Hoopz Endorses MLK Rename On The Paseo

First a bit of patience . . . Our blog community has actually penned some very smart arguments about this effort and we're soon to post them as promised. But for now . . . Here's a screed from a lady who could be the most divisive writer on culture war issues currently working in this town. Take a look: Martin Luther King had a dream. Why is it a nightmare to name a KC street after him?


  1. Like I said, you could name the whole fuckin city Louis Farrakhanville and Jenee would still whine about "Racism" and evil white people.

    1. Yes dear, everybody heard you the first time, sweetie. Let me wipe up that drool for you.

  2. One of the smartest comments/suggestions was to rename The Paseo after the well-known statesman, hero and patriot, Richard B. Sherman Blvd.

    Your readers are on top of things.

  3. Cleaver the Grifter -

    "“Paseo, even after all of these years,” is a beautiful street,” he says."

    Translation, "I am shocked this area isn't all fucked up by black people."

    Jenee the Race Baiter.

    "People can avoid monuments. They don’t have to visit a painting. But a street, especially The Paseo, will always be filled with people."

    There ya have it folks. By fiat and intimidation, MLK BLVD will come about and the Evil Whitey Race Baiting Narrative that greases the wheels in the new Democrat/Progressive/Fascist Party will achieve what most voters don't want.

    MLK Blvd will be, as it is in every city across the US, as Chris Rock says, associated with violence and dystopia brought about by dysgenic, perpetually disgruntled inhabitants who will see this new moniker as a reinforcement of that same Evil Whitey Race Baiting Narrative.

    Rinse, wash and repeat ad nauseam.

    1. So, chuck: Richard B. Sherman Blvd., right? Good idea?

  4. Doesn’t she know racism was wiped out in killa shitty?

    Besides, nothing she says means anything any more


  5. I'm getting really tired of this women "a Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton wanna be" trying to start a race war. Why is this being brought up so many years after MLK's death? So Kansas City doesn't have a MLK street, what's her point. So he had a dream, we all know that all to well and his dream came true. So he fought for civil rights O.K. we all get it, and they have their civil rights. The Paseo has been the Paseo for how many years and she wants to change it. His legacy has survived years and yet it's the black people who are the ones violating MLK's dream with their killing and refusing to better themselves.

    This Janee character is a mess and this is nothing more than a racist ploy on her part.

  6. Like I said, you could post a trolling article about MLK, and all of the fuckin progress blacks have made and chuck would whine and complain about the evils of black people,

  7. Tunnel Vision Progressive4/5/18, 7:36 AM

    "Naming a street after King, especially The Paseo, since it crisscrosses into many communities of color, would be bold and important. People of color need more recognition for their contributions to this country, and naming a public space after King would be a symbol of resisting segregation and inequity."

    Sounds like she is playing the entitlement card.

  8. James Earl Ray Blvd

  9. Hoopz is playing with a full deck. Unfortunately it's all the race card. Doesn't she ever get tired of writing about one thing?

  10. Hoops triggers me. She has a job and doesn't need my worthless opinions. I don't like it when she complains, because it's MY job to complain! She's young, I'm old. She intimidates me because she makes me think and I don't like to think! I know what I know dammit! Why does she get to give her opinion in the paper, and I am relegated to giving mine here? Not fair!!

    1. I'm sorry for your troubles. The rest of us are pretty comfortable in our assessment of hoopz as a one-note diversity hire.

  11. Don't try to rationalize this; you don't want to give them what they want because you hate blacks.

    Reasonable people would seek a way to accommodate, not make up excuses for inaction.

    Keep hating, Kansas City, it's what you do best.

    1. So for future reference, any reasonable question or objection to the tired racial victim narrative makes you Hitler.

  12. I endorse Hoopz being fired then ran out of town.

  13. Only half of her means it.

  14. Will this mean I have to submit a change of address to all the companies I deal with? The usps will have to be notified for sure.

  15. They will keep it the paseo and add another brown sign underneath it with mlk on it, wait, what? That’s racist right there, a brown sign, jeez their gonna bitch about that too you’ll see. All those signs in town are brown, you probably never noticed them but if you look you’ll see them

  16. While most of her writings resemble 6th grade level thinking... this one is clearly well thought out and visionary.
    I truly believe it is written at a seventh grade level of thinking.
    It’s not original or even really visionary, but for her it is when graded on a curve.
    If it’s the best an official member of the KC Star editorial board can do that is on their payroll... then so be it.
    The reporters needed to bring subscribers just goes up every time someone this writes nonsense that isn’t original.

  17. Rename one if the numerous parks. Use the money saved on changing hundreds of signs to erect a statue and build a fountain. "I Have A Dream Park" has a nice positive ring to it. Rembering and honoring someone is hard to do when you are dodging pot holes and presedsrians and trying to beat the next light. Where are the children going to go on remeberance field trip ? Drive up and down a street ?

  18. Hey great. Another feelgood symbolic gesture. Let's do that instead of actually doing something about our own local Mogadishu.

    Ah, progressives. Never change.

  19. I'm triggered! Hoops is always a troll piece, but I'm dumb enough to take the bait every time! I have a lot of hate I need to release. She is a good target! She doesn't need me, but I need her to release this pent-up hate. when I'm not on on third-rate blog bitching about "blacks", I consider myself a Christian, but I know I'm not. I'm a hateful, racist bastard, and I know I'm going to hell. Thank God these comments are anonymous, because I'd really hate if everyone knew how terrible a human being I am.

    1. Yeah, that's sad. There are very reasonable objections to racial hack Hoopz that aren't racist at all, so make sure you just haven't bought into some progressive white guilt bullshit.:)

      Glad to help.

  20. How about naming it for the man who inspired Dr. King in his rise to prominence?

    Lincoln Theodore Monroe Andrew Perry was an inspiration to all the African American leaders of the Civil Rights Movement, not only to MLK, and each and every one of those men did their very best to emulate Mr. Perry in every way possible.

    In fact, this little-recognized man still plays a role as the ideal inspiration for every African American public figure today, but his influence is disregarded by his own people!

    Recognize Greatness and Honor It!

  21. Jenee Is So Stupid

    RE: Martin Luther King had a dream. Why is it a nightmare to name a KC street after him?

    Because the street in question ALREADY has a name!

    If we use Jenee's defective logic as an example, we could ask her why she doesn't change her name to "Martin Luther King" as a way to honor him?

  22. TKC readers are so stupid. Just because you have an opinion doesn't mean anyone wants to hear it. Why cant Hoopz understand that I don't like her? Why does she continue to write stories that I don't like? Doesn't she know I don't care about her. Why don't people do what I say?

    1. Well, I can answer some of that. Hoopz literally can't write about anything but narcissistic identity politics. Your personal dislike of Hoopz I can't really speak to.

      Oh wait. You intended irony. Again.

  23. I talked to a black dude and he said they use to cruise the Paseo back in the day, he say he don't want the name change.

    The black people have spoken.

  24. MLK is easier for them to spell than the Paseo.

  25. Will we count the black on black murders separately if they occur on MLK Blvd?

  26. MLK! Blacks! I'm so angry right now! The diaper is really filling up fast! I'm soooooooooooooooooooooo lonely. Help!

  27. I feel we have too many ihings named after injuns, rename everything after george lincoln rockwell and george wallace.

  28. to be fair lets name a street after david duke

  29. Everybody take a deep breath.

    First of all, "The Paseo" actually just means "The Boulevard" in Spanish. In truth, the street has no actual name. Making it "The Paseo Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr." would actually give it a name for the first time.

    Second, Martin Luther King is NOT just a "black hero" -- although special indeed to African-Americans. He is an AMERICAN hero. He did not just lead the fight for legal equality for Americans of all races, but he fought to free all of us to follow our consciences not our prejudices. He fought against an unjust, unnecessary war that took the lives of FIFTY THOUSAND American boys -- mostly white, often poor. He died in Memphis trying to aid in seeking ECONOMIC justice for working people.

    It would be an honor for our City to name our finest street after one of America's finest citizens.

  30. I would name it Go Chicken Go

  31. The Plaza is not a name either. Maybe we should call it the MLK plaza??
    Especially on Saturday nights.

  32. He was also a serial adulterer and a plaigarist. Not qualified for sainthood, but if Carwash Cleaver can get a street named after him, then the bar is set really low.

  33. This Hoop person is a moron. For starters, calling a street after a person doesn’t mean a thing to most of the blacks. They sure don’t mind raising hell and hi jinx on Cleaver Blvd. Secondly, MLK was not the saint the blacks make him out to be. Very few people of any race need to be immortalized in that way. Trees, states, geographical references, etc. are much more suitable namesakes. Finally, I like her line about “monuments can be avoided.” Really? If that’s true, why didn’t Hoop’s people just avoid monuments of the confederacy instead of wailing that they be torn down a few months back. It’s high time America promotes a policy of “if you don’t love it, leave it.” I’m sure Africa would love to have Hoop come home and churn out her jibberish there.

  34. Hoopz is half-white. She has admitted in the past her white family raised her and was failed by her black family. Yet she identifies as black. The only family that was ever there for her is white, yet she hates white people. I subscribed to the Star for over two decades bit dropped it. I would never subscribe with her employed there. The Star should be ashamed to employ a race-baiter.

  35. ^You should be ashamed to be a human being.

    1. Your admonishment makes no sense.

  36. Phil at 2:41

    Hey you really made me think about this. I don't think a street rename is enough of an honor. Why don't we rename Crown Center, the MLK Center?

    Better make a call to the Hall family, Phil. I'm sure they'll be onboard with it.


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