Here's the latest official update the struggle to redefine the historical outlook of Kansas City . . .

Kansas City's Black Leaders Rally To Rename The Paseo After Martin Luther King, Jr.


"Nearly 900 streets in the U.S. are named for Martin Luther King, Jr. But there's not one in Kansas City. Black political and religious leaders want to change that by renaming The Paseo to Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard, but say they've been met with bureaucratic resistance. So, they want to take the fight to the ballot box."

As always, there are a few tidbits missing in this discussion:

- Behind the scenes, there's a Northland rich lady law firm wife who made an absolute mess of this negotiation. She's a political player working WITH City Manager Troy Schulte's office and her meddling in KCMO biz has made an impressive impact for more than a decade. She's dead set against the name change but was so outraged that she blew up talks thanks to her frustration. In fairness to the "many sides" of this debate, Conservatives should be happy to know that there are a few right-wingers working against the plan along with tacit support from 12th & Oak. NO, IT'S NOT MEG!!! There are actually a growing number of Conservatives working with City Hall amid the tenure of Mayor Sly!!!

- City Hall is more than willing to offer an MLK street but the logistics and cost of changing The Paseo is the main argument against the switcheroo.

- Council is soon to make a suggestion that will send the Parks Board back to the drawing board after they mistakenly believed their discouragement would dissuade the dissuade east side leaders and the ministers.

Meanwhile . . .

MSM confirms last night's TKC news about support for the name change from the highest ranking local politico:

An event in support of renaming the boulevard is scheduled for Friday. People are asked to gather at 5 p.m. at 3400 Paseo. The march will kick off at 5:30 p.m. and conclude in a rally at 27th and Prospect Avenue. U.S. Rep. Emanuel Cleaver II will be the keynote speaker.

Developing . . .


  1. Problem Solved4/3/18, 5:42 PM


    Idi Amin Boulevard.

  2. It doesn't matter who is at fault. Just tell the black people renaming the Paseo after a phony plagiarist is not happening. Does anybody realize how much better off Kansas City would be if Cleaver never got his way?

  3. Find the street with highest murder rate and change name to MLK

  4. Just change it to Richard B. Sherman Drive and we'll all agree on what a great decision it was.

  5. What a joke, put it in the projects where it belongs, they’ll only need a couple signs for that

  6. Why not rename 18th from the Paseo to Indiana Ave after MLK?

  7. Rename the Jackson county jail


  8. NO They have already changed a street to Emanuel Cleaver when it wasn't even him who made that area better, it was Mayor Berkeley, but Cleaver takes the credit for it.
    I don't think this has anything to do with MLK I think it's a racist thing and if it's done it won't be enough for the black people. First the fountain, then the statues, and now the roads. If you want a MLK road move to a city that has one named MLK!

  9. ^^^^ now that’s an appropriate place for his name to be placed!!!

  10. Our 24 million visitors will appreciate the code for "don't be caught dead here" when they look at a street map.

  11. "Martin Luther King is an icon of a failed idea."

  12. The pretense, at this point, that streets named for MLK, will change, or, mitigate the hatred for whites, the criminality of blacks, or "Fundamentally Change" this country for the better, is a pipe dream.

    It's just another show of force, by the Progressive/Black/Democrat party that hates America and wants an end to the Rule Of Law.

  13. My sympathies to those people and businesses who have remained on Paseo. Things are about to get worse, folks.

  14. You can't tell the blacks anything. They know it all and want it all handed to them. A street named for MLK is nothing more than another shake down for blackety. I agree with 6:55!! If they want a street named for MLK let them hold a bake sale and raise the funds for the signage and all the internal expenses the city will have to cover. It would be money better spent elsewhere.

  15. A new MLK named street should feature a memorial park with placards for all the black on black murder victims and for all the black fatherless children. I was raised to not be racist and I am not, but the failures of the black community leaves me absolutely disgusted with them. I don't even want to socialize or interact with them. A street named for MLK would be nothing but a reminder of all this. I vote "NO"

  16. Rename Cleaver Blvd. for MLK. Let the fireworks begin.

  17. There are black leaders in KCMO?
    Who knew!

  18. This is just another "Plaques For Blacks" bone, tossed to the perpetually angry, parasites who subsist off of our tax money by way of government jobs and government subsidies.

    In the new America, where EVERYTHING under the sun, including snow, is racist, it is a step, even further, towards the day, where even White Progressives fall under the literal and metaphorical knife of a new American ANC.

    Schadenfreude for those prescient enough to see the coming death of the Social Contract, the Rule Of Law and Democrat/Dystopia, will be the shock on the faces of liberals who refused to believe that it was always, "Back To Blood".

    Rename the whole fuckin city, Louis Farrakhanville and they would still whine about "Whitey".

  19. The left loves MLK, but hate his dream. The left thrives on judging people by the color of their skin. They couldn’t care less about the content of anyone’s character.

  20. I think this is a perfect opportunity for Rev Cleaver to show his true colors. If he’s truly a man of God, he should be more than happy to change Cleaver Blvd to MLK. After all, Rev Cleaver, your mission is to serve the people of your district, not grandstand for personal praise, right?

    1. He will never surrender Cleaver Blvd. he probably gets 2.6 cents from Nike for every pair of Air Jordans found at a crime scene.

  21. The council will fold. The preachers control too many votes. Councilcritters know who butters their bread. Shameful, but that's the way is is.

  22. The latest trend is to dismantle any statue or monument that was erected in honor of anyone whose reputation was less than sterling. The latest is a statue in CA of President McKinley. Given MLK’s known personal foibles, shouldn’t we refrain from naming something after him?

  23. How about renaming a park after MLK ? A place of possible solitude not traffic. Makes more sense, you can visit a park, who visits a street ? Put up a nice statue of MLK and a fountain. A road is a drive by and forget type of thing.

  24. Mlk was bi-sexual, it’s apparently true, according to fbi documents released within the last year.

    1. ^So was your dad.

    2. LOL! Kudos to you 8:56! That is quality discourse right there.

    3. My Son Is My Nephew, signed N. Bredd4/3/18, 9:34 PM

      8:56's dad is his mom's brother.

  25. On no! I’m insulted by this! I’m a racist! No to blacks! Oh no! Nothing for blacks! I hate MLK! He gets credit for stuff! I never get credit for anything! He makes me feel bad! People respected him! Nobody respects me! I can be as racist as I want on here! Good thing we are anonymous! I hate others! I claim to be a Christian, but I really hate everyone! No MLK!

  26. Rename blue hills park after him, dead smack in the middle of the hood where it belongs

  27. How bout the road around Swope Park.

  28. ^^^^ your just jealous!

  29. She’s hawt!!!

  30. Someone mentioned re naming brush creek to mlkreek! That’s freakin perfect!

  31. Rename Main Street as Martin Luther King Drive. It will piss off the streetcar fanatics that don't want to be around black people on buses.


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