Take a look at the latest local legal move that puts the fortune of an alleged killer back in jeopardy.

KMBC: Widow of murdered Brookside attorney files wrongful death lawsuit against suspect


"David Jungerman, 80, is charged with first-degree murder and armed criminal action in the fatal shooting of Thomas Pickert on Oct. 25, 2017 . . . Pickert had just won a $5.75 million lawsuit against Jungerman. The day before Pickert's death, Jungerman had been served with property liens by the Jackson County Sheriff's Office. Court documents said a witness told police that he had a conversation with Jungerman in March 2018. During that conversation, Jungerman stated he had killed a lawyer with a gun and gotten away with it."

Even worse . . .

Just as our blog community predicted, the case puts a progressive widow and her slain husband at odds with an avowed right-wing activist and gunslinger accused of a horrific crime . . . Just in time for election season.

You decide . . .


  1. When they say it's not about the money.

    It's about the money.

    1. I think the more important question and journalism should be: Does she have a boyfriend yet?

      With that kind of money, she might be able to come across a wide variety of suitors to help her grieve and heal

    2. Another Midtown Mom5/23/18, 7:41 PM

      ^^ Give it a rest creep. I'm sure she would never be interested in a "TKC creep" which is a phrase I'm starting to hear more often about the commenters on this page. Sorry Tony, but I guess it's good publicity! Lol!

  2. Good!!! I hope she takes everything that arrogant prick has!

  3. 7:40...jealous, loser?

  4. This should be a lesson to all gun nuts, you're obsession with weapons and inability to use them safely will COST YOU.

    Big time.

  5. ^^^^^Gun Nuts? Whats a gun nut? Just because you don't like guns shouldn't mean nobody else can. By the way you're what they call a anti gun nut.

  6. ^^^^And being a Anti Gun Nut could cost you with your life

  7. <<<<your threat will be reported in the morning.

    1. Please. No it won’t. Grow up bitch. Like most gun-nuts, you’re a fucking retard.

  8. 7:51 Gun nuts, obsession with guns??

    I think what you really mean to say is... we aren't going to be unarmed while all of the black "gun nuts, obsessed with guns" shoot at us while we drive home from work! Geeez get off the gravel wacko!

  9. "Just in time for election season."

    What the fuck does that have to do with ANYTHING regarding this case?

  10. Exactly how was it a wrongful death? There are many people who would disagree with that.

  11. Just in time for Memorial Day.

    Or World Turtle Day.

    Makes just about as much sense.

  12. 8:24 what an idiot you truly have to be. I see that as if you choose to be anti gun being so could result in a bad person with a gun blowing your shit away because "YOU" hate guns and therefore can't defend yourself or your family some night possibly.

  13. 7:41

    I'm sorry for the loss of your friend and associate attorney. May He Rest in Peace.

    Gosh, do you think he was a little too arrogant during the trial? during closing arguments? How was it he (the deceased) was able to get information admitted during the trial?

    Just wondering if things could have been handled differently during this case and trial.

  14. If/when he is found guilty. Dude deserves to lose every penny. Shame on him! Using his senility is not an excuse, somebody should have took those guns away from him.

  15. Sad situation. I hope this is one instance where we both gun rights supporters and proponents of more gun regulation can get together and realize that this man has been a menace with his weapons, if guilty, should face the strictest penalties.

  16. Justice in KC5/23/18, 10:39 PM

    The guy was a more than a menace, he has been a ruthless repub-tard and a hypocrite too.

    Farmer who put up sign claiming Democrats are ‘party of parasites’ has taken $1 million in farm subsidies.

    He also donated to Trump.

    Daily Kos reported earlier Trump-supporting millionaire arrested for first degree gun murder of KC lawyer

    In the end, he's an alleged killer.

    I don't think he's making America great again at all. Glad he is locked away in Jackson County jail.

  17. I just want everybody to love each other and me get something breaded and fried to eat every 4 to 6 hours

  18. 10:39 jungerman is right, the dummocraps are parasites, just look at what they are doing to each other, they are eating each other up so fast it’s throwing the world into “climate change!”

    And their proof that took six months to find is a single unspent bullet that is the same type used to put that greedy scumbag liberal lawyer down, pretty thin if you ask me, hell, I can find bullets laying around all over in the hood but that doesn’t prove anything. Pretty sketchy if you ask me.

  19. Rich white right-wing fucks with guns are a bigger problem in Killa City than anyone is willing to admit. Between your violent urban youths and your psychotic old Trumper douchebags, I'm really happy that I relocated to Cleveland.

  20. Middle Class Conservatives are so basic....idolize the guy who calls out poor folks who are on welfare yet takes six figures + in government subsidies. Like, this dude gets the whole pie and people get pissed at the other people fighting over the crumbs.

    Also, I'm sure Pickert's widow doesn't need a dime of that money as she's a Physician and one would presume her husband had some life insurance, but I hope she takes the whole estate from this old jagoff.

  21. 9:07 ++++ 1,000!!!

  22. 9:45, you need to ask Jugerman's attorney. He is the one who fucked up, not Pickert!!!

  23. It will be interesting to find out what evidence against this guy the KCPD actually has. If all they've got is a bullet in his van that was the same caliber as the bullet that killed the lawyer, then he will walk. The civil case has a lower standard of proof, but even under that standard a bullet alone will not cut it.

  24. 11:37
    You know Jungerman represented himself "pro se"

    Pickert and quite possibly you or your friends or associates took advantage of his limited access to the way the "game" is played in court proceedings.

    It's true the presiding Judge allowed Jungerman's network to be revealed to the jury prior to deliberations. I understand Pickert's prior attempt via motions were denied and then "out of nowhere" the Judge ruled against Jungerman.

    Again I'm sorry for the loss of life and your friend.

    I just wonder "IF" some behavior on Pickert's part could have been handled differently. Especially, knowing the unstable behavior Jungerman had shown throughout the years.

  25. 3:52

    Because the victim Pickert was an attorney who lived in Brookside all stops were removed to find evidence to support the police detectives theory. I understand they gather all cameras video footage on the streets, businesses, ATA buses in the KC from the crime scene to the suspects home. Hundreds of hours were put into forming a timeline with this information and then the suspect admitted to the crime when he accidently recorded himself with his cell phone.


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