Lawsuits targeting this organization work to create change in an organization with coping with a complicated legacy and future pension problems. Read more:

Kansas City Fire Department faces another race discrimination suit

A federal lawsuit filed Tuesday alleges that African-American firefighters in Kansas City are discriminated against when seeking promotion to captain. Travis Yeargans, a 23-year veteran of the department who left the department in 2014 after several unsuccessful tries for promotion, filed the suit Tuesday in federal court in Kansas City.


  1. I would imagine they are. If you've ever spent any time around black people you would be racist too, especially in a city fire department where the black guy got the job ahead of 50 more qualified white people, knows he can't be fired, and expects to coast.

  2. ^^^ I can see some of your frustration but anybody who knows the KCFD sees that it's all just nepotism - That is the real trend for the fire department, all of the legacies need to go. There's just too many family connections and I notice that the people trying to get jobs for their relatives are the ones who complain loudest about the "quotas" it's because they are trying to turn the department into their family business.

  3. Fire departments are basically noncollegant frat houses.

  4. hell they are racist always have been and always well be

  5. 8:55, That is more than true, WHITE hose dragging entitled bitches calling themselves "HERO's"!! If only the public knew how these "WHITE" Monkeys and their Mobster Union fuck the life out of the taxpayers instead of saving lives they claim as their top priority! Well that can of worms if opened would bring down most of the local city government and for sure some state politicos as well. Greitens is out, he was a proponant of the IAFF, looks like this time the IAFF 0 - the people - 1. I didnt have a problem with Grietens, I could care less who he cheated on his wife with or why, and as far as the rest of his charges I could care less, all politicians are corrupt liars so why is anyone really all that surprised!!

  6. 7:55 I meant

  7. 7:21 - Your mentality holds humanity back! I will give you a shovel, and a gun for free so once you realize that you have a been a douchbag your entire life you can solve our problem which will be us not ever seeing you post on here again! The world is full of people like you and humanity doesnt gain forward progress with your NEGATIVE rasist ass breathing our air!!

  8. Of course they’re racist, everybody is. Negroes are particularly racist. People that say they abhor racism are racist. Inbred hillbilly southerners are racist. We all are racist. Cats hate dogs. BIG MOTHERFUCKING DEAL.

  9. Just because you have been a firefighter for 23 years does not mean you're Captain material. If 10 people all take a Captain test and 75% of them scored higher than you guess what, 23 years won't mean squat. He was a FAO which is a rather cushy position to be in. But maybe him being the Senior Pastor at River Edge Fellowship Church was just cutting into his firefighting duties too much? Or was he trying to convert the wrong fellow firefighters? Don't appear he follows the words of the Holy Bible he preaches from very well with the filing of this lawsuit.


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