Kansas City 2018 Homicide #46: Northland Apartment Gunfire Leaves One Dead

The body count across the bridge continues to climb violence continues to find its way across the bridge.

The latest incident tonight . . .

KMBC: One person was killed in an area near 169 Highway and Barry Road


"Authorities said the incident started as a disturbance inside one of the apartments. Then, multiple shots were fired and a man was killed. Police said several people jumped off of the deck or a balcony of the apartments to get away - they're not sure if those individuals were witnesses, or suspects."

Developing . . .


  1. We could end up with at least 55 by the end of May. 180 would be a 20% increase over last year, very respectable considering we got off to a slow start for 2018.

  2. ^^^ Absolutely agree. The cold at the start of the year set back the numbers and if we have the 1st & 2nd district now adding to the pool. There's no telling what the final tally will be.

  3. Correct those typos,i think you meant 47

  4. Meanwhile, across the bridge, people across the bridge find themselves across the bridge, right Hemingway?

  5. Just another murder in Killa City. Maybe someday we will get a real police department.

  6. This murder brought to you by "diversity" in the suburbs.

  7. Keep the diversity South of the river please you are not welcome up north.

  8. People jumping out of windows to escape gunfire. That's what's all over Google News. The whole world marvels at what a hellhole Kansas City has become.

  9. Niggers jumping out of the windows; now I don't care who you are....that's funny.

  10. Another example of a game of "Dungeons and Dragons" gone wrong!

  11. The Flying Welfarians perform at the Section Eight Circus.


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