF gave these people the right to demand anything to do with it in the first place. Black entitlement? What a load of crap

  12. What would the Disney Corp. charge for the rights to name it "The Walter Elias Disney Airport"?
    (Just throwing another mickey mouse idea into the mix.)

  13. this is how sLIE and company buy votes from the black churches, throw them a bone and they will vote yes to anything and I mean anything, for example, 23rd st at prospect jogged to the left, now the city is wasting gobond money straightening out that intersection but guess what? There’s a church one block north and now the street runs right thru their property, and guess what again, the church owns all the vacant lots and the city had to buy them, just more sLIE giveaways at the tax payers expense. All for the sake of getting his votes for more stupid shit and delaying the shit that needs done.

  14. Charles Manson5/22/18, 12:16 AM

    I'm all for having MLK Name at the Airport, preferably under a slab of concrete or on some tiny wincy section of the roof, under some air conditioners, even in the bathroom stalls under the Toilets !!

    New Law Suit being filed proposes the new Airport be changed after famous Artist , Charles Manson

    from KCI Airport to "Helter Skelter" Airport !!!

    it'll be a Bloody Mess,,,,,,,,,,

  15. KCMO water rates and taxes just went up another notch. Another way for the freeloaders to freeload some more.

  16. Kansas City, City of Fountains International Airport...

  17. I still think if you built a new jail in Jackson County you'd have more blacks there than at the airport.

  18. 8:46 comment

    You're forgetting that the city can't maintain it's own public fountains. Perhaps another name?

  19. Stupid idea for the airport, and we need a new mayor in KCMO.

  20. MCI|Martin Luther King
    Kansas City International Airport

    Similar to:

    Atlanta International Airport

  21. So who will pay the money to the MLK family ? What is that money spent on ?

  22. Martin Luther King, Jr, is the icon of a failed idea.

  23. Phil Cardarella5/22/18, 5:58 PM

    The level of hatred this is demonstrated in these replies is absolutely appalling – as is the sheer level of racism.

    When the idea of naming The Paseo (a street that actually has no name, since "Paseo" is merely the Spanish equivalent of the French word "Boulevard" ) after Dr. King arose I was some somewhat surprised at the outpouring of sentimentality for the streets name (or non-name) exhibited by folks who lived at least 20 miles away from it. Often in Kansas. Although, they were not alone since the head of our Park Board tied himself in embarrassing knots attempting to come up with reasons not to do it. As has our Mayor.

    Frankly, I am embarrassed for our city. This should be a no-brainer. Dr. King was an American hero, and not just for his civil rights work. His opposition to the Vietnam War cost him many friends in high places – but if America had heeded his advice, at least 30,000 young Americans'names would not be listed on the Vietnam Memorial because they would still have been alive. And most of them would've been young WHITE men. When he was murdered, Dr. King was fighting for economic justice for union workers in Memphis.

    Expanding civil rights to all, saving our sons from unnecessary death in a foolish war, decent pay and working conditions for American workers – this seems like a trifecta of heroism – even without a Nobel Prize. The fact of the matter is that renaming one of our finest boulevards to honor Dr. King would work both ways. It would be an honor for us to have his name on our Paseo Dr. Martin Luther King Jr..

  24. My
    Kul de sack

  25. 5:58, if you have ever spent much time on this rediculious blog, you would know its filled with hard working people, white, black, yellow tan or what ever, but the posters not all but most get fucked and think they are smart when they post their stupid shit on here, And once you see any replys to this post you will see what I mean! Tony has been fucked up all day, and decided to post, and post,and post about Eric Greitens who I as a long time missouri resident could give 5 fucks about what he did or didnt do in his personal life. The media (and TKC) loves chick type drama and they blow the dumbest shit up so they can get paid!, but here is the deal, your post was spot on!, but the ignorrant drunks, and the beyond weed smokers that post here will never in a million years understand anything you just said that if they did could make a difference. This blog is where altered minds come to relieve themselves in all of the diarreah of their stupity. I go to this blog only because for me it is entertainment, I actually get a kick out of stupid people thinking they are smart on here.....so just wait the first one along with probabley many are about to respond to what I just said, that is if they are not yet blacked out.

  26. 8:06 in the morning re-read what you just posted, that is if you remember what or that you even posted!! TKC is a blog of truth and most that spend time on here do so because they drink the TKC Kool-aid, some of what you posted made sense but at the end of the day no one really cares about what you had to say! Get a life dude!


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