An embattled location suffers more weekend gunfire . . . Check the round-up: One Person Injured In Shooting Outside Grocery Store


  1. I'm sure those pesky white people are responsible for this.

  2. That parking lot has been getting worse for a long time now. Beggars working out of cars and on foot. Scammers trying to get you over to their vehicles. People just walking around looking for an opportunity to steal something.

  3. Leawood is on full alert and First Down is busy marketing its bullet proof vest as we speak

  4. Wow! Diversity! At the border of old Leawood, a mile from both Red Bridge and Hallbrook! Yep, name State Line MLK (Killa City Crim Crossing)!

  5. It’s sunny out today! I can’t imagine a worse waste of time than sitting on a blog talking crime. I’ve got to run. Brunch with my crew, then on to a brewery crawl with a couple dozen friends. You however stay here and get to the bottom of this!!! God, I hope I die before I resort to you losers. Have fun!!!!

  6. And you had to announce that because... How perspicacious . That chopper runs all demos, but yes its always at least 7 times out of 10 an africano americano, becuz theres a rot in the accepted daily practices and single mother matriarchy rules the roost and you have 4 generations of soft wannabe tuff guy mamas boys trying to be a hot shot popping off a gun when something doesnt go their way.

  7. Go get boozed up 10:24 AM, I hope you don't get a DUI. Anyone know around how much you have to pay the system if your'e a first offender on that charge?

    Anyhoo Hyvee has the best meat in town, you gotta catch the sales though or you can get raped on the normal prices.

  8. 10:24,Lying slob! Your fatass doesn't "run" anywhere. And, "brunch" isn't sitting in your stained boxers scarfing a box of Ding Dongs with 2 liters of Pepsi while surrounded by your "crew"--a kookoo cat-lady wife and her fifty felines! Then, going over to your alky mama's shack with a case of Natty Lites (you call them your "couple dozen friends") is a "crawl" alright--when you're on all fours trying to make it to her outhouse.

  9. But...that usetabee sutch a nice neighborhood.

  10. I go there and it always is the same. The prices are great, but the blacks are insufferable. For starters they ALWAYS park in Handi-Capped and get out of the car, healthy and as big as horses, not even faking a limp.

    The fat asses are ALWAYS in those motorized carts, neck in neck, blocking aisles and talking on the phone about "NO SHE DIDDDNNNTT!!!"

    Now, of course, we have graduated to gun play in the parking lot. No doubt our black mayor will blame the guns and white people.

  11. As I have stated THE bad guy's and gals are coming to a Culdasac near you. The unemployable and the drug users. Keeping the cartels rich

  12. After the police examine the poor quality grainy footage from a camera mounted 20 feet in the air, then will have a sure thing and arrest someone. Ha ha ha

  13. Enraged trusty gays looking for Coaches.

  14. Outdoor shooting range with black silhouette targets. Two center mass, one to head.

  15. That's actually a mice store, but as usual it's being ruined by the ebonic plague like most things in Kansas City.

  16. They should only allow food stamps in separate, highly guarded stores. I shop there almist daily and pay more in income taxes than the average salary in Kansas City. If the coty continues to let areas like go down the drain, it will push me and other high wealth individuals out of KC, alobg with all of the taxes that we pay.


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