Here's a glimpse of the NEXTGEN of political pundit flexing on the Midwest . . .

The conservative host of a nightly TV show on a St. Louis station owned by Sinclair Broadcasting has resigned after drawing fire regarding comments he made on Twitter against a Parkland, Fla., high school student who has become a gun control activist.

Sinclair talk show canceled after host appears to threaten Parkland survivor David Hogg

Riverfront Times broke this story about Jamie Allman over the weekend

And this brings us to our question:


Obviously, the answer is NO for reasonable people.

A guide for edification of our Conservative pals . . .

Better than anybody else, this young Conservative has DECIMATED the arguments of the anti-gun scholar pundits . . .

Ben Shapiro: Parkland student should not be free from pushback

Saying that while he disagreed with her (Laura Ingraham's) tweet going after Parkland shooting survivor David Hogg it wasn't "remotely close" to criticism that Hogg himself has issued.

Shapiro argued in a series of tweets that Parkland students such as Hogg who engage in political discourse should not be immune from criticism, pointing to the student's past comments regarding gun rights advocates.

"You may not like what Ingraham said. You may disagree with it. I did. But it isn't remotely CLOSE to the level of viciousness with which Hogg has attacked people who disagree with him," Shapiro wrote.

Tweet p0wnership from Mr. Shapiro:

"I look forward to Hogg's apologies to Republicans ("sick f***ers"), Dana Loesch (she was "hypocritical and disgusting" for criticizing Broward Sheriff Scott Israel), and Marco Rubio (he said Rubio was bribed by the NRA to give away children's lives)"

What have we learned from all of this???

The NEXTGEN of political punditry is just as divisive and corrosive and the last whilst culture war discourse becomes even more ineffective at impacting policy.

Read more . . .


  1. Hogg would have made a good Hitler Youth leader.

    By the way when did the other 3000 students at Parkland choose him to speak for them?

  2. Soros picked him and groomed him to be their puppet boy

  3. Progressives are using Hogg's youth as a shield in the War On The Middle Class.

    He is the soup cause celebre, soup du jour personification of a Liberal Talking Point. A living breathing, effeminate, androgynous sign on the highway to the inferno.

    Abandon Brains, All Ye Who Enter Here.

    Fuck the little piece of shit.

    I do like the raised "Black Power" fist in the air, coming from the perfect example of ethnomasochistic self loathing, vapid, inane, dumb-ass white boy.

  4. We learned the repubtards are animals who need to be shot on sight. Right Ted Nugent? Look everybody knows repubtards are cretins. They can dish it out, but sure as shit can't take it.

    1. Whole Lotta Hypocrites4/10/18, 9:21 AM

      Yeah,and Farrakhan said during a Million Man March and elsewhere that 10,000 volunteers should go out and kill whites.

  5. hey listen to a group of brats that eats Tide pods....go join them.

  6. I'm surprised he wasn't named Sinclair's radio host of the year.

  7. I love the Hitler comparison because some kid wants people to not have Semi-automatic rifles, or wants stricter background checks. Seems legit. Nobody wants to take your pistols, hunting rifles, etc, gun weirdos.

  8. 8:33, bullshit. Read their discussion boards.

    First they go after the semi automatic stuff. Then they take ALL the rest.

    That's their plan.

    The Hitler Youth comparison is spot on...fools marching to have their rights taken away.

  9. Fourth Branch Exposed4/10/18, 8:57 AM

    This POS is not even credible!! How about the interview saying he rode his bike to school after hearing about the shooting at home?

    False Flag:

    1) govt manufactures problem

    read between

    2) citizens react

    the lines

    3) govt provides solution

  10. Just go back to the law from the 1800’s and ban all blacks from having guns, 98% of the problems will instantly go away! Lol!

  11. Oh no, guns. I'm a gun-dummy. I have a dumb opinion. Blacks and guns! No blacks, yes guns. No control, yes control! My cold dead hands. I fuck guns. Libtards!!! Decomcrims. Repubtards! Fuck Trump. Fuck my ass! Guns yay! Guns boo! Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah

    1. Take Your Meds!4/10/18, 9:27 AM

      ^Triggered bigly, or Tourettes?

  12. It's after 10:00AM and the sun is out! Anyone posting now is a worthless shut-in with no family, friends, life or hobbies. Go outside!!!!!!!!

    1. F*ck U, Bitchy Hypocrite!4/10/18, 1:38 PM

      ^ Sez the most worthless, sanctimonious dumbass ever. Were you with your fantasy brunch buds when you posted this? Oh, no, you must have been with those couple dozen pretend beer buds. Yeah, beer "Buds", as in those 24 empty cans laying on the floor.

  13. David Hogg would fit in perfectly with the Hitler youth or Lenin political movements.

  14. Repealing the Second Amendment is not an attack on the Constitution.

    We have amended the constitution several times & we have even repealed an amendment before. No one called any of this an attack on the constitution.

    The majority is being terrorized by a crazed minority.

    This isn't working & the problem will only get exponentially greater as the population increases.

    This isn't the 18th century & we are no longer a sparsely populated agrarian country.

  15. Why aren't you protesting the National Firearms Act of 1934?
    That was an obvious "violation" of the Second Amendment and imposed restrictions that are in place still.

    Why aren't you having hysterics about the "Brady Bill", passed by a Republican-led Congress and signed by a Republican President? Those restrictions are still around, except for the ban on any firearm whose magazine held more than ten rounds, a restriction put in place by Executive Order from a Republican President and in effect until removed by a Democratic President.

    Seems that your memories and your outrage are pretty damn specific!

  16. Reading some of the above bullshit only reinforces my decision to remain trained and well armed.

  17. Let’s look at the 1st amendment shall we, let’s twist the way it’s written into the way they’re trying to twist the 2nd amendment. it says “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

    Now I could read that to pertain to religion only and not free speech and protests of anything not related to religion. This could easily be amended to what ever the government wants.

    I say be careful of what you wish for.

  18. Only the gays have brunch!

  19. God bless the NRA and Dana Loesch, never will you find truer patriots!

  20. Cyber Spying Is A Must For School Safety4/10/18, 3:07 PM

    I've read that Hogg, et al, are helping guns and related sales. Right after the Parkland school shootings, the numbers of CCW permits surged. Participants in range instruction and safety courses rose rapidly in recent weeks.

    While the teenagers and gun control activists are screaming for their rights to be safe, school districts are planning to introduce in house cyber spying on students' social media. Yeah, clear backpacks aren't the only way to bring a loss of "privacy" for them. Sensible schools will have armed security and scanners to go along with those Big Brother eyes. It's past time for this in the "nice" burbs. More urban schools need to have ALL the security in place, also.

  21. @ 2:39, and how much money did the Russians hand LaPierre and the NRA to fund their Trump ads in 2016? So far it's over $75 million and still being uncovered.

    As far as the Loesch broad, having a kid out of wedlock sure sets a great example, doesn't it?

    1. Whole Lotta Hypocrites4/10/18, 6:05 PM

      Yes, a great example just like Ann Dunham. Of course, bastard Barry's REAL birth and school records are SEALED.

      Obozo's Operation Fast & Furious FUBAR let untold numbers of crimmies and cartels get ahold of those "walking" guns!

      RIP Agent Brian Terry, who was killed by liars and crooks (Obozo, Holder, and other un-American gun grabbers) in his own government.

  22. 3:49 They matter, you don’t

  23. I guess if your black and have kids out of wedlock that’s ok, you just can’t be white otherwise it’s a sin, got it, I thought you progressives were ok with this and homo’s, trannies and whatever else you sickos come up with

  24. By the way fake news @3:49, there’s an investigation into that and until it’s proven otherwise they are innocent until proven guilty. And my money is on the NRA and not your fantasy of the Russians involvement

  25. Triggered by a teenager. Sad!

    1. HOGG HELPS GUN SALES, BIGLY4/10/18, 6:15 PM

      Not triggered, disgusted. He's a teen, and also a terrorist with a real nasty potty mouth.

  26. If your best defense is calling a teenager a paid hitler youth, you are losing the argument.

    Soros paid false flags? The tin foil hats are on too tight.

  27. A spade is a spade I guess!

  28. Just received my new (bargain priced) HiPoint 10mm carbine. Headed for Texas for some Hogg hunting. Oops! Hog hunting.

  29. 10mm is an excellent choice sir!

  30. Sugar, mr poon?

  31. I stand corrected.

    A violent threat is a worse argument.

    Conservatives are intellectually bankrupt. Good to stay consistent with their moral bankruptcy.

  32. Remind me, @ 5:29 - 10mm is the little-used variant of the 40mm pistol caliber, isn't it?

    You know, those two "compromises" dreamed up in the 80s for wimpy people who didn't want either the accuracy of 9mm Luger or the reliability of .45 ACP.

  33. 10mm is more powerful than the 9, 40 and 45, it shoots a higher velocity round than the others, 9mm is considered a girly gun because it doesn’t kick much

  34. Semper Fi, 4 Ever4/10/18, 10:18 PM

    ^ Like shooting the S*** at ranges and while fishing to learn from the Vets/Actives. A USMC maturish sniper guy and youngish Army artillery commander have imparted bigly with the hows, whats, and whys over this past decade. There's hope for MAGA and keeping it so, if we're getting enough of these guys and gals!

  35. No, never, never.


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