Cashill: Kansas Abortion Stats Inaccurate

Here's where Kansas City's most prolific Conservative shines . . . Fact-checking and mythbusting media spin that most of us accept without much consideration. Check the ring-wing argument that takes apart the terminology involved in this ongoing vacuum slaughter. Read more:

In 2017, The 4,000 Mothers in Kansas Who Aborted A New Child Put Lie to PP Propaganda - The Sentinel

Fox 4 News put a positive spin on the statistics coming out of the Kansas Department of Health and Environment-"Report: Kansas sees fewest abortions in 30 years"-but beneath the spin is a stat that speaks to the lie the abortion industry has been selling to would-be mothers for a half century.


  1. Poor Ole Jack always tilting at windmills. Has he ever accomplished anything, other than selling a few books here and there? Better title The Senile.

  2. Why is anyone surprised that people who butcher babies for a living are above telling a lie?

  3. Why do people feel the need to express their worthless opinions?

  4. Do you mean like you?

  5. ^^Do you mean like you?

  6. Why are men talking about women's reproductive health?

  7. @7:07 What does that have to do with the issue at hand? Attack the messenger much? What have you ever done that is so great?


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