Show-Me The Fight To Save Embattled Guv Greitens From Revenge Pr0n Court Fight

Conservative breaking news that reports a last ditch effort to keep the focus off of allegations facing the Guv. Checkit:

Breaking: State Rep Files Bar Complaint Against Greitens Prosecutor - The Sentinel

Marine Corps veteran Paul Curtman, a state representative from eastern Missouri, is preparing for battle once more, this time against the St. Louis prosecutor who chose to put Republican Gov. Eric Greitens on trial. In February, a St. Louis grand jury indicted Greitens on one felony count of invasion of privacy.


  1. Agree with the state rep. Prosecutor has no case.

  2. Legal trick, not breaking news.

    It's not going to work.

    Slime boy Eric has gone 0-3 in his court case and it looks like he is running out of ideas.

    The state legal board takes months to review complaints. He should be out of office by then.

  3. SLMO Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner holds her homemade political bombshell in her own hands, but it goes off before she can lob it effectively at Greitens!

    She'll lose her law license and forfeit any political future for this poorly executed political attack.

  4. Paul has four primary opponents in August. Expect more such shenanigans in the coming months.

  5. Prosecutor Mike Nifong, who brought bogus charges against the Duke lacrosse players, was disbarred for what may well turn out to be similar ethical violations. On the other hand, he did not have a race card or a gender card to play, while Gardner has both, so the worst she's likely to suffer is a wrist slap.

  6. Is the State Rep also going to file a Bar complaint against AG Hawley for investigating Greiten's misuse of mailing lists and misappropriation of funds from his "Charity"?


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