A worthwhile interview from a longtime denizen of the local discourse from the LGBT paper of record:

The Camp 10 - C.J. Janovy

Valentine's Day - and the candy sales that follow - are behind us. I look out the window, and everything is gray. But I am not letting the fluctuating weather and current dreariness get me down. I recently picked up C.J.


  1. "Every day, journalists all over the world are working hard to tell the truth with accuracy, speed and integrity. We deliver life-enhancing, and sometimes life-saving, information to audiences who are overwhelmed by a deluge of messages, many of them dubious. And now our leaders are aggressively trying to destroy the free press, which is one of the four pillars of our democracy.'

    I got cash money that CJ would like to see TKC monitored and censored for views divergent from "The Narrative".

  2. Chuck wins again! Well done sir.

  3. Sure chuck and why should we believe your stance on censorship as you frolic around on the Kansas City Confidential site that is as heavily censored as that MoRage POS.

  4. Chuck speaks the truth! Chuck wins!

  5. This article is simply a rerun promotional piece to sell her book (because so few copies have sold so far).

    Don't give a shit that she's LGBT (a fabricated term itself) and the fact that it's repeatedly referenced in the article tells me that she's someone who promotes identity politics.

    Just write good stories, and keep your liberal lesbian activism to yourself.

  6. chuck speaks nothing but hate and ignorance. He’s on here because TKC is full of nothing but hateful ignorant people. His tired act plays nowhere else. Anyone with any sort of education or affluence avoids this shithole like the plague. All your left with are people too dumb to go anywhere else(see the above comments).

  7. ^^^^ your worthless lies tell us this is the only place left for you, you’ve been kicked out of every other place other wise you wouldn’t be on here 24/7. chuck tells the truth, he wins

  8. Me A Mensa Wid Much Munny4/7/18, 10:25 AM

    ^Oh, listen to me, cuz I is so rich and smart and only on here at TKC to sez it's a shithole full of igrant haterz. But, jist ignore my lass line where I used "your" stead of "you're".

  9. It’s nice out today. I’ getting out into it. Got too much to do, and sitting on a blog all day with a bunch of shut-ins with no social lives is not among them. But by all means continue to award chuck his prizes( he wins, he wins!) think I’lol. Ate some rays and get the boys together. Carry on losers.

    1. God, don’t any of you losers have anything else to do?

  10. 8:59
    What the hell does that even mean?

  11. Theres so many outlets online to get parts of the story behind the story from people who lived in it. Who can u trust, i want to believe papers and magazines but they all have a bias

  12. That article is trash why put it in a great website such as Tonyskc?

    Journalism is going down hill. :)

  13. Come on cmi get with the program and keep up on things. It points out how chuck goes all wild with pointing out the truth and black things here at Tony's but then goes over to Hearne Christophers site and kisses his and Glazers asses like they are some sort of Gods. Here at Tony's it's free speech but at KCC if you point out the truth your comment never gets posted since Hearne moderates all posts and eliminates anything making him or Glazer look ignorant. So either you're for free speech or you're not make up your mind who or what you support.

  14. C.J. eats a lot of pussy.

  15. I remember CJ from Kelly's - get a few drinks in her and she dropped the Lesbo bit and turned into a pretty hot little Nympho-but that schtick don't sell books.

  16. Hearne has never deleted any of my comments and his politics are very, very moderate.

    You have no idea what you're talking about.

    KCC is a different venue than TKC, but, you can post what you want as long as you are not insane, like Harley/Boob/boom.

    Free Speech IS more open over here and the extemporaneous give and take is not for the faint of heart, or, politically correct ideologues, who, would censor that same give and take.

    When in Rome...

    1. God you’re such a failure. It was nice out and you’re on a blog! Is that what you wanted to be?

  17. 1:00 I'd like to eat CJ's pussy.

  18. The members of this group that experience issues are the ones that flaunt it. Sexual preferences are not intending to wore on your sleeve. Keep it your pants and all is cool. Your complaints are due to you taking a puss filled blistered stance with society and feeling hurt every time someone looks at you.

  19. Love the book. Great job!


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